My Mech Queen

Chapter 207

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(Thank you for the reward from the toothbrush student!)

Accompanied by Huang Yelei and Huang Jingqi siblings, Huang Huangjian left Langya and flew to the Central Star District.

Fang Shi and Ye Zhiqiu rushed back to the No. 6 experimental test base non-stop.

It has been more than 20 days since the assassination of Teacher Huang Shujian, and nearly a month has passed. The No. 6 experimental base has calmed down, and the soldiers only talk about one 2 occasionally. After all, this kind of thing is still extremely high on the whole Langya Star. rare.

The first thing that Ye Zhiqiu returned to the experiment base was to convene all the members of the Mirage Working Group for a nearly three-hour meeting. On the one hand, the meeting naturally announced the responsibilities of each member of the Phantom Working Group. Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu was promoted from Vice Group Leader to the leader of the working group, and took over Teacher Huang Shujian ’s work in an all-round way. Made some minor adjustments. Another content of the meeting is about the specific matters of the Phantom Mecha test. Before the test was suddenly terminated, the ground test of the Phantom Mecha was nearing the end, leaving only the last few tests. If everything is successfully completed, the working group can apply for the first The stage’s space test.

After the meeting, the members of the Phantom Working Group began to actively prepare for the restoration of Mecha’s test, but only stayed in the preparation stage, because the actual test requires staff.

Seeing Fang Shi who had disappeared for almost a month, Gu Ruxin was quite delighted, and when he met, he messed up with a bunch of very nutritious concerns.

Fang Shi felt very warm and thought that his adjutant was really good. He was so touched by his boss, but he moved him a little. After a bit of humiliation, he asked about the situation of the recent experimental base and learned that Teacher was assassinated. The incident still had a big impact on the base. Even the top commander of the 37th Army, Mo Zhengqi, came to the base in person and reprimanded the fiercely leader of the Shawentian regiment. He almost removed him directly. 30 The army also sent an ordinary regiment to the experimental base, and at the same time conducted a strict inspection of the entire experimental base.

Early in the morning after 3 days, Fang Shi left the experimental test base 6 and went to the nearest space port to meet the Third Senior Brother and Fourth Senior Sister. In addition to Gu Ruxin, he also has an armed squad of more than 30 people, led by Xiong Xing personally. Although there are fewer people, according to Xiong Xingxing, the people he leads are the elite of the camp.

More than 30 people take a total of 6 cars, which is a small convoy.

The small convoy traveled for more than 5 hours before arriving at the spaceport. Fang Shi learned from Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu about the approximate arrival time of Third Senior Brother and Fourth Senior Sister before coming, and the small team was considered to have arrived 2 or 3 hours in advance. This time, the Senior Senior Brother and the Fourth Senior Sister 2 came together in a medium-sized transport ship. The Senior Senior Brother Su Feichen had seen him early in the morning and was still familiar with it. The Fourth Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun had never been in contact, but I have some understanding from Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu, and it seems to be a rather cold woman.

Fang Shi and the others parked the car in the parking area near the gate of the space port, then sat in the car while chatting and talking, while slowly waiting.

Time passed quickly by one minute and one second.

Two hours later, Fang Shi’s day signal sounded.

Fang Shi glanced at it, it was Third Senior Brother Su Feichen, and quickly pressed the connect button, said with a smile: “Third Senior Brother, have you arrived?”

“Haha, Little Junior Brother, Xiao Yunyun and I have arrived, and the spaceship has just landed.” Tianxun immediately heard a slightly thicker and somewhat familiar voice, it was Third Senior Brother Su Feichen.

“Little Yun Yun ?!” Fang Shi was a little speechless. If there was no wrong guess, the Xiao Yun Yun in the Senior Senior Brother Su Feichen’s mouth should be Fourth Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun. Is it so intimate that 2 people have an affair? Senior Sister Ye Zhiqiu didn’t seem to stop talking before.

Su Feichen laughed and said, “Xiao Yunyun is your Fourth Senior Sister, or else I would like to say 2 sentences to you, Xiao Yunyun Senior Sister, I’ll pass it to her, Xiao Yunyun, small …”

“pa ……”

There was a woman ’s voice at the not at all in Tianxun, but there was only a crisp sound.

“Oh, Xiao Yunyun, how cruel are you to murder the Senior Brother?” Third Senior Brother Su Feichen’s voice of grievances sounded again.

“Hmph, Su Feichen, you dare to yell again, be careful I smash your mouth.” It was a woman coldly snorted, her voice was quite beautiful, and she was angry.

When Fang Shi heard the voice from Tianxun, he was a little speechless for a moment. This is how it sounds. Is n’t Third Senior Brother Su Feichen slapped by Fourth Senior Sister? The relationship seems to be more and more complicated.

“Then … that, Senior Senior Brother, are you okay?” Fang Shi asked slightly embarrassedly.

Su Feichen on the other side of Tianxun responded quickly, said with a smile: “It’s okay, Xiaoyun … Your Senior Sister looks like she’s not going to pick up Tianxun now.”

Fang Shi light un’ed, replied: “Third Senior Brother, I am now at Exit 5 of the Space Port.”

Su Feichen said: “Okay, Exit 5, see you later.”

“see you later.”

Fang Shi dropped the news, looked at the side adjutant Gu Ruxin, and said, “My Senior Brother and Senior Sister have arrived. I will wait for them at the gate.”

Gu Ruxin immediately replied: “Well, sir, let me go with you.”

“up to you.”

Fang Shi did not object, but pushed the door to get out of the car and greeted Xiong Xingxing.

Xiong Xingxing hearing this, immediately got out of the car, and ordered two brothers to follow up, and grinned in his mouth: “Sir, safety is the most important thing.”

Fang Shi intended to keep Xiong Xingxing and the others in the car, but this Xiong Xingxing was not at ease. It seemed to have been alerted by the assassination of the experimental test base 6 recently.

In this regard, Fang Shi had no choice but to resign. The matter before the Teacher was assassinated was naturally in his mind. The other party was just revenge on the incident of the Saturn star more than ten years ago. However, Xiong Xingxing and the others did not know the reason, and thought that someone should aim at the working group to which Fang Shi belongs, and now it is natural to guard against one 2 carefully.

Soon, 3 strong soldiers including Fang Shi, Gu Ruxin and Xiong Xingxing walked to the exit gate 5 and waited.

Fang Shi’s eyes looked at the spaceport from time to time. After a while, he found a rather familiar silhouette, which is Third Senior Brother Su Feichen. Su Feichen had short black hair, square-faced, and full beard. He looked rather rugged. He saw a large box on his left hand. In front of him was a woman wearing a black wind gown, shoulder-length black hair, and a wide pair of sunglasses on the bridge of the nose, covering the small half of the face, but the exquisite five officials and the nakedness exposed from him The slender reminder can be seen that she should be a beautiful woman, but her face is like a frost on the ground, like a stranger.

Fang Shi looked at the woman in the black trench coat from afar, and already guessed that she should be Fourth Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun.

“Yun Yun, you wait for Senior Brother, Senior Brother is carrying the suitcase for you.” Su Feichen followed Xiao Lingyun in front of her all the time, a bitter gourd said flatly with a flattering face, and his cheek had a side It is a quite clear red palm print, coupled with his humble servant posture of bitter gourd.

Xiao Lingyun frowned slightly, the reeds stepped slowly, looked towards Su Feichen behind him, and his eyes covered in sunglasses were slightly cold glow.

Su Feichen in the back was shivered, and his forward steps stopped quickly, and he subconsciously stepped back 2 steps, said with frustration: “I said Junior Sister, this little Yunyun is not allowed to call, I have changed it Well, what’s wrong with calling Yun Yun, it doesn’t seem that we are closer, it means that we are fellow apprentices, good relationship, “

Xiao Lingyun frowned more tightly.

Su Feichen laughed and said, “Okay, wow, I saw Little Junior Brother, look over there, go, go, this time must have a drink with him, Little Junior Brother …”

Xiao Lingyun coldly snorted, but did not continue to ignore Su spaceship and walked quickly towards the exit.

Su Feichen followed Xiao Lingyun while shouting.

Soon, Su Feichen and Xiao Lingyun went out of the space port.

With a faint smile, Fang Shi said politely: “Senior Brother, Senior Sister.”

Xiong Xingxing, who was standing behind Fang Shi, and other three people seemed quite on the way. Seeing that they were the people Fang Shi wanted to greet, they immediately took the big suitcase in the hands of Su Feichen.

Su Feichen was also polite. He handed over two big suitcases to Xiong Xingxing, and then a big bear hugged Fang Shi, with his palms behind his back, pats heavily, said with a laugh: “Little Junior Brother, we finally meet again.”

Fang Shi is staggering, and I can’t think of the Third Senior Brother as enthusiastic. If you can shoot lightly, of course, it’s nothing serious in my heart, and the surface is still full of smiles.

Standing by Gu Ruxin was slightly blushed with shame, but in his heart was whispering that the bear hug etiquette was not too enthusiastic, I do n’t know because these two men are so good.

Xiao Lingyun just slammed Fang Shi nodded slightly, and didn’t say much, but her cold, frost-like expression had slightly diminished.

Fang Shi and Su Feichen separated, and immediately said, “The car is over there, let’s go.”

Soon, the entire group got into the car and drove towards the No. 6 experimental test base.

Fang Shi, Su Feichen, Xiao Lingyun and Gu Ruxin were sitting in the same car, of which Gu Ruxin was responsible for driving, Xiao Lingyun was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and Fang Shi and Su Feichen were sitting in the back row.

Soon after getting on the bus, Su Feichen said unreservedly: “haha, Little Junior Brother, you have a lot of good fortune in love affairs, there is such a beautiful little Xinxin as adjutant at the base, and Xiaoxinxin’s car looks good. Frankly speaking, do you have any wrongdoings with Xiaoxinxin? Or have you been attempted? “Su Feichen also asked Gu Ruxin’s name before getting on the bus.

Fang Shi was a little speechless immediately. It was nothing to talk about in private, but now it is said in Gu Ruxin’s face, and it seems to be amplifying the sound deliberately, so that others may not hear it. Okay, it seems that people are not familiar with you.

Su Feichen said, and frowned at Fang Shi, as if to convey something.

However, Fang Shi was completely confused by what Sufi said, and for a time, he didn’t know what to do with Su Feichen.

Gu Ruxin, who was driving in front of him, heard Su Feichen’s words of a crackle, his cheeks flashed a little blush, almost didn’t even hold the steering wheel, and there was a chill in his heart.

Fang Shi scratched his head and said, “Senior Brother, let’s change our words …”

Not waiting for Fang Shi to finish, Su Feichen chuckled and said: “Yo, Xiaoxinxin’s cheeks are red, haha, it seems that you really have ghosts, Little Junior Brother is really powerful!”

Su Feichen raised her thumbs to Fang Shi while talking.

Fang Shi was suddenly speechless and swallowed back when he spoke.

Gu Ruxin’s cheeks turned crimson, the senior brother of the senior is unavoidable … for a time she couldn’t find any suitable words to describe the full-beard unscrupulous uncle.

Suddenly, Xiao Lingyun sitting on the co-pilot said coldly: “Su Feichen, can you shut up for me.” There was strong dissatisfaction in the words, and the tone was cold.

Su Feichen hearing this slightly stunned, chuckled and said: “Xiao Yunyun, don’t be angry, I don’t say anything … Ah … What do you want to do, do you want to murder your good Senior Brother …”

While Su Feichen spoke frivolous, Xiao Lingyun was coldly snorted, and suddenly pulled out a silver pistol from the black trench coat and aimed at Su Feichen in the back row.

Fang Shi saw Fourth Senior Sister Xiao Lingyun suddenly pulled out his pistol, started, how to say it came to the point of drawing guns, and looking at the frosty and serious expression on Senior Sister’s face, it doesn’t seem to be a joke , He couldn’t help but chill, said: “Senior Sister ……”

Gu Ruxin, who was driving, saw the sudden change, and his blushing face was also shocked. Hu Zuncle had more words, but there was no need to pull the gun!

“Junior Sister … My good Junior Sister … Is it wrong if I am wrong.”

Su Feichen saw the silver pistol, and the smile on his face slightly turned into a look of sincere confession.

“Hmph, late.”

Xiao Lingyun lightly snorted, already pulling the trigger in his hand.


A blue electric current was ejected from the silver pistol, in the middle of Su Feichen


Su Feichen finally spit out a word, his body shivered like an electric shock, 2 eyes fell black.

Fang Shi took a quick look at the side Su Feichen, and in his mouth was anxiously shouting: “Senior Brother ……”

Xiao Lingyun didn’t even look at it, coldly said: “Relax, it’s just a current gun, specially prepared for him, just let him sleep well, lest his stinky mouth talk nonsense. By the way, do you need Need me to hypnotize you? “

“No … no more … I don’t usually talk nonsense …” Fang Shi complexion stiffened, cold sweat slightly, and the Third Senior Brother and Fourth Senior Sister were completely speechless in my heart, they are all talents!

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