My Master Is a God

Chapter 3161: We want to ask God to help a sacred tree

After the child watered the weeds carefully, he picked up the water hyacinth and drank it himself.


After the violent cow drinking, he almost vomited a full hiccup, and then he handed the water hyacinth to Yang Yiyun a little bit reluctantly, "Thank you, big brother."

Thank you very politely and bow.

After speaking, he asked in a low voice: "Are you the God from outside?"

"Why do you ask?" Yang Yiyun was curious, but instead of picking up the water hyacinth, he smiled and said: "This water hyacinth is given to you. In the future, you can drink as much water as you want. You can drink it generously or even water the weeds. ."

While speaking, Yang Yiyun waved his hand to portray a water gathering array on the water hyacinth, so that the water attribute power between the heaven and the earth could be converted into water and stored in the water hyacinth. In theory, as long as the water gathering array is not bad, the water hyacinth The water will not dry.

These methods, for him now, are in fact small tricks that he does casually, but he knows what this gourd water means to this child.

It was also a chance for him to run into this child, so it would be harmless to help.

The child's action to protect the weeds touched him a lot.

It can also be seen that there is a shortage of water here.

"Because grandpa said, our environment is too bad, it's not God that ordinary people can't enter, you are not ours, you wear luxurious clothes, and there is no dust on your clothes. Ordinary people can't do it in this dusty environment. Your clothes won’t get any dust, so I guess you’re a **** from outside.”

The child speaks clearly, has reason, observes meticulously, is logical and thinking.

Yang Yiyun was a little surprised. The child was only fourteen or five years old, but he didn't expect his thinking to be so clear.

Smiled and nodded and said: "You can treat me as a **** from outside~"

"Ah... Are you really a god?"

After receiving Yang Yiyun's admission, it was the child's turn to be surprised now, with the beads in his eyes widening, incredibly sure.

"That's right~" Yang nodded with a smile.

"" The child stammered for a while.

Yang Yiyun could see that he was very excited.

But he didn't expect that in the next moment, the child ran away and disappeared into Yang Yiyun's sight in a blink of an eye.

But there was a shout in the wind.

"Grandpa... Grandpa has a goddess..."

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly, but he didn't care, because he had already guessed that the child was calling an adult.

Not in a hurry, the child yelled to leave, indicating that there are other people here, if that's the case, just wait.

Yang Yiyun left in no hurry. From this child's action to protect a weed, his heart fluctuated, and he felt that there was a story here, and he was interested in learning about it.

Sure enough, about ten minutes later, Yang Yiyun heard footsteps.

And many, it seems there are hundreds of people.

It didn't take long for a figure to appear in the dust ahead.

As he got closer and closer, Yang Yiyun saw that the child who had gone back and forth was among them. In front of him was a gray-haired old man. Looking at the old age, he trembled with the support of two middle-aged strong men. Came in a hurry.

Before Yang Yiyun was in front of him, more than ten meters away, he saw the old man open his mouth and said: "Guo Wangang, a young man in Greenwood City, leads the city residents to worship God, God Wanjiang."

They were all mortals, and Yang Yiyun saw them with a single sweep. They didn't have any cultivation bases, but they had very strong physical qualities.

A wave of magic power helped them all up and said: "Old Zhang does not need to be polite, I have traveled here, but I am disturbing you."

"God is polite, it is our honor for you to come to our Greenwood City." The old man Guo Wangang, who claims to be Greenwood City, spoke with a bit of excitement, and seemed to be looking forward to a good God.

Then he said: "I also thank God for giving water to my grandson." After finishing speaking, he said to the child next to him: "Guo Yi kowtowed to God."

Yang Yiyun stopped and said, "As soon as I see this child, it is the fate. It is not enough to give a small gift, so you don't have to be polite."

"Shangshen Wanjiang." Guo Wangang thanked him: "The ground is too dusty. Would you like Shangshen to move into my inner green wood city as a guest?"

"Then you have to work~" Yang Yiyun was not polite, and wanted to get in touch with these people.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Guo Wangang, the group came to a huge building, which looked like a big hall, but fortunately it was still in good condition, looking like it could shelter from wind and rain.

After walking in, Yang Yiyun discovered that there was a gate in this hall, leading directly to the ground.

Yang Yiyun was surprised. Could it be that these people live underground?

Guo Wangang seemed to know what Yang Yiyun was thinking, and said as he walked: "A long time ago we lived in the city on the ground, but as the environment gets worse and worse, the wind and sand can blow people away, and there is no water on the ground. We can only build it underground, and all have moved underground to live."

"There is water underground?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Guo Wangang cried and said with a smile: "At the beginning, after the ground water source dries up, we went underground, and there was an underground river underground, but the underground river began to wither slowly over the past century, and now we drink water every day. Only enough for daily life."

"Have you ever thought of leaving here and going to other places?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Guo Wangang smiled bitterly and said: "The Gods do not know. Our Greenwood City is China and the West. The surrounding area is full of wind, sand, loess and drought. Tornadoes are rampant. The environment is a hundred times worse than that of Greenwood City. You can save your life here, and go out... it's all mortal flesh, let alone eight thousand miles, even eight hundred miles can kill you."

When Yang Yiyun heard it, this is also true~

In the harsh environment, a mortal body really can't go out eight thousand miles.

He thought about it and asked, "You...have there been no gods cultivators here?"

Just as he spoke, Yang Yiyun's sight suddenly lit up, but a huge underground space appeared.

It seems to be a large natural cave, which is very large at first glance, at least 30,000 meters in diameter.

"God, we are here. We are in front of the little old man's house. Let's go home first. I want to ask God about some things. Let's talk slowly." Guo Wangang said.

"Good~" Yang Yiyun nodded.

Along the way, the ground is cut from a kind of bright yellow stone, and the buildings in the large space in the distance are made of earthy yellow with halo material, so although they are underground, they are not dim and very bright.

A dungeon appeared.

After entering the city, there were many places where Yang Yiyun saw the weeds that Guo Wangang’s grandson Guo Yi had protected on the ground, and was planted in a specially constructed garden. Other than that, there was nothing left. .

And there is a river in the city, but it seems that the river is dry.

Yang Yiyun can't figure out how these people live?

Since it is a mortal, eating is a problem. Even if the water of the underground river is only enough to survive now, the water is still a little bit, so what to eat?

This is a problem.

Following Guo Wangang, Yang Yiyun came to a hall in the city. This was Guo Wangang's home, and he was also the lord of the city.

Walking into the hall, Guo Wangang asked Yang Yiyun to do it, and some women who looked like servants brought some food. There was a kind of food similar to sweet potatoes, with a real aroma, and it smelled good.

There are also three big dishes of meat, Yang Yiyun doesn't know what kind of meat it is, not enough without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual energy, he knows that it is the meat of ordinary beasts.

After these were on the table, eight more gray-haired old men came in outside, who looked similar to Guo Wangang's age, and all came tremblingly.

After these came in, Guo Wangang led eight old men to kneel to Yang Yiyun and shouted: "Please also God's mercy to save me the citizens of Greenwood City~"

"Please God's mercy, save me the name of Greenwood City..."

The eight old men behind them all knelt down.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly: "You idiots, what do you want me to save? Let's all get up, look at each one of you who are older than me, don't kneel down at all, and tell me something slowly, if I can do it. I will do my best for you."

"Thank God, thank God~"

Guo Wangang was overjoyed, and then got up with the other old men.

When they heard Yang Yiyun's reply, they were very happy. When they wanted to come, their problem was not a problem in the eyes of the gods.

"Everyone sits down and talks. If you have something to say slowly, I am actually quite curious about you here." Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

After the nine old men took their seats, Guo Wangang, headed by him, said to the young grandson Guo Yi next to him: "Yi'er will pour water on God."

"It's Grandpa~"

Guo Yi was very sensible. When he came to Yang Yiyun, he took out the water hyacinth that Yang Yiyun had given him and poured Yang Yiyun a glass of water.

Yang Yiyun touched Guo Yi's head and looked at Guo Wangang and said, "Say, what are you asking for?"

Guo Wangang hesitated and got up and said, "We want to ask God to help a sacred tree."

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