My Master Is a God

Chapter 2757: Don't let the old man down, little guy

"Who are you?"

After all, Ling Xiaotian didn't do anything. Seeing Yang Yiyun stand up, he asked such a sentence knowingly.

It was true that what happened in the Demon Shendao Palace that day was told by his subordinates when he came back, so he naturally knew that this white-haired human race was named Yang Yiyun, who was the master of the two great gods of Medusa and Granny Shahu.

They also discussed specifically with Yang Yiyun, that he actually wanted to rush to the Demon Shendao Palace directly, but he was stopped by the Grand Palace Master.

There are two reasons.

First, the Holy Way and God's Domain is the top priority.

Second, how can a minor repair that seems to be a primary **** master be called the master by the two great prides?

This is unreasonable, unless this little **** is a person who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and his own way goes beyond heaven.

And that day, his subordinates witnessed with their own eyes and ears that all the powerful people in the Demon God's Taoist Palace headed by Xiong Youtian all met Yang Yiyun with their junior ceremonies.

So it can only be said that Yang Yiyun is indeed a strong man.

So at this moment, I was stopped by the Great Palace Master of the Gods and Demon Dao Palace and told him that the Holy Dao Divine Realm is the key point. As long as you get a chance at the Saint Man’s Dojo, you can increase your strength. At that time, Yang Yiyun will be a strong man. Still have the strength to kill Yang Yiyun and avenge his son Ling Tianzi.

Now the enemy was right in front of him, but Ling Xiaotian didn't dare to take it rashly.

Because Yang Yiyun stood up, showing that he was the master of Medusa, and the eyes of Yang Yiyun, such as Xiong Youtian, Shenmu Patriarch and others, were full of awe.

Doesn't this mean that Yang Yiyun is really a strong man?

So Ling Xiaotian came to ask a question.

But then Yang Yiyun's answer made him confuse him.

I only heard Yang Yiyun smile and said, "I am just a little human monk, a junior **** master~"


This answer stunned the other five heavenly powers around Ling Xiaotian.

But Yang Yiyun’s answer stopped in Ling Xiaotian’s ears, but it was Yang Yiyun who insulted his IQ~

The ghost believes that you are a little god?

A little **** can make two great heavenly powers master?

Can the eyes of the two dignified palace masters, Shenmu Patriarch and Xiong Youtian, be full of awe?

Want to paralyze this seat?

Would you like to let this seat relax your vigilance?

This seat will not be fooled.

Ling Xiaotian thought like this in his heart.

The more Yang Yiyun answers like this, the more reactionary it will be in his heart.

This is Yang Yiyun's mental tactics.

"Hehe, no matter who you are in this seat, you... Since your subordinates killed my son, you must give this seat an explanation, otherwise you will be an enemy of my gods and demons." At this moment, Ling Xiaotian can only give Yang Yiyun. Pressure, pressure Yang Yiyun with the God and Demon Taoist Palace.

If he was really asked to attack Yang Yiyun, he would really not dare, what if Yang Yiyun was a super strong?

Isn't it looking for death?

And the most important thing at the moment is to delay time and wait for the great palace lord to complete the test inside to obtain the treasure, and then it will not be too late to unite with the great palace lord to deal with Yang Yiyun.

"Okay, let me give you an explanation, and teach you the methods of the left deputy palace lord of the Gods and Demons Dao Palace. Haha, I haven't done anything in an era. It's good to move this old bone today. , I hope you don’t let the old man down~"

Yang completely turned on the X mode, but he gently rubbed his palms and fists while speaking, and walked forward slowly, looking like he was about to start with Ling Xiaotian and the others in the distance.

When he looked at Ling Xiaotian, his eyes were full of contempt and playful abuse, just like looking at ants, with playfulness.

But this time Ling Xiaotian felt even more frustrated, what did Yang Yiyun say?

The old man hasn't moved his hands in an era. Don't let the old man down, little guy?

That means it sounds like another thing, don’t die so fast, let the old man play with all his heart, plus the eyes full of contempt, look at him like an ant, either a madman, or a real super strong By.

Moreover, when he came forward, Ling Xiaotian was a little messy in his heart.

"Master and they are not worthy of your action, just let the old man and Medusa clear their way for the master."

At the critical moment, Granny Shahu spoke very tacitly, and her figure stood in front of Yang Yiyun for a moment, setting off Yang from a high level.

In an instant, Xiong Youtian, Shenmu ancestors and others also recovered, and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Senior doesn't need to do it. Let us do things like Ling Xiaotian. He doesn't know if you do it, Senior."

"Yes, we are here, how can I let Senior take action? He is not worthy of Ling Xiaotian..."

There was a cry of please.

Yang finally stopped, but he let out a long sigh in his heart, and secretly said: "It's so dangerous, I finally passed a level."

Secretly gave Granny Shahu a thumbs up, she really deserves to be Granny Shahu, the old fox, knowing his thoughts, speak out at critical moments, otherwise he will be really exposed, and he has already taken two steps.

The words of Granny Shahu caused the roar of Shenmu ancestor and Xiong Youtian and others behind her.

The morale of all the big demon gods was mobilized.

Yang expressed some regrets on the surface: "Oh, I wanted to have fun, but you guys... well, just think of a little demon god. It's really not worthy of the old man to take action. In that case, everyone listens carefully. Time It is extremely precious, and their gods and demons do not want us to gain the slightest gain, which is tantamount to ruining all of you.

In this way, if you want to reap the rewards, there is only one way to go. To fight for time and make a quick decision, first kill the six watchdogs of Ling Xiaotian and kill them. "

Yang seized the opportunity, flashed the morale of the people, and shouted at the last kill.

Immediately headed by the ancestor of Shenmu, the eleven big monsters and gods rushed to Ling Xiaotian and other six heavenly masters.

In fact, of the six gates, only Ling Xiaotian is the second heaven of heaven, and the rest are three heavens and the other, two are the realm of heaven, facing eleven Shenmu ancestors, they really are not opponents.

In addition, Yang was fanning the flames, and this exploded.



"It's been a long time to see you **** in the Gods and Demons Dao Palace not pleasing to the eye..."


There was a roar.

The war broke out.

The eruption of the Heavenly Dao level cannot be underestimated.

The scene is actually one-sided.

After all, the six headed by Ling Xiaotian occupies the head of the Gods and Demons Dao Palace, while Shenmu Patriarch, Xiong Youtian and others occupy the upper hand.

As soon as the two sides confronted each other, Ling Xiaotian six people retreated steadily, and in a blink of an eye they turned around and ran into the hall.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "We will go into the main hall after the victory, this is the Palace of Medicine King, don't let the magic medicine be cheaper than the people of the gods and demons..."

Then the demon gods chased into the hall without his reminder.

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