My Master Is a God

Chapter 2744: Please don't forgive me

It's strange that Yang Yiyun wasn't worried, but he glanced at the Shahu Granny and Medusa, who were like two great guardians, and then looked at the bear girl Xiong Huan who secretly glanced at him from time to time, and he felt relieved.

With the combat power composed of the three goddesses and the chaos clock in his hands, Yang Yiyun believed it was worth seeing.

Isn't it just a double heaven, come on!

Yang stood with his hand holding his hand, his face was calm and unpredictable, pretending to be unpredictable, waiting for the ancestor of Shenmu to come.

And what about the ancestor of Shenmu?

In fact, I saw Yang Yiyun for the first time and heard about Yang Yiyun’s deeds from the Honglianfu population. In fact, he was skeptical in his heart. How could a **** who looked like a primary **** or a personal race surpassed him? The powerhouse of heaven?

It must be exaggerated.

Really a strong person, in the heart of the gods and demons ancestors, it is the second stage of the heavens at most, for example, is it a triple heaven that is stronger than his dual rules of heaven and righteousness?

However, in Mrs. Hong Lian's mouth, Xiong Youtian called Yang Yiyun a predecessor, and there are indeed two great heavenly powers around Yang Yiyun who call Yang Yiyun the master. This is what Hong Lian has seen with his own eyes.

This situation makes Shenmu ancestors uncertain, because he knows what it means to be a powerful person in the heavens, how can the dignity of the heavens be called a servant of a human race?

This is impossible, unless this person has a special place, or is a superficial mountain **** master who secretly possesses real means.

In this regard, the ancestor of Shenmu is full of curiosity.

If Yang Yiyun is really a strong man, then they will definitely not be suppressed by the Gods and Demons Dao Palace as before when they travel to the Holy Path God Realm, and they will be a step behind everywhere.

There is only one strong among them, so the appearance of Yang Yiyun is very important to the ancestor of Shenmu.

This matter is of great importance. It is related to everyone's safety after entering the Holy Path and God Realm. Shenmu ancestors have to treat it with caution.

Walking towards Yang Yiyun step by step, the ancestor of Shenmu looked like a torch, and fell on Yang Yiyun, which indeed seemed to be the cultivation base of a primary **** master.

Really puzzled the ancestors of Shenmu.

Is this kid really a god?


If it is really a god, the two heavenly realities will recognize him as the master?

It is impossible.

As far as his eyes could be, Yang Yiyun stared at him inconveniently.

It was calm and clear, but it looked as deep as a galaxy.

This is what the ancestor of Shenmu saw from Yang Yiyun's eyes.

I can't see through at all.

This shocked the ancestor Shenmu. It was the first time he saw such complicated and unpredictable eyes.

Yang Yiyun was the first.

Originally, he wanted to explore Yang Yiyun with his spiritual knowledge, but after seeing Yang Yiyun's eyes, he suddenly turned off.

If Yang Yiyun was really a junior **** master, he would just look at it with his spiritual sense, but what if he didn't?

If it is not, it is a big taboo for the divine sense to check another god.

In case Yang Yiyun is really a powerful heavenly powerhouse, his divine sense will surely turn his face when he looks at the past, but it will not end well at that time.

Maybe it's just stealing chickens and losing rice.

The ancestor of Shenmu stared at Yang Yiyun calmly for a while, becoming more and more unable to see through, and even at a certain moment he felt a whirl of the sky, and he was shocked, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

But I didn't notice any sweat on my forehead.

The ancestor of Shenmu now believes that Yang Yiyun is a low-key hidden powerhouse. He is a powerhouse with the dignified rules of heaven and righteousness. Who can make him stare and dizzy?

Don't even think about the five layers of heaven.

But Pianpian Yang Yiyun gave him such a look.

In this way, Yang Yiyun is indeed a strong man in the heart of Shenmu ancestor, perhaps a strong man who has transcended the rules of heaven.

This is the big power.

He was rash.

A strong rule that transcends the profound meaning of the rules, that is the existence of the He Dao realm, the realm he all looked up to.

Never offend the strong.

Shenmu ancestor thought to himself.

Taking a deep breath, the ancestor of Shenmu came to Yang Yiyun, respectfully clasped his fists and bowed in salute: "Shimu Taoist Palace Shenmu has seen seniors."


At this moment, someone in Yang often took a sigh of relief and secretly said: "Finally, I concealed it, thanks to Hun Yuan."

Thinking about it just now, Yang Yiyun knew that the ancestor of Shenmu would look at him and test whether he was a monk who seemed to be the Lord of God, whether he was strong or not, he would definitely have some observations.

I had already prepared in my heart. Sure enough, the old wood's gaze fell on him like a blade, and it was staring straight into his eyes, which made him flustered.

But he knew that he had to deal with the past, otherwise he would be in big trouble when his achievements were exposed.

When Shenmu ancestors looked at his eyes, Yang Yiyun was blessed with his soul, and suddenly thought of Hun Yuan. The eyes are the window of the soul, and it is easy to show his feet. What should I do?

He thought of Hun Yuan in a hurry.

Hun Yuan secretly moved his eyes.

Don't you want to find the bottom through your eyes?

Then I'll show you enough.

If Hun Yuan couldn't be the ancestor of Shenmu at one go, Yang Yiyun would have to admit defeat and pretend to be unable to continue.

But he has confidence in Hun Yuan Yi Qi, because Hun Yuan Yi Qi is the power that transcends the Three Realms left by the gods of the Universe when he is in harmony. He believes that Shenmu ancestors still can't see through.

Sure enough, after using Hunyuan Qi, the ancestor of Shenmu suffered a loss.

He knew that this hurdle was over, and the ancestor of Shenmu would no longer doubt his identity as a strong man, which meant that no one would doubt him, which would be very helpful for what he would do in this group next.

Seeing the ancestors of Shenmu bowing to salute seniors, Yang said with no expression on his face, but he snorted lightly: "I don't dare to be the courtesy of the Lord of Shenmu, this seat is just a little junior. It's just a god-man."

As soon as he said this, the ancestor Shenmu's heart suddenly tightened, and there were a few more beads of sweat on his forehead, and his heart was bitter, and he would not doubt this predecessor if he had known it. Now it is all right, he is dissatisfied with himself.

The more Yang Yiyun said this, saying that he was the little **** master, the more Shenmu ancestors believed that he was the strong.

"You are a little god, a ghost~ The eyes of the little **** can make my ancestor dizzy~" Shenmu ancestor listened to Yang Yiyun's dissatisfied words and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

But I just thought about it in my heart, I dared not say it, and quickly apologized: "The junior is rash. This trip to the Holy Path and God's Domain is indeed a matter of great importance. The junior apologizes to the senior, please forgive the senior... "

Yang has great joy in his heart. This is the most powerful of these people. Now he is still trembling in front of my buddy.

Of course, Yang will not show the slightest fluctuation on his face, but he also knows the truth about accepting as soon as he sees it.

Coupled with the fact that Xiong Youtian came out to make the rounds, Yang snorted: "Okay, everyone is a group from now on, I don't want any suspicion, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face."

"Yes, yes, remember what the predecessor said, the Shenmu will never have it." Shenmu quickly promised, he was finally relieved, and was forgiven by the predecessor. It was so dangerous.

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