My Master Is a God

Chapter 2742: Shenmadao Palace is the strongest

In the hall of the Demon Shendao Palace the next day, everything was ready to continue.

Yang Yiyun brought Medusa and Shahu Granny, two masters of the heavenly realm to the left and right.

"Senior, let's set off?" Xiong Youtian was also surrounded by the lord of the second palace, Tianhe, and the lord of the third palace, and of course his daughter Xiong Huan.

"Okay~" Yang Yiyun was naturally also ready. In addition to leaving the two hundred good guards in the Demon Shendao Palace for the time being, Yu Linglong, Sand Fox Saint, Teng Snake, Earth Spirit Yuan and Huang Shulang were all taken by him. Into the universe pot.

For these close people, Yang Yiyun naturally wouldn’t let them stay in the Demon God’s Taoist Palace. Not only was he worried about safety, he might be able to help with them at critical times. In addition, if they had a chance, they could also get involved. Copies.


Coming out of the Demon Shendao Palace, Xiong Youtian waved his hand directly, and a portal appeared in the space shock, opening the door of the space, everyone went directly in, and then came out and appeared on the endless deserted sea.

"Senior, we have arrived. This is the boundary between the north and south of the deserted sea. Once again we have to wait for others to arrive, and we also need to wait for the emergence of the deserted sea hurricane and tsunami. The entrance of the Holy Path and the Divine Realm is on the bottom of the sea." Xiong Youtian explained.

Yang Yiyun was not surprised by the supernatural powers in the space between Xiong Youtian's wave of hands. The supernatural powers of the powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao level had reached an unbelievable level, not to mention that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary gods.

Yang Yiyun was actually envious of such arbitrary supernatural powers, and he was also thinking in his heart that in the future, he would definitely work hard to cultivate and strive to enter the realm of heaven as soon as possible.

At that time, he can also display many magical abilities with a wave of hands.

In fact, after reaching the level of Heavenly Dao, it is the pinnacle of understanding of magical powers and mana manipulation. There are many magical powers that can be created entirely on their own.

It will not stay at this level at all. Relatively speaking, supernatural powers and spells are already auxiliary, and they will experience more advanced power.

Just as Yang Yiyun's thoughts were flying in a hurry, Xiong Youtian opened the mouth and said: "If the seniors appear from the Gods and Demons, they still have to be more careful at that time. They are the most shameless."

Yang Yiyun's heart moved: "Lao Xiong seems to be very difficult to deal with the people in the Gods and Demon Dao Palace. Is it stronger than your Demon Shen Dao Palace? Didn't I hear that your Eternal God Realm and the Three Great Dao Palaces are all equally famous?"

Xiong Youtian smiled bitterly and said, "Seniors don’t know. It sounds like my Demon Shendao Palace, Shenmadao Palace, and Shimudao Palace are all equally famous, but in fact it is not the case. The Shenmadao Palace is the most powerful of our Three Dadao Palaces. Because of this, there will be more forces surrounding the Gods and Demons Dao Palace, of course I mean those powerhouses at the Heavenly Dao level.

After countless years, in fact, if it were not for the combination of my demon-shen Taoist palace and the stone-wood Taoist palace, it would have been swallowed by the gods and demons' Taoist palace a long time ago, or our two avenue palaces were united together, but still in the lower division, or to be suppressed by the gods and demons Tao palace. One end.

This is also the reason why I strongly invite seniors to join this time. Without a strong person, even if we enter the Holy Path and God Realm, we will suffer a loss. "

"Why? Tell me about the strength of the Divine Demon Dao Palace." Yang Yiyun couldn't help but frowned at this time.

Xiong Youtian said bitterly: "The three palace masters of the Gods and Demons Dao Palace are all strong in the rules of the heavenly realm. The five rules and the profound meanings, the grand palace master understands the triple, and the second palace master Ling Xiaotian is also the Ling who was killed by the senior's Medusa The emperor's father is the two-fold principle of the heavenly way, and the Lord of the Three Palaces understands that Yizhong is at the same level as me.

The realm of Heavenly Dao is already very difficult. After practicing to the realm of Heavenly Dao, it is even more difficult to comprehend the profound meaning of the five rules, not to mention the existence of the profound meaning of the triple rules.

Therefore, for countless years, the Gods and Demons Dao Palace has pressured our demons and the Shimu Dao Palace, and the other Heavenly Dao powerhouses around the Gods and Demon Dao Palace should be more numerous.

And the two great powers of the Wild Sea and the North and the South are the only good relations with my Demon God Temple and Stone Wood Road Temple, but their respective forces in the North and South Wild Seas also have a strong power in the heavens. They are the two who met in my Taoist Temple that day, the South China Sea. The quasi-sage of the mysterious turtle and the quasi-sage of the northern fish of the North Sea.

In this case, it means that there are only eight strong men of Heaven that we can gather, but this time adding the three of you, even if there are eleven, if you count my daughter, Xiong Huan, it will be twelve. .

But the God and Demon Dao Palace alone is powerful enough for the appearance of the three major palace masters. In the past, there were nine Heavenly Dao people around the God and Demon Dao Palace, and the same twelve people, but they are stronger than us in terms of strength.

Because the great palace lord of the Gods and Demons Dao Palace is a strong master of the triple rules of the heavenly realm, Ling Xiaotian, the second palace lord, is even more double, one level higher than my cultivation base.

However, seniors don’t need to worry, the Grand Palace Master of the Stone Wood Taoist Palace is a powerhouse with the rules of heaven and righteousness and two heavens, so coupled with you, senior, this time we can indeed achieve a kind of relationship with the Gods and Demons Tao Palace. Balance, I believe that after entering the Holy Way God Realm, there will be no loss. "

After Xiong Youtian finished speaking, Yang Yiyun nodded on the surface to seem like a bottleneck, but he was tumbling in his heart, cursing Xiong Youtian secretly, your uncle, do you mean you are expecting the buddies to deal with the great palace master of the gods and demons?

That's really a powerhouse of the three layers of heaven, and I'm probably going to be ashes when I touch it. How do you make me deal with it?

Of course, Yang Yiyun did not dare to say this, and now he can only put this strong man to the end, only begging not to be attacked by the Gods and Demons Dao Palace. If this is a move, he, the supernatural Dao powerhouse in the eyes of Xiong Youtian, will be the first time Exposed.

It is indeed that the power of the Gods and Demons Dao Palace is weakened.

But what can I do now?

I've already arrived at the place, I can't say goodbye, buddies, don't you?

If that's the case, Yang Yiyun believes that Xiong Youtian must fry him in the first place to protect him.

However, Yang Yiyun glanced at the bear girl behind Xiong Youtian, but he was inexplicably relieved. Although he did not know how strong the bear girl was, he felt that it would be them after the bear girl burst into madness. The most powerful of them.

In this regard, Yang Yiyun seemed to believe that Xiong Youtian, the father, didn't even know how powerful his daughter was.

As long as it can resist the existence of the threefolds of the Lord's Way of Heaven, Yang Yiyun thought about it carefully, and maybe it really wouldn't be a big problem.

Because he still has the blood of the bear girl in his hand, he can increase his strength three times in a short time. This is a big killer.

But I don't know how much Xiong Nui's blood can improve against the powerhouse of Heavenly Dao level?

Will it also triple?

Of course, even if it is not tripled, as long as it is doubled by a fraction or something, the situation can be reversed at the level of the realm of heaven.

After thinking of this, Yang Yiyun felt quite relieved.

Because Xiong Nu was obedient to him, Yang Yiyun was the owner of Xiong Nu.

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