My Master Is a God

Chapter 2728: Shenlou Powerhouse

Naturally, someone Yang wanted to get Xiong Youtian's favor, so he deliberately stood up and said these words. The effect seemed to be very good. He saw Xiong Youtian's eyes twinkling with a look of favorability plus one.

Now Yang is more relieved. From the beginning of the ginseng fruit he obtained in the Sky God City and will appear in the Demon God Palace, everything he does is based on the ginseng fruit.

The two great gods, Medusa and Granny Shahu, came across halfway through, which was an unexpected gain.

Now, under the background of Shahu Granny and Medusa, he is called a super power in the eyes of others, which is conducive to his next move to obtain the benefits of ginseng fruit.

So the respect for Xiong Youtian and the awe of everyone, etc., Yang took it all.

From now on, his personality is a mysterious and powerful super strong. As long as he can bluff people, he can get ginseng fruit, and finally he can recover Yu Linglong. He did it.

Regardless of whether he is in danger, let's talk about it now.

The sky fell anyway, and there were Medusa and Granny Shahu.

Yang knows that his obsession is a bit deep, but in his opinion this is a good thing.

As for whether he will be discovered in the end, he is actually a matter of divine master cultivation. He is not worried at all. Anyway, I never said that I am a super strong, but you people think that you yourself.

Regardless of my business.

And the Palace of Gods and Demons...

Hey~ Let Medusa fight this pot for the time being!

Besides, he really didn't care.

Judging from the ranks of the powerhouses of the Demon Shendao Palace, since the Three Great Dao Palaces are equally famous, they are all in the same situation.

Xiong Youtian, the most powerful master of the Demon Shendao Palace, is at the level of the rules of the heavenly realm, the same level as Medusa. Of course, it is slightly stronger than Medusa, but that is, Xiong Youtian entered the rules of the rules earlier than Medusa. , Are almost the same in essence.

The other deputy palace masters, like Granny Shahu, are in the realm of heaven, and have not stepped into the stage of the rules.

According to this calculation, the gods and demons are almost like this when they want to come.

If the Gods and Demons Palace really came to make trouble, unless all three big and small palace owners came, as long as one came, he believed that Medusa and Granny Shahu would be able to deal with it.

If he adds his Chaos Clock in his hand, even if the three major palace masters of the Gods and Demons Dao Palace come out together, it is nothing great. If he can't win, he will run away. He doesn't believe that the other party can keep them.

Therefore, Yang's calculations are right in his heart.

Deliberately pretending to be in front of Xiong Youtian once, and the effect was good.

And Xiaowan, the **** of the gods and demons, didn't dare to put one fart.

I watched Yang Yiyun and his party be invited by Xiong Youtian into the Demon Shendao Palace...

For the people in the Gods and Demons Dao Palace, they had no face to stay any longer. The Evil Shao Ling was killed and his face was lost. At this time, Xiao Wan could only take people away.

Go back to report the funeral!

He also got a reason for wanting the first, and he won't be punished by the left deputy palace lord after returning.


The people in the Gods and Demon Dao Palace left, but Yang was taken by Xiong Youtian himself into the Demon God and Dao Palace.

In Yang Yiyun's mind, the Demon God Palace was the same as imagined, and after entering the gate of the two instruments, it was a realm of the gods.

I don't know how much it has a higher grade than the Sky God City.

First of all, it is inevitable that the place is big, it seems to be a world, but this world is all the territory of the demon gods, and there is no extra power of any party.

The second is that the strength of the divine power is almost in the state of atomization, and then the plants and trees in this world are all in the form of elves.

All possess divine nature and can be transformed into forms.

Just like Renhuangdao where he was when he went to Fuxi, the flowers, plants and trees were all three-inch phantom elves, and the elves danced and sang loudly wherever he went, making people calm down.

Yang Yiyun secretly said in his heart: "Really worthy of being one of the three holy places in the Eternal God Realm. To be able to sit on such a God Realm, it is no wonder that it has a long history and is known as the Taoist Palace, and it is worthy of the name."

To be honest, Yang is somewhat envious.

Of course speaking, in the **** realm he is in, the world that inherited the Temple of Heaven and Earth is also the scene of this kind of God Realm, but after the Temple of Heaven has declined, there is no such vigorous atmosphere as the Demon God God Temple.

Along the way, the sacred mountain peaks are tangible and spiritual, and they will automatically clear the way when they settle down. There are countless temples and lofts, and the key is no trace of artificial construction. It seems that everything is natural, and it has grown innately. It is beautiful and magnificent. .

There was a sigh behind him~

He was invited in, and other people were naturally no exception. The people in the Demon God's Taoist Palace wouldn't be too ugly. The doors of the two instruments were opened, and all the people from all sides came in.

Regarding the scene of the gods of the Demon Shendao Palace, whether it is the gods who have been here before or for the first time, they are amazed.

Yang followed Xiong Youtian, followed by Medusa and Shahu mother-in-law, Yu Linglong, Shahu Saintess, Huang Shulang, etc., and they drove up the demon shrine palace Dao Gongshan.

Later, the guards were arranged in a separate courtyard, while Yang Yiyun was arranged in a nine-story building on the top of the Taoist Palace. In Xiong Youtian's words, this is the highest noble dojo in the entire demon-shen Taoist temple, overlooking the real god. The beautiful scenery of the realm, the power of the gods is sufficient, the ninth floor of the **** building has the impression of the avenue left by the ancestors of the demon shinto palace, you can visit it at will.

Of course, this treatment is limited to Yang Yiyun.

Those who could visit or live in in the past counted with one hand.

Yang was quite satisfied with Xiong Youtian's arrangement, and was a little embarrassed, so he could only thank him.

After Xiong Youtian made arrangements, a boy came to report that it was the palace lord of the Shimudao Palace who had come in person, and several people from the ancient powers had arrived.

In this case, Xiong Youtian said to Yang Yiyun: "Senior, please take a break. Xiong will go to meet a few old friends as the host. Three months later, the Dao Palace event will officially open. At that time, Xiong will come again to invite seniors to observe. There are three thousand high-level elves to serve, the seniors may send them out, and if you have any requests, please just ask them."

"Palace Master Bear helps, don't worry about us~" Yang was polite.

Then Xiong Youtian took the two palace masters left and right.

At this moment, Yang was sitting in the first floor lobby of the God Building, surrounded by Granny Shahu, Medusa, Yu Linglong, Shahu Saintess, Teng Snake, Tujing Yuan, and Huang Shulang.

He smiled and said, "This God Tower is quite big. Let's go up and visit. Since the ninth floor has the insights of the ancestors of the Demon God's Taoist Palace, this is an unforgettable opportunity, so don't waste it by worshipping."

Huang Shulang frowned and said, "Master, I think it is better. Xiong Youtian, the lord of the Demon Shendao Palace, is a bit too enthusiastic. According to his words, this Shenlou should be the main place of the Demon Shendao Palace, especially the first one. On the ninth floor, since it is a place of enlightenment left by the ancestors of the Demon God's Taoist Palace, it is not open to us outsiders, will there be fraud?"

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