My Master Is a God

Chapter 2725: The title of quasi saint

Countless eyes of the audience fell on Yang Yiyun and Medusa.

Medusa is still the kind of breath that no strangers should enter, and there is no emotion in her eyes, then she turned around and returned to Yu Linglong and the saint of Shahu, without any fluctuations, slapped Ling Tianzi to death, as if It was as easy as killing a mosquito.

On the contrary, Yang Yiyun was noticed by many eyes and felt a little uncomfortable.


It's more proud~

Medusa slapped Ling Tianzi to death, as if he had slapped him to death, and he couldn't express his joy.

Anyone who offends his own woman will definitely be sentenced to death in his heart.

Medusa slapped her anger.

As for the consequences, Yang did not think about it.

Anyway, there are two powerhouses at the Heavenly Dao level around him, so he has nothing to fear.

Besides, it was your God, Demon Dao, Palace Plague God, who provoked first, and the point was that Medusa took the shot, and he didn't even say anything.

There is a powerful man at the heavenly level by his side, this feels beautiful.

Killing kills, he doesn't care about other things.

Just when the audience was silent.

A voice resounded across the world.

"It's the quasi-sage who is here, Xiong Mou has missed a long way to welcome~"

Yang Yiyun looked at the portal of Liangyi in the center of the square with expression, and saw that the portal of Liangyi was masterpiece at this time.

Immediately afterwards, three figures walked out of the divine light of the gate, and then five figures appeared. A total of eight figures appeared.

Grandma Shahu took a step forward and stood side by side with Yang Yiyun, her expression becoming solemn.

"If there is a change in God's wait, you take the girl and the others directly and leave. This demon gods palace is really extraordinary. The first three are all powerful in the heavens, and the five behind are all gods.

The breath of the old man headed in the middle is the same as that of the poisonous snake. He should be the strong man who stepped into the rules of the heavenly realm. It may be stronger than the poisonous snake. The two middle-aged men and women on the left and right are at the same level as me. I don’t know if I’m going to help Ling Tianzi~"

Granny Shahu squinted her eyes and stared at the eight figures coming from Taxu and said.

Yang Yiyun was indeed a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Demon Shendao Palace actually had three powerhouses in the realm of Heavenly Dao.

However, he disapproved of Granny Shahu's words. According to Granny Shahu's words, only one of the three powerhouses in the Demon God Palace was similar to Medusa, and the other two were the same as her.

If this is the case, plus him, it will be three-to-three, and you may not be afraid of them.

The reason Yang thinks this is because he has the Chaos Clock and the Hunyuan Qi in the Universe Pot. If he uses it well to assist Medusa and Shahu Granny, he may not be weak.

And he was in the Deity Realm of the Scorching Sun Desert that day, running the Chaos Clock but suppressed Medusa.

He grinned and said, "Mother-in-law, have you forgotten that I have a chaotic clock?"

Granny Shahu was taken aback for a moment, and then she was relieved: "It's because she's too old~"

"By the way, mother-in-law heard the word quasi-sage just now, but what do you call a strong man in the heavenly realm?" Yang Yiyun asked Granny Shahu.

Granny Shahu nodded and said: "Yes, in the Eternal God Realm, the general term for the strong of the heavenly realm is the quasi-sage, and the title after the supernatural realm is the holy noble."

"That's it~" Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding.

And Grandma Shahu was relieved at this moment. Thinking about the power of Yang Yiyun's Chaos Clock, if Yang Yiyun had the most precious Chaos Clock, she wouldn't be afraid of them if she clashed with the Demon Shendao Palace.

While Yang Yiyun was talking with Granny Shahu, the three heavenly paths that came out of the gate of Liangyi and the five great gods had already walked.

At this time, I only heard a very respectful greeting from all around.

"Meet the demon god, and the second sage~"

The gods in the audience saw the three powers of the heavenly realm in the Demon Shendao Palace and held their fists to bow.

Yang Yiyun heard the voice of everyone meeting, and this time I didn’t need to ask, I guessed that Yao Zun’s name is the Great Palace Master of the Demon God’s Taoism Palace, and the Second Saint is naturally the two Vice Palace Masters on the left and right, as Granny Shahu said just now. The general name of the eternal **** realm and the heavenly realm powerhouse is the quasi-sage, and it is normal for everyone to directly call the second sage for the sake of face.

The old man who claimed to be Xiong was the great palace master of the Demon God's Taoist Palace. He smiled and waved his hand to indicate that everyone didn't need to be polite. At this moment, he walked step by step, but his eyes kept on Medusa.

Just now, Xiong Youtian felt an incomparably powerful aura in the Demon God’s Taoist Palace. He immediately felt the aura of a powerful person of the same level, and he was relatively unfamiliar. There were only a few gods of the Heavenly Dao level in the entire Eternal God Realm, he knew. But this breath was relatively unfamiliar, and he felt that there was killing intent in this breath.

This is unusual.

Because he appeared at the door of his demon shinto palace.

Hastily greeted the other two palace masters and the five great gods and came out.

Every one of the powerhouses at the Heavenly Dao level is unusual, so you always have to go and see.

Xiong Youtian knows what surprises this level of powerhouse.

When the result came out, it had already been reported by her subordinates that a snake-man woman had killed Ling Tianzi, the son of the left deputy palace lord of the God and Demon Dao Palace.

Xiong Youtian naturally knew that Ling Tianzi was less evil than the plague gods, and did nothing, but he wouldn't care about his disciple of the Demon Shendao Palace, but he didn't expect to be killed directly.

Xiong Youtian knew that Ling Tianzi was more than dead and deserved to die. He didn't care about the Gods and Demons Dao Palace. In fact, each of the Three Great Dao Palaces had their own contention, and he was too happy to be killed.

Because this shows that there will be one more enemy of Heavenly Dao level in the Gods and Demons Dao Palace.

As soon as he came out, he saw Medusa, who was indeed a powerhouse of Heavenly Dao level, and also a Heavenly Dao **** who had stepped into the rule's profound meaning stage. Although it seemed that he had just stepped into it, it was still comparable to the two chief mates around him The palace lord is strong, which makes Xiong Youtian even more afraid to neglect.

He hurriedly yelled out a word of welcoming far away, and went straight in front of Medusa, clasped his fists and smiled: "Friends of Taoism come to my demon **** temple Xiongmou to be negligent~"

The tone is very polite, the demon gods and Taoist palace meeting is just around the corner, he does not dare to make inexplicable enemies, he has never seen this beautiful snake, he is still thinking about where this is the powerhouse of heaven?

At this moment, Medusa is naturally not without a strong demeanor. Seeing that Xiong Youtian has a good attitude, he also clasped his fists and said: "Medusa in the Flame Desert, follow my lord."

Medusa's cold temperament, few words, and not sociable, she just dealt with it, and at the same time she glanced at Yang Yiyun, meaning to tell Xiong Youtian that something is going to happen to you to find my master.

Her glance was that the two deputy palace masters and the five law gods led by Xiong Youtian were almost petrified.

the host……? ? ?

The master of a strong man of heaven?

Who can stop the master of the heavenly powerhouse?

With a stomach full of doubts, Xiong Youtian followed Medusa's eyes and looked at him, and fell on Yang Yiyun, suddenly stunned. Yang Yiyun is just a junior **** master, how could he be the master of a heavenly power level?

Xiong Youtian felt uncomfortable, thinking that Medusa was playing tricks on him deliberately.

When he frowned and wanted to say something joking from a fellow Daoist, he saw Granny Shahu next to Yang Yiyun.

Suddenly, his heart rolled over. It was another Heavenly Dao level powerhouse and another strange face. Two Heavenly Dao level powerhouses appeared at once, which made Xiong Youtian feel uneasy...

When is the powerhouse of the Heavenly Dao level so worthless?

It’s difficult for the entire God Realm to produce one in millions of years~

There are only two at this time.

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