My Master Is a God

Chapter 2721: Tsunami Thunder

Granny Shahu paused slightly, her face somewhat dignified and said, "God, are you going to the Demon Shendao Palace on this trip?"

Regarding the destination this time, Yang Yiyun didn't talk to Granny Shahu and Medusa. Only after entering the deserted sea did Yang Yiyun ask about the Demon Shendao Palace.

Now that I'm talking about it, Yang Yiyun doesn't intend to conceal it. They are all his own. If you say it to Granny Shahu and Medusa, you might have an idea. After all, these two gods are real gods and demon gods. The palace lord exists at one level.

Of course, in terms of speaking, the Heavenly Dao level has to be divided into several levels.

Entering the realm of Heavenly Dao This is the entry to this great realm, and after that is to comprehend the profound meaning of the five rules, such as time and space, life, death, darkness, and light.

After that is the stage of harmony, the five rules are merged with each other, and finally the five rules are unified, which is detachment.

So when you calculate it carefully, the realm of Heavenly Dao is very huge.

There are also high and low levels.

For example, Granny Shahu is the first stage of the realm of heaven, and she has not yet understood the profound meaning of the rules.

However, Medusa is better than Shahu Granny. She has touched one of the five rules and entered the second stage.

But the distance to Hedao level is still different.

Therefore, the realm of Heavenly Dao is just a general statement, and only those who have truly reached the realm of Heavenly Dao can understand the gap.

Granny Shahu knew the gap, so she didn't answer in a hurry, and asked Yang Yiyun instead.

And Yang Yiyun also told the truth this time, starting from the beginning, he told Granny Shahu that he would finally go to the Demon Shendao Palace to obtain ginseng fruit to restore the exquisite jade, and of course Medusa, he knew Medusa. He can hear without speaking.

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, Granny Shahu said earnestly: "God and I have rarely paid attention to the outside world. I have also heard a little about the Third Avenue Palace of the Eternal God Realm, but I don't know much about it.

However, the Three Dao Dao Palace has a long history, and it is inevitably not comparable to small forces. First of all, the palace owners of the San Dao Dao Palace are all at the level of the Heavenly Dao. I heard that they are strong in the five rules of the Heavenly Dao Realm, even if they understand one of the rules. The strong are bound to be incomparably powerful, stronger than me and the viper.

Going to the Demon God Temple is feasible, but it should not be forced, otherwise it is afraid that there will be a big trouble. God still needs to be cautious. Of course, no matter what decision God makes, the old body will support it. "

Granny Shahu expressed her opinion, and she can be regarded as expressing her position in front of Yang Yiyun, and he will support Yang Yiyun.

Only at this moment, although Medusa did not speak, Yang Yiyun found that her flying speed had slowed down, which showed that she was listening to the conversation between Yang Yiyun and Granny Shahu.

Not speaking does not mean being unchanging, but Medusa has no choice. Even if she goes to hell, she will follow. Who made her be forced to subdue her by Yang Yiyun!

Regarding what Shahu Granny said so solemnly, Yang Yiyun was naturally clear and grinned and said: "Mother-in-law doesn't need to worry, I won't have any evil with the Demon God Palace without a last resort.

The real purpose is still for the ginseng fruit. Such fetish rumors have something powerful to bring to the Demon God Palace in exchange for some fetish. We can think of a way, and we can't make extravagances if we don't need to force nature.

Does the mother-in-law know about ginseng fruit? Is it helpful to restore Yulinglong? "Yang Yiyun looked at Yu Linglong, who was chatting and laughing at the other side with the Saintess of Sha Fox.

Granny Shahu nodded and said: "Linglong girl's situation seems to require ginseng fruit to be the most precious thing. Ginseng fruit can be listed as the top ten divine fruit in the gods. It is naturally unusual. If you can get ginseng fruit, it will definitely help Linglong girl."

Yang Yiyun listened to Shahu's mother-in-law saying this, and said seriously: "This trip to the Demon God Palace, I am determined to get the ginseng fruit. No matter how much the price is paid, I will not hesitate. If there is any change, then everything needs to rely on the mother-in-law. You two."

This sentence Yang Yiyun also said to Medusa.

"God has broken the old body, and the will of God is the mission of the old body. It is incumbent, and I ask God to rest assured." Granny Shahu knows that her life is now Yang Yiyun's, not to mention that when the Chaos Clock was born, Yang Yiyun was sand. The master of fox, the master's will is her mission, this sentence is not just a casual comment.

She knew even better that what Yang Yiyun said was respect for her. It was to take care of her face. Yang Yiyun could give orders directly, but he asked for it seriously. This respect is there, and this master is not in vain.

The fate of the Shahu clan is handed over to him, without loss.

And Medusa, who had not spoken at this time, also said: "I'm fine."

The words were short, but they showed their attitude. Why didn't Medusa understand that this was Yang Yiyun's respect, and naturally she wanted to express her attitude. Who made her now become Yang's servant?

"Thank you so much~"

Yang at this moment sincerely thanked him.

He knew that everything never went smoothly.

Sometimes what I think is beautiful, but not necessarily really beautiful.

Who knew that going to the Demon God's Taoist Palace this time will go well?

However, if he can get the promise of the two heavenly powers, Granny Shahu and Medusa, he will be very sure about this trip.

As long as the ginseng fruit appeared in the Demon Shendao Palace, he would get it at all costs and even when necessary, otherwise he would be in vain for such a long time.

This is not allowed by him.

It is always right to consider things carefully, and predict the worst case first.

Of course, he is not the kind of reckless person. It would be best to be able to get ginseng fruit in peace and without using force.

But if there is any obstacle, he will not hesitate to fight.

You must get ginseng fruit to help Yu Linglong recover. This is his promise as a man to Yu Linglong and what he should do.


The barren sea is very big and vast, and the environment on the sea is also very turbulent and thrilling. The waves and storms encountered at the beginning, etc., Huang Shulang and the Three Hundred Guards can cope with it.

When entering the deep sea a month later, it was finally difficult to deal with it.

On this day, the sea and the sky are on the rise.

The waves swelled tens of feet high, and the dark clouds above the sky made up for it, and then ran into a torrential rain.


Suddenly, a thunder rang through the world.

But in a flash, thousands of thunder and lightning fell from the sky without warning.

In an instant, dozens of people from the Three Hundred Guards were hit by the thunder, almost too late to rescue them. They screamed and fell into the sea with the waves. Their figures flashed away and were swallowed by the waves rippling hundreds of feet high.

"God is the tsunami and thunder. Let the guards come to Tengshe's back. Their cultivation is too low to stop." Shahu Granny said loudly.

When she was speaking, she shook the cane in her hand at the sky of thunder, and suddenly banged, and the golden light masterpiece of Granny Shahu's cane formed a golden enchantment with a radius of one thousand meters, which enveloped everyone in it.

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