My Master Is a God

Chapter 2700: Miasma Field

Just listen to Huang Shulang said: "The master should bring it, this eternal **** realm, big and small gods, whether it is an overlord or a family of large gates, all pay attention to a face of scheduling. If we bring a few people, we will be caught by others. despise.

Taking these people can avoid unnecessary troubles. Anyway, I don’t expect them to do anything. It’s good to just run errands. In addition, the owner is now the lord of the Sky God City. If there is no guard to follow, it will be suspicious. , Staring at us. "

Yang Yiyun didn't want to lead people because of trouble, but hearing what Huang Shulang said, it was the truth. In any world, intelligent creatures must have one or two existences that look down upon people.

If he doesn't take the acknowledgment to fill the front, he is really likely to be looked down upon, and thus provoke bullying. He is not afraid of troubles, he is afraid of troubles.

Brows opened and said: "You still think it is thoughtful, then bring it."

Yang Yiyun affirmed Huang Shulang's arrangement, and then asked: "Can the City Lord's Mansion be arranged properly?"

"Return to the master that all the arrangements are in order, please rest assured, that there are three thousand guards guarding the Sky God City and nothing will happen." Huang Shulang said.

"Well, you have worked hard, let's arrange our departure."

"It's the master."


After becoming the lord of the Sky God City, Yang Yiyun is now directly out of the city and can leap out from the sky without going through the city gate. Here is the convenience of having the key to the God City.

That's why he took away Teng Snake, Huang Shulang, and Tu Jingyuan, and all of them stayed at the door. He didn't worry that something would happen to Shen Shen City, because the key was in his hand and no one could take it away.

A group of people flew out of the God City in the sky.

Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong rode on Teng Snake's back. Under the leadership of Tu Jingyuan and Huang Shulang, the Three Hundred Guards divided into two teams to **** and drive straight to the Demon Shendao Palace.

The journey of a million miles away is really nothing to the gods. The point is that there will be some dangerous places along the way, so Yang Yiyun set off in advance.

Ten years of incomparable relaxation is to deal with unexpected problems on the road.

Regarding the planning of how to get to the Demon God's Taoist Palace, Yang Yiyun didn't need to worry at all. Huang Shulang was responsible for the dangerous places, how to avoid them, and how to detour.

These, in fact, as early as a few hundred years ago, Huang Shulang began to prepare, and he found some gods who had traveled along this route, and now they are all in the guard.

Huang Shulang who should worry about it is done.

This made Yang Yiyun more satisfied with Huang Shulang.

For Huang Shulang, this is the best way for him to repay his master's kindness, and it is also considered a matter of his own.

It is exactly the role of a military adviser and steward.

Of course, Huang Shulang didn't ask Yang Yiyun for credit at all for these things. He encountered a problem while on the road. Yang Yiyun only knew about it after Huang Shulang solved it.

This made him value Huang Shulang more and more. With such a subordinate by his side, he should avoid a lot of troubles.

Basically, after flying out for ten days, the major problem did not appear, and the minor problem Huang Shulang sent a guard to clear it.

But I also ran into the first problem on the road.

On this day, Huang Shulang flew over and landed on Teng Snake's broad back.

Both Yang and Yu Linglong were sitting on the back of the snake and meditating.

Huang Shulang whispered: "Master~"

First shouted.

Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and said, "But something?"

"Well, the former is the famous Poisonous Miasma domain in the Eternal God Realm. We need to go down and walk through 100,000 li. Because the Poisonous Miasma is weird, the higher the altitude, the stronger the Poisonous Miasma power. On the ground, the power of the poisonous miasma is relatively weak, so we need to land." Huang Shulang said what he knew.

"Okay, let's land." Yang Yiyun did not hesitate, and followed Huang Shulang's advice. Huang Shulang's performance along the way was very good in his eyes. Since Huang Shulang said so, then this exclusive domain is really dangerous.

While speaking at this moment, Yang Yiyun also saw the sky of the distant place, showing colorful colors, streamers rushing straight into the sky, looking like countless flashlights shining directly from the earth to the sky, it is very spectacular, and it's so terrible. It looks good, but Yang Yiyun also knows that the more beautiful on the surface, the more dangerous it is.

He also heard the name of Poisonous Miasma Domain from Huang Shulang's mouth for the first time.

It is naturally extraordinary to be the first place in the eternal **** realm, and everything should be treated with care.

Anyway, if you have time for ten years, you can rush to the Demon Shendao Palace within ten years.

Then the party landed and appeared directly on the periphery of the Poisonous Miasma domain.

"What does Huang Shulang say in this poisonous miasma field?" Yang Yiyun asked Huang Shulang looking at the colorful poisonous miasma.

Huang Shulang had a plan for a long time and replied: "Master, the poisonous miasma in the field of poisonous miasma, but as long as the poisonous miasma is not more than 100 meters above the ground, our guards can resist. The danger is that some creatures in the poisonous miasma exist It may be an ant hidden in the soil, or it may be a weed, etc., which can attack us silently. These creatures hidden in the poisonous miasma are not normal monster races, they are prehistoric. The mutant creatures left over from the times are terrifying.

However, we won't have any big problems if we don't provoke them actively. Our subordinates have also selected candidates. There are three **** kings in the guard who have crossed the field of poisonous miasma several times. With a familiar route, I believe there will be no major problems. Please rest assured. "

Yang Yiyun nodded with satisfaction and said: "It's the best so, okay, then let's go, and talk as you go."

"It's the master." Huang Shulang bowed, and then ordered to lead the way to the three **** kings who had been selected a long time ago.

The group of people entered the field of poisonous miasma.

In the Poisonous Miasma domain, the mountains are huge, there will be jungles and swamps, and they are completely shrouded by the colorful poisonous miasma.

Everyone turned on divine defense to prevent being affected by the poisonous miasma. Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong both obeyed Huang Shulang's suggestion and turned on the defense to prevent the slightest miasma from being affected.

"Except for the Poisonous Miasma domain, what else should we pay attention to when we go all the way?" Yang Yiyun asked Huang Shulang as he walked.

Huang Shulang knew these questions a long time ago and replied: "In addition to the Poisonous Miasma domain, we have to pass through unmanned deserts. The last link is the barren sea. These three places are very strange and dangerous. Even if they hear it, Powerful masters at the master level can fall at any time with bad luck, but the master doesn’t need to worry. In these three dangerous places, I have found the gods who have traveled before. Now they are all members of our guard. Just be careful. There is a big problem."

Yang Yiyun nodded and didn't say anything, but in his heart he muttered secretly: "I hope you have better luck~"

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