My Master Is a God

Chapter 2692: Kotou Sergeant's Material

Not to mention Teng Snake's jealousy of Tu Jingyuan, and his muttering self-encouragement.

On the other side, Yang Yiyun asked Huang Shulang, "What kind of **** is Yuanchentian's body? What is the background?"

When Yang Yiyun asked this question, it was just not long after he thought that in the world of the Eternal God Realm, the human race is not the dominant one. The creatures that appear here are all in an environment where all races stand side by side.

It can even be said that all the great gods that appeared in the eternal gods are undoubtedly the great gods and demons that originated in the prehistoric times.

In the prehistoric era, may I ask which great demon **** had no background?

Of course this is Yang Yiyun's speculation, but he knows that this speculation is not unreasonable.

Especially the great **** and demon who can become a leader of the overlord, if you don't have a background, it doesn't make sense.

For Yuan Chentian who will face next, Yang Yiyun believes that he is undoubtedly the overlord of one party.

The Sky God City has a long history of construction, and it can be built on the top of Tongtian Mountain, claiming to be a Divine Realm. This kind of means is supernatural, he knows that even the existence of the Dharma God level is difficult to achieve.

And Yuan Chentian is a god-lord level existence, which means that he becomes the lord of the sky **** city, and he is very likely to be the successor. Then as the successor, how can there be no one behind him?

Of course, understanding Yuan Chentian's background is not because he is afraid.

Now he has made a big disturbance in the City Lord's Mansion, even if he is afraid, there is no way out. To understand, if there is an emergency, or if something happens in the future, he has a countermeasure.

Just don’t know if Huang Shulang knows?

When he asked, Huang Shulang was embarrassed, and said bitterly: "I'm sorry, I have indeed inquired about the **** Yuan Chentian's body and his background, but there is not the slightest information, and even Shenfu's affairs are not clear. What kind of spirit is Yuan Chentian, let alone his background."

When Huang Shulang spoke, he was a little nervous and worried.

He was worried that Yang Yiyun had flinched.

In this way, his wife and children's hatred is no longer hopeless, and he will leave the Sky God City in the future. For Huang Shulang, he is not afraid of death, because he is afraid that he will not be able to avenge him.

Finally, I ran into Yang Yiyun, who happened to have a common purpose or interest, and finally entered the city lord’s mansion. Now the big enemy Yuan Chentian is in the stone cave, close at hand, if at this time Yang Yiyun is afraid of Yuan Chentian Huang Shulang really didn't know what to do if he gave up on the background that might exist behind him, so he was extremely worried and even more anxious.

Yang Yiyun heard Huang Shulang’s answer, but he was expecting it. So Huang Shulang is a little **** king. He can learn about Yuan Chentian’s injuries and understand the situation of the ten **** emperors under Yuan Chentian. Being able to calculate the affairs of the upper **** emperor, adjust the tiger to leave the mountain and let the divine mansion lead away, trigger the beast tide to suppress the beast tide, and take away the two middle **** emperors.

After all, Yuan Chentian is a powerful existence at the level of the **** master, the master of the sky **** city, and there are not many powerhouses who can reach the **** master level in charge of the eternal **** realm and the **** realm he is in.

Powerful people of this level know how to protect themselves and hide themselves, because they know that the less the outside world knows about themselves, the safer it is for them. If others don’t know their own situation, they can’t figure it out, which is their own cards. , Is also soft power.

Therefore, it is normal for Huang Shulang not to know.

Looking back at Huang Shulang’s anxiety and anxiety, Yang Yiyun knew what he was thinking. He stretched out his hand and patted Huang Shulang’s shoulder and said: “Don’t worry, I just want to understand it casually. If I don’t know, I don’t know. We have no reason to retreat, let alone retreat. No matter what today, Yu Yuan Chentian’s battle is inevitable. I am determined to win the position of the city lord of the Sky God City."

Hearing what Yang Yiyun said, Huang Shulang finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a grateful expression, seeking revenge on Yuan Chentian and letting Yuan Chentian die. This is already the biggest obsession in his heart.

To this end, Huang Shulang will spare no effort.

"Thank you, Master." Huang Shulang was really moved.

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Don't have any pressure in your heart. You know that I am looking for Yuan Chentian for the purpose. It is not all for you, but since you have entered my door, I will give you revenge. This is what my master should do. People don’t have any great advantages, but one thing is very clear, and that is to protect the calf, haha~"

Yang Yiyun finally joked and laughed, which also reduced Huang Shulang’s heart pressure. Actually, Yang Yiyun valued Huang Shulang in his heart, because Huang Shulang’s mind was almost demon in his mind. Of course, he was calculating and calculating. In terms of strategy.

It's a standard dog-headed warrior's material.

If you can cultivate it well and enlarge his structure, it will be of great help to him in the future.

As the two talked, there was a dull sound on the other side of the earth Jingyuan.

Then the energy of heaven and earth converged and exploded.

"Yes, Tou Jingyuan broke through~"

Yang Yiyun said with a smile that the breakthrough of the earth essence element is expected, and the current earth essence element and Teng Snake have reached the level of the **** emperor Zhongwei.

After all, it is the demon fetus divine orb of the upper peak **** emperor, and its attributes are integrated, so it is not surprising that it can break through.

About ten minutes later, the aura on Earth Jingyuan's body dissipated, and his cultivation reached the peak of the middle temple, which was even stronger than Teng Snake.

And the first thing that Tu Jingyuan wakes up is to bow to Yang Yiyun to thank him.

"Thank you master for giving good luck."

Tu Jingyuan is the one who knows the etiquette best and the rules at any time, and his attitude makes Yang Yiyun very satisfied.

"Get up, this is your chance and your hard work, but don't be complacent, you need to work harder in the future." After saying that, Yang Yiyun looked at the sour Teng Snake and stared: "The same with you, well. Work hard, what else can you be jealous of when your bloodline has improved?"

Teng Snake nodded quickly, just think about it, after the great god's bloodline has improved, his cultivation will be much faster, so why envy the little dwarf?

"Okay, we are going to break into the cave and go to Yuanchentian for a while~"

Yang Yiyun looked at the closed stone gate of the cave at the foot of the mountain and spoke.


The latter three in unison.

But at this moment, the tone is extremely serious, because everyone knows that the one who is about to face will be the existence of a god.

Although Huang Shulang said that Yuan Chentian was injured and had been healing and retreating, but he was the lord in the end.

Is the strong one.

The stone gate of the cave is closed tightly.

There are ancient inscriptions on it, and the energy fluctuation is very strong, which is obviously a defensive inscription.

When Yang Yiyun was about to break open forcibly, Earth Jingyuan stepped forward and said: "Master let me come, this stone gate has an inscription formation and there will be a backlash. I just tried my talent and broke the inscription formation. "

"Okay, be careful." Yang Yiyun had forgotten that he was still a master of formation.

Okay, let's take a look at how much the soil essence element has just improved the strength of his cultivation base.

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