My Master Is a God

Chapter 2686: Into the City Lord's Mansion

Ten days have passed, and it will pass in the blink of an eye, so Yang Yiyun set off on the ninth day.

However, during this period, he left an enchantment in Yu Linglong's closed practice room, so that Yu Linglong would come out because he understood Yu Linglong's character. If he went to the Shenfu to find Yuan Chentian, she would definitely follow. .

But after all, Yu Linglong's injury state fell sharply to the level of the **** king last time. If he followed him, he was afraid that she would be injured, so he simply added an enchantment to the training chamber where Yu Linglong was, so she would not be able to get out.

As for Teng Snake, he was impressed. On the third day after Tu Jingyuan came back, he actually broke through, breaking through from the elementary **** emperor to the strength of the middle **** emperor.

I have to say that this product is going to be persecuted. It is obviously a sacred animal. His talent is too lazy to not practice. This time he was allowed to retreat for five hundred years and practice breakthroughs. He just said casually, otherwise he has a moth, how can I know this? He actually broke through, unexpectedly, but it was a good thing for him.

Teng Snake worked hard to fight even a high-ranking **** emperor. After his strength increased, he could share a lot of burdens.

In addition, Tujingyuan is now also a junior **** emperor, Yang Yiyun is definitely enough to deal with those **** emperors in the gods. Anyway, the two most powerful upper **** emperors will be dealt with by Huang Shulang, and the rest are the middle and lower **** emperors Teng Snake and Tu Jingyuan. Both can handle two or three.

Of course, according to Huang Shulang's information, in Yuanchentian retreat, there is a stone demon **** emperor guarding him. He is a relatively mysterious great **** emperor, but Yang Yiyun doesn't care. It is not a problem to deal with the **** emperor. The same realm crushes him. Say there is no pressure.


Starting from Qiankun Valley, Yang Yiyun took Teng Snake and Earth Essence Yuan straight to the city of God. He walked unhurriedly. He was waiting for news and Huang Shulang's news.

Once the Shenfu Guards came out of the city, it showed that Huang Shulang was successful, and he would go straight to the Shenfu to find Yuan Chentian.

After entering the city, Yang Yiyun, led by Tu Jingyuan, went to the second floor of the restaurant opposite the City Lord’s Mansion and sat by the window.

In this way, every move of the City Lord's Mansion will be in his sight.

There is still more than a long time left, and there should be some changes in the calculation.

The huge restaurant was full of voices, but Yang Yiyun exuded a trace of anxiety.

Waiting is always anxious.

Only the heartless Teng Snake is gulping the cow and drinking the divine wine, is it still smacking, and saying: "It’s great to drink~"

Although there are almost no human races in the eternal **** realm here, they are composed of all things, but most of them are transformed into human beings. Buildings, divine wine and food, etc. are all available, even richer than the human world.

Only Tu Jingyuan was relatively quiet, staring at the City Lord's Mansion all the time.

"Foodies~" Yang Yiyun cursed Teng Snake, and he still stared at the City Lord's Mansion.

The city lord’s mansion in the line of sight occupies a very large area. The buildings are huge buildings of tens of meters. Looking at it, it stretches for tens of thousands of meters. A huge mountain can be vaguely seen in the distance. According to the information that Tu Jingyuan asked. , That kind of mountain is the forbidden land of the city lord’s mansion, and it is also the place where Yuan Chentian retreats, and Yuan Chentian retreats in the cave in the mountain.

The City Lord’s Mansion does not have a large formation to guard, it is easy to enter, just break in directly, think about it, there is also a place where a divine lord and ten great emperors sit, and no one dares to trespass.

"Master is moving~"

After seeing the gate of the city lord's mansion opened, Tu Jingyuan spoke immediately.

Yang Yiyun hummed softly, his gaze had never left the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, so naturally he saw it for the first time.

The next moment a group of sergeants in jet black armor filed out.

A hundred people in the front, followed by a middle-aged man, followed by two old men, and a hundred guards in the back.

There is no doubt that it is the Santos' Mansion Guard.

Tu Jingyuan opened his mouth and said, "The middle-aged man among the masters is the leader of the City Lord's Mansion, and the left and right are two of the ten great emperors."

Yang Yiyun squinted his eyes and smiled at the corners of his mouth. Under the eyes of my universe, I can see that the three of them have the highest cultivation level, and I guessed their identity. Indeed, middle-aged people are high-ranking **** emperors, and two of them are middle-ranking **** emperors. .

This time, three of the ten great emperors of the city lord's mansion went.

He knew that Huang Shulang had succeeded.

In addition~

There is one more thing to do. This is a matter of iron and steel, a dead end, plus the stone monster high-ranking **** emperor guarding the forbidden land. If you count this way, the **** emperor who still exists in the city lord mansion is a middle-level **** emperor and four junior **** emperors. Up.

For him, there is no suspense anymore.

When the time was right, the next step was to wait for Huang Shulang to come and enter the city lord's mansion.

Huang Shulang knows the topography of the City Lord's Mansion best, so wait for him. This was discussed before.

In the restaurant.

"What happened? Why did the leader of the City Lord's Mansion and the two great **** emperors of the guards dispatched..."

"Who knows, isn't someone making trouble in God City?"

"No, who has the courage to make trouble in God City? It's strange not to be led by the City Lord's Mansion."

"I'm afraid it's not necessarily true. What if there is a strong **** master?"

"Your mind is broken, if the **** master level powerhouse appeared, the city master would have appeared long ago, can the **** emperor level leader go to die?"

"Ahem, this is also~"

"Hey, I seem to be thinking about going to the south, is it possible that the beast tide of the barren mountain has erupted again?"

"No, there are still thousands of years before the outbreak of the beast tide~"

"That's not necessarily true. After countless years of evolution, the fierce beasts hidden in the barren mountains may have been civilized and wise. They always want to lead the city of God. Maybe it is really an outbreak of beasts."

"You seem to be right to say that. Do we want to help? After all, everyone is in the city of God. If the tide of beasts enters, we will all suffer."

"When you are the leader of the City Lord's Mansion and the guards, it is a soft persimmon? That outbreak of the beast wave was not suppressed by the leader of the City Lord's Mansion, and another beast wave that was not suppressed?"

"That's right, there is still the city lord sitting in the city lord's mansion, our worries are superfluous, come and continue to drink..."

The discussion in the restaurant continues, but overall, it is optimistic.

All of them have confidence in the leadership of the City Lord's Mansion.

Yang Yiyun smiled inwardly, and secretly said: "It seems that the leader has some ability, and Huang Shulang has done a great job this time."

Soon the Santos’ Mansion Guards disappeared.

Yang Yiyun walked out of the restaurant with Tu Jingyuan and Teng Snake.

Because he had seen Huang Shulang's figure appear in a corner.

As he walked over, Huang Shulang said with excitement: "Everything went well for the master, and the animal tide was triggered by me. Now that the City Lord’s Mansion leads out, it can be delayed for at least three days. When I come, I will go to take care of the concubine. At present, there are only five **** emperors in the city lord’s mansion, and the stone demon **** emperor is guarding the forbidden area. He will not come out. Can we go in now?"

Yang Yiyun smiled and said, "Then go, it's time to help you get revenge."

Everything is in order, only to enter the city lord's mansion and break into the forbidden area to fight Yuan Chentian.

"Go and kill into the City Lord's Mansion." Yang Yiyun said, heading directly to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Who is bold, this is the City Lord's Mansion..."

When they arrived at the gate, two junior **** kings guarded the gate, and when they saw Yang Yiyun bringing a few Tujingyuan into the gate, they suddenly scolded.

However, Yang frowned. Before speaking, Teng Snake let out a cold snort, "Crack noise~"



The two junior **** kings were directly killed by Teng Snake's tail.

This movement directly aroused the eyes of the surrounding gods. After a while, someone shouted at the frying pan on the street.

But Yang Yiyun had already entered the city lord's mansion.

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