My Master Is a God

Chapter 2684: How to deal with the two high-ranking **** emperors

There is still time, but Yang Yiyun is not ready to practice anymore. His goal has been achieved, whether it is the integration of his own power or the manipulation and use of the artifacts.

Although he didn't improve his cultivation level this time, the gain was huge, and his combat effectiveness rose straight.

The next step is to see if Tu Jingyuan and Huang Shulang can bring good news. As long as they bring conclusive news of Yuan Chentian's injury, they can carry out the next step.

The general plan is to restore Yu Linglong, a fetish is needed.

And this **** is the ginseng fruit that Huang Shulang inquired about.

Ginseng fruit will only appear at the Dao Gong event of the Demon Shen Dao Palace.

The primary goal is to obtain an invitation letter from the Demon God's Taoist Palace, so that there is a chance to plot ginseng fruit, and finally to restore Yu Linglong's appearance.

The first hurdle is to obtain the invitation letter from the Demon Shendao Palace, so Yuan Chentian, the lord of the Sky God City, became the target. As long as Yuan Chentian is killed, or replaced by the Lord of the Sky God City, he can obtain the demon God’s Dao Palace. The invitation letter, after entering the Demon Shinto Palace, came into contact with ginseng fruit.

Of course, even at this stage, it is still unknown if he gets ginseng fruit, so there is not much time left for him.

It was almost 500 years since the grand gathering of the Demon God's Taoist Palace was one thousand years ago, which meant that he still had 500 years left.

But in these five hundred years, he hasn't done anything.

He didn't go out for this first step.

Even more can't stay in the Qiankun pot, you have to take action.

He has cultivated in the Universe Pot for more than 400,000 years, and the outside world has only been for more than 400 years. This is his huge cultivation advantage.

With a move in his heart, Yang Yiyun left the Universe Pot and returned to the cultivation chamber.

The room was empty and no one had been here.

He went out and arrived at the main hall. He swept away his spiritual sense, only to find that both Tu Jingyuan and Huang Shulang had returned. They were outside the main hall at the moment, and they seemed to have been waiting.

As for Yu Linglong, he found that her secret room still had an enchantment in his divine sense, which showed that she was still practicing in retreat and did not get out.

Teng Snake didn't leave the customs either. He ordered a breakthrough within 500 years. If it doesn't break through, then don't leave the customs. Obviously Teng Snake hasn't broken through yet, otherwise it would have come out long ago because of its urinary nature.

Yang Yiyun didn't plan to disturb Yu Linglong and Teng Snake, and directly transmitted the divine sense to Tu Jingyuan two words: "Come in~"

The next moment the main hall door opened, Tu Jingyuan and Huang Shulang both walked in.

"Meet the master~"

The two saluted.

Yang Yiyun waved his hand and said, "You don't need to be polite, just tell the news, are you sure?"

Huang Shulang glanced at Tu Jingyuan and motioned to Tu Jingyuan to say that he knew in his heart that in the heart of the owner, Yang Yiyun, Huang Shulang naturally trusted him. As for him, the new member who just joined, even if he is the ground snake of the Sky God City, Yang Yiyun is also It is impossible to trust him soon, otherwise he and Tu Jingyuan will not be allowed to confirm the news of Yuan Chentian's injury again.

But it’s okay. After a second confirmation, he knows that he can settle this matter. At that time, Yang Yiyun will inevitably challenge Yuan Chentian for the invitation letter from the Demon Shendao Palace, and his wife and children’s hatred is also It will be reported.

For Huang Shulang, both left and right achieved his wishes.

Next, let's look at Yang Yiyun's lack of support from the master.

Earth Jingyuan respectfully said: "The master's news has been confirmed. Yuan Chentian, the lord of the Sky God City, has indeed been injured for 100,000 years, and has been in retreat for healing, and his cultivation has also fallen to the primary level of the gods."

"How to know?" Yang Yiyun asked with a shock. After Tu Jingyuan said he was sure, he believed it, because he knew Tu Jingyuan would not lie to him, that is to say, Huang Shulang’s previous news was accurate. Did not lie to him, but he still asked habitually, how to confirm the news.

The local Jingyuan organized a language and said: "Master, we spent 50,000 high-grade sacred stones and contacted a concubine from a foreign city, the steward of Shenfu. From the mouth of that concubine, the news was definitely not wrong, and it went through other aspects. Sure, prove that this matter is true.

It is rumored that the steward of Shencheng Mansion is Yuan Chentian’s confidant, but the **** of the old guy told his concubine the secret of Shenfu. This matter is not a secret in Shenfu. Many people in Shenfu know that Yuanchen Tianshi Dowan was injured and retired after a battle with a strong man.

In addition, we have received more important news that Yuan Chentian’s injuries have not recovered so far, and not only that, they may have worsened. The place where he retreats, in a cave in Shenfu, alternates between the sun and the moon every two Jiazi. At that time, inhuman screams would be made in the cave, in fact it was the suffering of Yuan Chentian's injury backlash.

It was at that time, when Yuan Chentian was the weakest, but the master, there are ten great emperors in the palace guarding, I'm afraid it will be difficult...

Tu Jingyuan explained in detail what he and Huang Shulang had inquired about in more than 480 years.

Yang Yiyun listened to Tu Jingyuan's words, and his eyes came to the moon.

The only target he was worried about was Yuan Chentian. As for the top ten **** emperors, he really doesn’t care about it now. Although he himself is also a **** emperor, he is the highest peak **** emperor. He is also a **** emperor but his strength is not big the same.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to crush the same level.

Yuan Chentian, who was mainly at the Divine Lord level, was the Divine Lord after all, and he was worried.

But now I feel that the opportunity is great. According to Tu Jingyuan’s meaning, Yuan Chentian screams every two Jiazi, which shows that his injury is backlashing. There is no doubt that he is the weakest time. It is an opportunity.

"What level are the top ten **** emperors?" Yang Yiyun still asked.

This time Huang Shulang replied: "Return to the master, the steward is the upper **** emperor, and the palace guard is in charge of the upper **** emperor. One of the two takes care of the interior of the palace, and the other is the order of the entire palace of the gods. It is considered to have real power and strength. Of the two gods.

There is also a stone demon **** emperor who is rumored to be the strongest among the ten major **** emperors in the gods. Otherwise, no one has ever seen the stone demon **** emperor, it is most likely the peak **** emperor to guard the Yuanchentian retreat.

In addition, there are three among the seven **** emperors, and four junior **** emperors. Compared to the first three, the other seven **** emperors are unusual. Master I can handle the steward and command. "

At the end of the talk, Huang Shulang's eyes flickered, and he suddenly said something like this.

Both Yang Yiyun and Tu Jingyuan were shocked.

You know that Huang Shulang is just a **** king, how to deal with the two high-level **** emperors?

Instead of idiotic dreams?


After Yang Yiyun came back to his senses, he said with anticipation: "How to deal with the two high-ranking **** emperors?" Instead, he became interested. Although he had just received Huang Shulang not long ago, he could contact him several times and let him know the rat demon Huang Shulang. It's really eye-catching, regardless of the low level of cultivation, but the brain is indeed extremely smart, with scheming, strategy and even ambition.

Moreover, he is bold and careful, and he is very forbearing, has an obsession that is beyond ordinary people, and surpasses many creatures. This is Huang Shulang's advantage, and it can be said that he is a master of his brain.

Killing the enemy is sometimes not the strength, but the calculation.

Huang Shulang falls into this category.

Since he said this steadily, and can solve the two upper **** emperors, he must have a plan and be sure.

From the bottom of his heart, Yang Yiyun felt that Huang Shulang could still do it.

Looking at Huang Shulang with anticipation, waiting for his answer, Yang Yiyun was really convinced by the words of Huang Shulang that he received.

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