My Master Is a God

Chapter 2679: Justified reasons require allegiance

"Injured? What injury?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"It was the battle between Yuan Tiancheng and another great **** more than 100,000 years ago. After that battle, Yuan Chentian actually suffered heavy losses, and his realm fell sharply to the primary **** master level. Because of his injuries, he did not make any progress and was always affected by the injuries. Therefore, Yuan Chentian's strength is greatly reduced, the little **** wants to come, God, you can defeat Yuan Chentian.

As long as the God can kill Yuan Chentian, he will naturally become the lord of the Tiancheng God City. Then the invitation letter from the Demon Shendao Palace will be in the hands of the God and become the lord of the city and become the God of the other side. "Huang Shulang's eyes were extremely urgent, it seems that Yang Yiyun has become the lord of the Sky God City, just as he has become.

"Haha, replace it~" Yang Yiyun smiled.

"Yes." Huang Shulang lowered his head.

"Where did the news come from?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Huang Shulang said: "The little **** has spent many years in the Sky God City, and spent a lot of energy to befriend the youngest son of the city lord’s housekeeper. This matter was learned from the youngest son of the housekeeper. It can’t be wrong, and for countless years, Yuan Chentian has not Having walked out of the City Lord's Mansion, this can only prove that the news is correct. Yuan Chentian has been retreating in the City Lord's Mansion for healing."

Yang Yiyun remained silent.

Is he moving?

Very exciting.

If what Huang Shulang said is true, then this matter can really be done.

A junior Divine Lord who was injured and lost his realm is only a small realm away. He is now the highest peak God Emperor, and the next breakthrough is the Primary Divine Lord.

With his current strength, he is also a top-notch existence among the **** emperors, even according to his strong foundation and consistent style, it seems that it is possible to challenge the ranks, and he can fight against the junior **** master.

But there is a question of principle that Yang Yiyun hesitated.

First, he has no grudges with the city lord of the Sky God City, let him challenge or even kill the lord Yuan Chentian of the Sky God City for no reason, and he will leave a hurdle in his heart.

Speaking of being Huang Shulang's starting point, Huang Shulang is not his person, at most it is the employer relationship, the reason is too far-fetched.


Huang Shulang became his person, so rightly speaking, he would not have any burden in his heart.


Huang Shulang is not. On the other hand, Huang Shulang can also be his subordinate. I believe that if Huang Shulang wants revenge, he will be happy.

But after all, Yang Yiyun felt that this reason was reluctant.

But it doesn't matter if you think about it, the world of a cultivator is always respected by the strong, and he can challenge it even if he doesn't need any reason.

But he is not that kind of person.

After much deliberation, Yang Yiyun felt that he was still getting to know this city lord. The key point was to confirm what Huang Shulang said, was Yuan Chentian really injured?

in the case of……

Then do it~

For Yu Linglong, for his woman, Yang Yiyun didn't have any burden in his heart.

Whether it's selfish or overbearing, he doesn't care in order to get the emotions of the Demon Shendao Palace, to participate in the grand gathering of the Demon Shendao Palace, to obtain the ginseng fruit and to recover exquisitely.

My heart has already begun to shake, and he took a deep breath and said: "Tou Jingyuan, you and Huang Shulang will start together this time to give you 100,000 top-grade divine stone activities. I need to determine the authenticity of this news and the strength of the city lord mansion. No matter what method you use, I will give you five hundred years, and the news must be confirmed within five hundred years. Is it possible?"

"Please rest assured, the subordinates will do it." Tu Jingyuan stood up and answered calmly.

"Please rest assured, the little god, the little **** must do his best." Huang Shulang's voice was trembling, and he could directly contact the housekeeper of the city lord with the 100,000 high-grade **** stone in his hand.

"Hehe, Huang Shulang, do you think I should challenge Yuan Chentian, or kill him? Is it because you and I are an employment relationship?" Yang Yiyun naturally wanted to tie Huang Shulang together at this moment, otherwise what? Maybe rest assured?

This rat demon is indeed a shrewd master. Having such a subordinate by his side will be of great help to him in the eternal **** realm. He has clear thinking, perseverance, knows forbearance, good use of circumstances, can seize opportunities, and even create. Isn't it a pity that such talents are not accepted?

When he said this, he was taken aback by Huang Shulang's ears. How could he not understand what Yang Yiyun meant?

The biggest obsession in Huang Shulang's heart is to avenge the murdered Yuan Chentian to his wife and children, and that's why he served Yang Yiyun for a hundred years for 10,000 top-grade sacred stones. With the sacred stones, he can naturally improve his cultivation strength and practice step by step. One day he was going to kill Yuan Chentian, but he knew the cruelty of the reality very well, maybe even if he cultivated for 100,000 years, he would not reach the level of the **** master.

Even whether the **** emperor can reach it is unknown. Yang Yiyun's appearance made him see hope. As long as Yang Yiyun takes the shot, it is an opportunity for him. Although he did not take the shot himself, he also made the matter, so that he could kill the yuan. Chentian is to avenge his wife and children.

Now Yang Yiyun's remarks naturally need him to express himself, otherwise, why would people turn out for him as a little mouse demon?

Even slaying Yuan Chentian would be beneficial to Yang Yiyun's invitation to the Demon God's Taoist Palace.

Thinking of this, Huang Shulang flashed his eyebrows, and the original imprint flew out, saying: "Huang Shulang pays respects to his master."

Simply and neatly, he very decisively handed over the mark of the soul, which was equivalent to handing over his life to Yang Yiyun, but as long as he could avenge his wife and children, even if it was to give the soul to the devil, he would be willing.

Yang Yiyun appreciated Huang Shulang’s decisiveness more and more. After receiving Huang Shulang’s original imprint, he smiled and waved his hand to convince Huang Shulang, “Get up, don’t worry, from now on, you will be my subordinate to Yang Yiyun. Going to kill Yuanchen for his subordinates is just right, I just hope you do things well."

"The master dedicated himself to death and died~" Huang Shulang was loyal.

"Okay, this is the sacred stone. Each person takes 50,000 yuan. During the five hundred years, I will find out the news I want, and cooperate with the local Jingyuan. Let's go~" Yang Yiyun motioned for the two to leave.


When Tu Jingyuan and Huang Shulang left, Tengshe said depressed: "Why don't I go, Master~"

This guy feels let Tu Jingyuan go, but he won't let him go this time, and his heart is unbalanced. It feels like the master doesn't trust him and is very wronged.

Yang Yiyun looked at Teng Snake and cursed with a smile: "The sum of the heads of Tu Jingyuan and Huang Shulang is worth a thousand of you. There are some things that require brainstorming, understand?

Go, find a hall to practice. If you don't break through to the middle stage of the **** emperor within five hundred years, don't leave the barrier... when you have your contribution, don't add to me, keep rolling~"

Teng Snake shrank his neck and pulled his head away. He didn't dare to refute. He could only admit his fate and his restless temperament kept him in retreat. It would kill him and still feel uncomfortable. He decided in his heart that he must be cultivated within five hundred years. God.

Not to mention, Yang Yiyun originally said casually. He didn't expect Teng Snake to break through in five hundred years. He didn't expect that in five hundred years, this product would really break through the cultivation base and let him recognize these ancient beasts. The talent is still very strong, and the only weakness of Teng Snake is that it is so active and calm to cultivate, so that it has the name of the **** beast Teng Snake, but it does not have the power of Teng Snake.

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