My Master Is a God

Chapter 2676: Good news from Qiankun Valley

"Teng Snake, follow Huang Shulang~" Yang Yiyun turned to look at Teng Snake.

"It's the master." Teng Snake is a character who can't take time off. When he heard that he was going out with Huang Shulang, his heart immediately became happy.

Of course, Teng Snake is not stupid, knowing that the master let him follow Huang Shulang, can not be worried about Huang Shulang, let him go here to show that the master values ​​him.

Huang Shulang could also see this, but it seemed normal to him and he didn't care.

"God, shall we set off now?" Huang Shulang asked.

"Go ahead, no matter if there is news or not, come and report after ten days." Yang Yiyun nodded.

Then Huang Shulang and Tengshe left the valley.

After they left, Yu Linglong said, "Why don't you go with Huang Shulang? I think Tu Jingyuan might be more suitable."

Yang Yiyun smiled, looked at the Earth Jingyuan in the distance, and pointed to a small valley about one kilometer away, and said: "Since we have chosen to be a temporary foothold again, we always need to build something. The talent of the Earth Jingyuan can handle this. Important task, haha."

Yu Linglong was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment he understood that Yang Yiyun was a strong man who wanted to grasp the earth essence. If he did build it, it would be more suitable for the earth essence to stay than the snake.

"Do you plan to stay here for a while?" Yu Linglong asked.

"Well, since it's here, let's stay for a while. Our cultivation bases have all improved too quickly, and our moods are unstable. It will take some time to refine and stabilize our cultivation bases." Yang Yiyun's words are actually just saying Half, and the other half is for Yu Linglong.

When I came, I saw that there are many gods in this **** city. I asked if the treasures of heaven and earth could be restored to Yu Linglong, it was relatively convenient. What he thought was that he would restore Yu Linglong first.

I didn't tell her more because I was afraid that she would have a burden in her heart.

"Okay~" Yu Linglong nodded softly. In fact, how could she not know what Yang Yiyun thought?

Dao heart is turbulent, but it has become more and more vibrant.

Suddenly I thought of the scene with Yang Yiyun in the bloodthirsty ancestral tree cave, and her face became hot, but fortunately, she was wearing a veil, and Yang Yiyun couldn't see it.

"Soil Jingyuan~" Yang Yiyun called out the soil Jingyuan in the distance.

"Master~" Soil Jingyuan brushed over.

"We are going to settle down in this valley, and we leave it to you to build the training palace for everyone. We don't ask for any luxury, as long as we can facilitate the cultivation, can it be done?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Master, rest assured, leave everything to me." Tu Jingyuan replied confidently.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said: "Then you can take care of it. I'll set up a formation around the valley."

Anyway, what he has is a sacred stone, so it is no problem to arrange a spirit gathering formation and defensive formation.

"I'll be with you," Yu Linglong said.

"Okay." Yang Yiyun didn't expect Yu Linglong's help, so she wanted her to resume her cultivation, but since she wants to be together, that's okay, as long as she is happy.


Next, the two of them started from the valley. First, they laid a spirit gathering formation method, and the absorbed heaven and earth spirits were counted into the valley, so that there would be a good cultivation environment. Anyway, there is no shortage of **** stones, hundreds of thousands of top grade, millions of dollars. The inferior sacred stone, you don’t need the sacred stone, but the sacred stone is used.

Yang Yiyun directly used the high-grade sacred stones and consumed one hundred thousand high-grade sacred stones. This is a big deal, equivalent to millions of low-grade sacred stones, and a spirit gathering formation succeeded.

Suddenly, the power of the gods from all directions of the heaven and the earth continued to converge. In just half an hour, he could feel that the energy of the heaven and the earth in the valley had begun to double and was continuously improving.

He was very satisfied with this.

The next step is to set up a defensive formation. Originally, he wanted to set up an immortal formation, but he had never contacted the gods, so he asked for Yu Linglong's advice.

Yu Linglong said: "Or set up a small universe formation. Although it is not a great universe formation, it can be regarded as a good formation in the God Realm, and it is easy, and it is most suitable for such small valley places. You What do you think?"

"I don't understand~" Yang Yiyun was straightforward, he really didn't understand God Formation.

"It needs 200,000 lower-grade sacred stones, let me come!" Yu Linglong said.

"You..." Yang Yiyun was a little worried about her, after all, she was badly injured.

Yu Linglong smiled and said: "Although I have lost my vitality, don't forget that I still have the strength of the **** king. It is naturally okay to arrange a small **** formation. Besides, don't you have to help me? Don't worry, I just set you up. Also take a look at the layout of the God Realm God Array, I will also tell you by the way..."

Listening to Yu Linglong's words, Yang Yiyun was relieved, and the two began.

Of course, it seems that Yu Linglong is the master, he is the assistant, and he also understands the divine formation while setting up the formation.

After nine days, a small universe formation succeeded.

Yang Yiyun also learned the formation method of the God Realm Divine Array. In fact, it is still the method of returning to the sect. The principle is the same as that of the Immortal Realm, except that the power level is different. Of course there are some subtle differences, plus Yu Linglong He explained that he was an introduction to the way of the **** formation, and the extremely powerful **** formation could not be deployed, but there was no problem with the formation of personal cultivation.

At the moment when the formation was successful, auspicious clouds rolled over, but they hid the entire valley. Standing outside the valley formation to look at, the auspicious clouds rolled, it was really beautiful.

"Choose a name for this valley," Yu Linglong said.

Yang Yiyun blurted out after thinking about it, "Just call it Qiankun Valley."

Named after the formation, it is also appropriate.

Moreover, he himself is the supreme **** of the Qiankun Temple. After the God Realm, the word Qiankun has become an indelible mark on his body. Since it can't be wiped off, let the word Qiankun shine brightly.

Although this small valley is a temporary dojo, it is much more formal in this way.

"It's also appropriate." Yu Linglong nodded.

Yang Yiyun smiled, waved his hand on the mountain wall at the mouth of the valley, and wrote the three characters Qiankungu in the air, but it was the simplified characters of the earth.

Yu Linglong looked at it for a moment, and asked, "Is it the name of the valley?"

Yang Yiyun grinned and said: "It's the text of my hometown, or you write the inscription Qiankun Gu on the side."

"Okay." Yu Linglong waved her hand, and three simple and mysterious inscriptions appeared immediately, which were universal inscriptions in the eternal **** realm.

So far, Qiankun Valley has been completed.

"Let’s go, let’s go in, I guess Teng Snake and they are coming back soon, go in to see how Tu Jingyuan’s progress is." Yang Yiyun raised Yu Linglong's hand and walked into the valley while speaking, or it should be called Qiankun Valley now. .

Although it was a temporary dojo, it was considered Yang Yiyun's home in the Eternal God Realm. He took Yu Linglong's hand and walked, feeling very good.

And Yu Linglong gradually got used to Yang's hand-handling. Not only did she not feel disgusted, but there was a hot flow in her heart. It was very warm, and the Taoist heart was turbulent, but it was a good turmoil. She felt the fan more and more. The door of heaven is gradually opening to her...

Cultivating Taoism is the process of cultivating the mind, and Yu Linglong, who is a **** of law, knows this very well.

But she was only clear before, but now she understands.

She knew that coming out with Yang Yiyun, or being with him now, was the chance for her to achieve the Way of Heaven.

This thought came out, clear and firm as never before.

I was also saying to myself: "You must practice hard to restore your appearance. Since you are his woman, then do your best."

She could feel the kind of care emanating from Yang Yiyun, the care for her.

For the Taoist couple, she knew it for a long time, but she had never been in contact with her before, and she had no interest before. She even thought that love would only be a stumbling block on the path of monasticism and regarded as a beast.

Until he met Yang Yiyun, and he came to the Eternal God Realm, after a thousand years, Yu Linglong finally has enlightenment.

Even if it is a god, it is also a **** of flesh and blood, that is, a creature with emotions, and such emotions are also the avenue of the world, not a shackle.

Yu Linglong allowed Yang Yiyun to take her hand into the valley, and her heart was sweet at this moment.


Yang Yiyun naturally didn't know what Yu Linglong was thinking, but just dragged her into the valley. When they entered, they were suddenly taken aback.

Good guy, these days, he has been in formation with Yu Linglong, and he hasn't paid much attention to the situation in the valley at all.

But now it was shocked.

One after another exquisite and majestic palaces rose from the ground, scattered in the valley, with auspicious clouds fluttering and divine light gleaming.

"This is... Tu Jingyuan made it?"

Yang Yiyun said in a daze, even though he knew the miraculous methods of the gods, he could still sigh when he saw the palace attic rising from the ground in the entire valley.

"Should it be?" Yu Linglong was also a little uncertain.

After all, the attics of these palaces were so exquisite and tight that the two of them couldn't believe that they could be built by Tu Jingyuan alone.


At this moment, the voice of Tu Jingyuan often came from a palace, and then flashed to Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong.

"These... are you built?" Yang Yiyun asked.

Earth Jingyuan nodded back and said with a sense of boldness: "Yes, the master, I built it all, in fact, it is nothing. Our human race is good at building. There are sacred trees in the valley, and there are various sacred stones under the ground. It just came up with magic power, and built it with magic power, but it was fast. In fact, the building was completed three days ago.

In the past two days, I set up the inner room, prepared a training secret room for the master Linglong Dharma god, and a resting attic. It was a bit crude, and the time was in a hurry, so I asked the master to make do with Linglong Dharma god.

There are a total of five halls and five lofts, which can be used as meeting halls, meeting halls, cultivating chambers, alchemy building, bedroom, etc. Master, please see what is needed for replacement, and subordinates are working on improvement. "

"It's very good, you worked hard, we won't live again, it's already very good, Tu Jingyuan didn't expect that you are really a talent, haha, it's good, it's good, walk around, take a look~"

This time, Yang is really complimenting the local Jingyuan.

Tou Jingyuan was a little embarrassed.

The three began to visit, and Yang Yiyun kept nodding his head. He was very satisfied. Tu Jingyuan was an attentive person. The white jade bed in the palace was prepared, and the white jade dug from deep underground was also prepared for the sacred stone futon in the training chamber. , The alchemy secret room attracted a fire, and I don't know how he did it.

Anyway, Yang Yiyun is satisfied.

Of course, in order to show the uniqueness of his own master, Yang mobilized the power of the Taoist tree to build a beautiful landscape garden in the courtyard of the main hall. In fact, that was for Yu Linglong.

It is not difficult to transform these with divine power, and it is not to say that the divine power of various attributes corresponds to all things, and when used well, it is a miracle.

"Master, we are back~"

At this moment, the loud voice of Teng Snake rang from outside the valley.

Yang Yiyun waved his hand, the Universe Array opened, and Fang Teng Snake and Huang Shulang walked in.

After ten days, they came back one day early and took his words to heart. He was very satisfied with this.

Now it is up to him to see if Tengshe and Huang Shulang can bring back good news, which he is looking forward to.

I don't know if these two goods have inquired about the heavenly materials or the gods that can restore Yu Linglong?

"Meet the master~"

"I have seen God."

The two of them were surprised when they saw the great changes in the valley, but they still didn't forget the etiquette.

"Don't be polite, is there any good news for me?" Yang Yiyun asked directly.

Teng She said in a loud voice: "Yes~ Master has good news..."

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