My Master Is a God

Chapter 2671: Yu Linglong's secret

"Master, you guys are finally out~"

Outside the tree hole, when Teng Snake saw the enchantment disappear, Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong walked out one after another, it was an exaggerated wailing.

Tu Jingyuan also greeted him, just about to speak, but when he saw Yang Yiyun's face or Yu Linglong behind him, he shut up, just bowed.

Tengshe was careless and didn't pay attention to details at all, and continued to talk about it.

As a result, Yang Yiyun said, "Can you stop talking?"

Teng snake brakes in the next second.

Finally it feels wrong.

The master's mood is not very good, so just shut up, otherwise you will be beaten.

In a blink of an eye, I finally took a look at Yu Linglong behind Yang Yiyun, but found that something was wrong with Yu Linglong!

First, Teng Snake sensed that Yu Linglong’s breath had actually become a god-king level, and even saw that Yu Linglong’s hair seemed to be a lot whiter. Although she was wearing a veil, the wrinkles around her eyes were very obvious...

The point is that the owner Yang Yiyun actually took Yu Linglong's hand, and the two walked out of the tree hole.

And the last point is that the master's breath is very strong, so strong that he can't perceive it deeply.

This time Teng Snake seemed to understand something even with hindsight.

It seems that the owner and Yu Linglong are in the tree hole, and a lot of things have happened~

Still don't ask anything.

The **** little dwarf didn't remind me when he saw it, Teng Snake cursed Tu Jingyuan in his heart, smiled at Yang Yiyun and Yu Linglong, and walked away.

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and said to Teng Shu and Tu Jingyuan: "Let's go, leave here and go to the ground first."

"It's the master, the subordinates who go out have been cleaned up~" After the earth Jingyuan opened his mouth, he led the way directly.

Every time the earth essence can reach the end, and can also achieve the key points, it is not bluff, but it is praised and appreciated by Yang Yiyun.

Teng Snake is the opposite, bluffing, wanting to behave, but there will always be troubles.

However, Tengshe is more straightforward and simple, on the other hand, more loyal and daring to fight.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages in the eyes of Yang Yiyun.


After Yang Yiyun confessed to Yu Linglong in the cave, there was no barrier between the two, and Yu Linglong put on the veil again, but Yang Yiyun could feel it in her heart that she still cared about her appearance like an old lady.

When they came out, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but raised her hand, and the two walked out holding hands.

He swore in his heart that he would do nothing and restore Yu Linglong's face.

In fact, it is difficult to say that it is difficult, but it is not easy to say that it is easy.

Yu Linglong became like this, her face grew old, her cultivation level regressed, in the final analysis she had lost her vitality, and she could recover as long as she found a divine object to cure this aspect.

This is what he owes her and must do it.

He also allowed Yu Linglong to become like this.

Of course, he also said the water of life, but after taking three drops of Yu Linglong, there was no improvement at all.

So he knew that the next step was to look for the treasure of the gods to restore his vitality, but this kind of treasure did not know where it could be found.

An hour later, they returned the same way and returned to the earth, still on the mountain peak when they entered, and the big crack opened by the earth essence still exists.

It's just that after they came out, the difference was that the thorns that stretched for thousands of miles in the Bloodthirsty Mountains were all withered.

The bloodthirsty ancestor body was killed or swallowed by Yang Yiyun, and the thorns and branches on the old monster would naturally not survive. After all, the thorns of the **** body still existed after a thousand years, but withered, but I believe that with the passage of time, one day Will turn to ashes.

"Master, shall we continue to move towards the Sky God City next?" Tu Jingyuan asked.

Yang Yiyun looked at Yu Linglong and asked for her opinion: "Sister Linglong, what do you think?"

Yu Linglong's voice was still moving, and she said, "It's only a few thousand miles to cross the Bloodthirsty Mountain Range. Since we are where our goal is, let's go ahead."

Her appearance is always passive, but her voice is unaffected.

Yang Yiyun nodded after hearing this: "Then go to the Sky God City~"

The goal did not change, and he continued to move forward. In fact, Yang Yiyun also tended to continue to the Sky God City mentioned by Tengshe.

It's just to hit chance, try your luck, wherever you go is the same.

According to Teng Snake's words, the Sky God City is a place where many gods are located, which means there are people!

Someone means chance and news.

He needs to find a place like this now and find out where there is a **** that can heal Yu Linglong.

"Fly and go, soar the snake~"

Yang Yiyun shouted to Tengshe.

Teng Snake instantly understood that his master wanted him to be a mount, and after hurriedly responded, his wings flashed with divine light, and it turned into a body measuring 20 to 30 meters in size.

Now that the bloodthirsty ancestor is dead, there will be no thorns blocking them, they can fly directly, and Yang Yiyun does not want to waste time walking.

Previously, it was to travel long insights and talk about the scenery along the way.

But now he had concerns in his heart, worried that Yu Linglong would need to find a divine object to help Yu Linglong as soon as possible, so naturally he didn't want to spend time on the road.

Fly directly.

If he encounters any obstacles, let's talk about his combat effectiveness. Whether he is in the Eternal God Realm or the God Realm where he and Yu Linglong are located, he is considered to be a middle-up strength, and he is not afraid of anything.

The **** master level is only one line behind.

Besides, above the God Lord is the Fa God, and there is not much in the entire God Realm.

I believe it's the same here.

The strong are always in the minority.


The next moment Yang Yiyun took Yu Linglong and stood on Teng Snake’s back, but Tu Jingyuan leaped up. He didn’t dare to stand on Teng Snake’s back, and he didn’t need it. They were both junior **** emperors, Tu Jingyuan’s skills. Don't have to be weak.


Yang Yiyun gave an order, and Teng Snake's body flashed with colorful divine light, which turned into lightning in a swish, and rushed into the sky, the speed is indeed not bad.

Behind him, the earth spirit yuan always followed hundreds of meters away, unhurriedly.

"Both of these goods are not bad." Yang Yiyun seldom laughed.

Yu Linglong was not as pessimistic at the beginning, and then said: "Tu Jingyuan and Tengshe are both lucky~"

There are not many words in her own words.

Yang Yiyun shook her hand and said seriously again: "You can rest assured that even if you go up to the knife and go down to the pan, I will definitely let you recover."

Yu Linglong looked at Yang Yiyun's clear eyes, and she relaxed for no reason, and suddenly smiled when she looked at her.

He opened his mouth and said: "I believe that because you are the supreme **** and the most powerful and supreme person in the whole heaven in the future, you really don’t feel guilty. To be honest, I did feel a little confused at the beginning, but now Thinking about the calamity this time is not necessarily a bad thing for me, great joy, great compassion, and great ups and downs are the tempering of the Dao Heart. I seem to feel the heavenly Dao in the dark."

At this moment, Yu Linglong relieved and saw her own secret.

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