My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 905: Dream Realm

Xingjun's voice is like a bell:

I have to remind you at the end.

The fantasy world is a special world that cannot be viewed with common sense. You may encounter various things that are contrary to logic. What you have to do is to live as long as possible and see farther places...

Everything you experience and encounter will be recorded, and in the end these will be used as the key to counting the number of battle orders you have obtained.

Said Xingjun waved his hand, and the shining aura rose up, covering everything around him.

And Chen Fan's eyes went dark, and he lost his sense of the surroundings.

When he opened his eyes again, Chen Fan found himself in a completely dark environment.

Hiss~ He rubbed his forehead and stood up.

But he found himself in a cave.

The cave is extremely deep, and there are occasional green light spots lingering and flickering in it, which seem to be things like fireflies.

The weakness that has not been felt for a long time comes from all parts of the body.

The thinking speed of the brain dropped to the level of ordinary people, which made Chen Fan extremely uncomfortable for a while.

It was said to be a projection, but Chen Fan found that although the body was weak, it was extremely real and would feel pain, but the strength of the body was only at the level of ordinary people.

Needless to say, Chen Fan's various comprehensions about Tao cannot be applied here.

Chen Fan even tried to practice the real skills of the past, but found that the principles of the world were fundamentally different, and he couldn't condense the vitality of heaven and earth at all.

However, with his own combat experience and skills, even with an ordinary person's body, Chen Fan can still achieve great results.

Shaking his head, he followed the twilight of fireflies in front of him and quietly stepped forward.

Walking along the deep dark passage, Lin Lei suddenly saw an orange light not far away.

It's fire, this world also has fire!

He stepped forward quickly, but quickly approached the flame.

Only then did he realize that the place where the flame was located was a bonfire.

Obviously the firewood has been burned out, but the bonfire is still emitting a warm light.

But beside the bonfire, lay a stinking corpse.

There are humans in this world!

Lin Lei bent down and examined the man's body.

The man was wearing dilapidated armor and held a broken sword in his hand.

There was blackened blood on the ground, and the man's waist and abdomen also had obvious wound marks.

Judging from the wound, it seemed to be injured by some kind of creature with sharp claws.

This body is basically the appearance of a standard human being, and its body organs are extremely similar.

A completely different world can produce such similar species, but Chen Fan doesn't think it's just a simple coincidence.

Lin Lei stripped off the tattered armor on his body, put it on for himself, and then picked up his broken sword.

This broken sword is just an ordinary weapon.

He swung forward sharply.

call out!

The broken sword pierced the air and let out a howl.

Although I can't use my understanding of Dao, my own sword skills are still there, and I can easily kill ordinary people in seconds...

His previous level of strength is here, even if the projection is extremely weak and his strength is greatly reduced, it is not comparable to people of the same level.

But at this moment, Chen Fan felt a burst of hunger and thirst coming from his belly.

I have a projection, but I also want to eat?

Chen Fan was also stunned.

What kind of projection is this?

Apart from the fact that they can only stay for ten days, there seems to be no difference?

There are no food residues around, and in the projected state, without food, it is impossible to live for too long.

After adjusting his state a little, he got up decisively and continued to move forward into the darkness.

In the pitch-black underground cave, there were only dots of fluorescent light, and Chen Fan could hardly see anything clearly in this state.

His ears pricked up, listening to all the movements in the deep cave.

But suddenly, his steps froze, and his eyes looked into the deep darkness.

Not far away, a pair of yellow-orange-orange light spots quickly approached in their direction.

It's some kind of beast!

Chen Fan could hear the footsteps of this thing, which was approaching rapidly.

Chen Fan tilted his head, turned the broken sword in his hand slightly, and then mobilized all his attention to look in front of him.


The unknown beast approached from a distance.

A stench came with the wind.

Although Chen Fan couldn't see this guy clearly, his ears listened to all his movements, he moved away with a side step, and sent the broken sword in his hand with a chuck.

Accompanied by a miserable howl.

With a bang, the unknown beast fell heavily to the ground.

And Chen Fan dragged the beast back to his previous cave, and with the help of the light from the bonfire that was not completely extinguished, he could see the true face of this guy clearly.

This is an ugly creature with twisted body and sharp claws.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, grabbed the broken sword, and cut open the monster's rough skin.

Throw all its flesh and blood into the bonfire.


I have to say that the taste of this monster is extremely unpalatable.

But it's better than nothing.

And Chen Fan didn't miss the monster's blood, so he drank it like water.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Fan also wrapped a leg bone with fur and fat to make a simple torch. The monster's arm bones and sharp claws were tied up by him to make a bone blade, which was much more effective than a broken sword.

Then it continued.

After the fluorescence, Chen Fan walked for about three days, encountered many special monsters on the road, and then their flesh and blood finally reached the end of the dark passage.

A huge gully appeared in front of Chen Fan.

There are also sporadic fireflies in it, but it's a pity, but it can't help Chen Fan see too far away.

If I had known, I would have gone in the opposite direction.

Looking back now, it is naturally unrealistic.

He sighed, grabbed the bone blade, but started to move down it carefully.

The ravine was extremely deep, but the slope was not too steep. Chen Fan moved down carefully and slowly.

Chen Fan never reached the bottom of the deep pit. Fortunately, he had killed many of those monsters before and saved a lot of flesh and blood, so he wouldn't starve to death in a short time.

After walking for about half a day, Lin Lei stopped to rest and eat.

However, he suddenly felt that there was a violent tremor on the ground.

Earthquake? He immediately stood up and looked into the dark hole.

And the trembling sound became more and more frequent, and it was also getting closer.

Chen Fan could feel the crazy shaking of the ground under his feet. He inserted the bone blade deeply into the soil under his feet to stabilize his body so as not to fall.

About half a minute later, from the deep underground, something stretched up from the darkness.

And until this thing appeared in front of Chen Fan.

A disgusting fishy wind surged up from the ground.

Lin Lei raised the self-made torch high, and only then could he see the shape of the guy below it.

It was a huge white worm covered in viscous liquid.

This guy's mouth was forked like a flower, and sharp fangs protruded from the forked mouth.

And the moment Chen Fan saw this guy clearly.

A burst of fear suddenly surged in Chen Fan's heart.

In fact, in the previous world, he had killed quite a few monsters of similar size.

But when facing this strange guy, he had a special feeling as if he was facing the power of the abyss of heaven.

Emotional loss, rational decline, unable to control themselves.

Chaotic emotions exploded in Chen Fan's mind.

At the same time, that guy also stretched forward in an instant, wrapping Chen Fan into the big gaping mouth with an easy flick of the forked mouth.

When being swallowed by this guy, Chen Fan also realized that he was going to die.

In ten days, I only spent less than three days, and I was about to die...

The physical pain was not so unbearable, but he felt really speechless in his heart.

This world is too weird.

But after being devoured, he didn't die directly, but fell continuously.

The guy's stomach seemed to be connected to a different dimension. After Chen Fan fell for nearly a minute, he felt the burning corrosion around his body, and his consciousness finally dissipated.

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