My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 901 Supreme Swordsmanship

Seeing that Chen Fan wanted to compete with Kawajiu.

Feng Jiaojiao rushed over with a smile:

You guys want to fight, okay, okay, I like watching people fight the most.

Yong Guan also watched this scene with a smile, and when he waved his hand, a bronze mirror floated up from his palm, gradually getting bigger.

My phantom spirit mirror is a special secret treasure, which can create illusions and be used as a place of battle.

Chen Fan also had a twinkle in his eyes.

The value of such treasures alone is immeasurable.

You know, the strength of the two is exaggerated.

Even Chen Fan, who is far inferior to Chuan Jiu, is enough to sweep the fifth level of longevity in terms of strength level.

And Chuan Jiu is the best among the six layers of longevity.

Ordinary illusions can't simulate the strength of the two.

To be able to enter the first sequence, apart from the three of Chen Fan who passed the Meihui, the weakest is the ordinary six-layer strength of longevity. Generally, hidden sects and foreign races may not be able to have such a character, but it is normal to have such a treasure.

It's just a simple fight. It's more interesting to do some gimmicks and tricks. Feng Jiaojiao blinked her eight eyes, and a new idea popped up.

I think so too.

Let's bet something.

Immediately there were genius outlets around to chime in.

Chen Fan had no choice but to smile bitterly and said, Senior Brother Chuanjiu and I are too far apart in strength, there's nothing to do...

He is very self-aware.

It is already considered rare for him to be able to break through the seventh floor Tongtian Tower.

The difference in strength from Kawajiu, who had broken through the eleventh floor, was ridiculously large.

Don't talk about yourself who is now at the second level of longevity.

Even if he breaks through the third level of longevity, or even the fourth level, it is impossible to be his opponent.

But Feng Jiaojiao didn't care and said: Don't talk about you, none of us are opponents of Chuanjiu, but Chuanjiu naturally has restrictions on you.

She looked at Kawajiu with a thoughtful look:

How about this, Chuanjiu is not allowed to use more than one percent of his own power, and he is not allowed to use too strong swordsmanship, and the world of mind can't be urged...

Let's all take a gamble on how long Chen Fan can last.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, but nodded, and then turned to look at Chuanjiu: What did Brother Chuanjiu say?

Kawahisa paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about what they said, then turned his head to look at Chen Fan, and said calmly,'s okay.

This Chuanjiu didn't have any vigor or arrogance, and was quite easy to talk to.

Feng Jiaojiao clapped her hands and said excitedly:

Then let's set a few limits. First, Chen Fan can persist for three breaths, second, Chen Fan can persist for ten breaths, third, Chen Fan can persist for fifty breaths, and fourth, Chen Fan can persist for more than fifty breaths.

Although everyone bets within these limits, at least it must be a one-star Taoist artifact!

Whoever wins the bet will share all the bets equally.

Those who can come here are not only peerless geniuses, but also rare masters in the world, but they have all placed their bets more or less.

And to them, low-level Taoist artifacts or ordinary holy-level pills are nothing at all.

Most people think that Chen Fan can last between three and ten breaths.

Only Feng Jiaojiao voted for Chen Fan to last for fifty breaths.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, but he took out a bead and handed it to Feng Jiaojiao: I bet I can last for more than fifty breaths.

The bead is a purple light bead, just a one-star Taoist artifact, but it is of no use to him.

Chuan Jiu only used one percent of his strength, but it didn't mean that he only had one percent of his strength left.

Strength is only part of determining strength.

Strength plus kendo realm, plus swordsmanship, determines a person's strength.

Even if he only uses one percent of his power, restricts the world of swordsmanship and mind, and comprehends it with his own way, he can definitely easily kill the ordinary five-fold longevity in seconds.

Chen Fan voted himself to support himself.

In fact, he didn't have the slightest confidence.

But for him at this time, Taoist artifacts such as the Purple Light Bead are indeed useless, and may not be comparable to his own physical defense, so he doesn't feel bad.

Feng Jiaojiao giggled: Let's agree, the person who guesses correctly will divide all the treasures equally, and those who lose will lose everything. Is there any objection?

No one objected.

To them, these bets are indeed nothing at all.

After everyone finished placing their bets, Yong Guan also smiled and picked up the Phantom Spiritual Mirror in his hand again, and the spiritual light immediately covered everyone around him.

Everyone, don't resist. Yong Guan's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fan felt a sudden pull.

This is similar to what Chen Fan felt when he was pulled into the mind world when he was fighting Yuhu, but the pulling force was far less powerful.

In the blink of an eye, everyone entered a white and empty world.

Think of it as the world in the Phantom Spirit Book.

Yong Guan looked at the crowd with a smile and waved his hand slightly.

The background of the white world changed immediately.

A huge and incomparably empty arena appeared in front of everyone.

The two of you can fight as you like. In my Phantom Spirit Book, even death will only slightly damage the consciousness.

Yong Guan smiled.

Chen Fan nodded, turned his head to look at Chuan Jiu, waved his hand, and Leng Fengjian appeared in his hand.

In the Imaginary Book, Chen Fan can still use the White Emperor Armor and Leng Feng Sword.

It's just that Master Bai is in a deep sleep, so he can't use it.

Of course, he himself wanted to see Chuan Jiu's swordsmanship. Compared with his swordsmanship, it was not a life-and-death battle, and victory or defeat was not that important to him.

It doesn't matter if Bai Huangjia doesn't urge him to move.

Brother Kawajiu, please.

Yong Guan, Feng Jiaojiao and the others jumped into the air one by one, and opened the distance. With the spiritual sense of these people, even if they are hundreds or thousands of miles away, they can still observe the situation of the two fighting.

Yong Guan nodded to Chen Fan, and then raised his detailed arm.

An ice-blue crystal rapier appeared in Kawajiu's hand.

But when he held the sword in his hand, his whole temperament changed immediately.

The originally dull eyes instantly became sharp.

The sword in his hand pointed obliquely at Chen Fan, and the corner of his mouth drew a strange arc.

Too good!


The wind was blowing.

Chen Fan's face was shocked immediately.

An indescribable force surged.

It is not the power of heaven and earth, nor is it ordinary sword energy, but a special kind of inexplicable and invisible sword energy, which instantly extends from Chuan Jiubing's blue long sword, forming a black line in the sky.

Obviously the power is not terrible.

But Chen Fan felt an extremely dangerous feeling coming.

At this moment, Chen Fan gritted his teeth and instantly aroused the second level of rage, and he had already cultivated to the ninth level of Hongmeng Sword, and instantly chopped out.

The terrifying sword energy that was a hundred times stronger than that of Meihui suddenly slashed out, whipped up a strong wind, and slammed towards the extending black line.

Incomparably manic and imposing, the primordial sword energy that darkened the world was peeling off inch by inch along with the black line.

But in an instant, the restless sword energy was completely suppressed by the black line.

And the power of the black line was completely lost under Chen Fan's Hongmeng Sword.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

Although he is aware of the gap in strength between himself and Kawajiu.

But the final result still makes him feel delicate.

This is not a gap in strength, it is a gap in strength level.

The gap between the second level of longevity and the sixth level of longevity in understanding swordsmanship is too great.

Chen Fan has not yet comprehended the Dao, but Chuan Jiu has almost completed the practice of the Dao of Sword.

This sword is not the Mansion of Divine Ability, any one of the Seven Immortal swordsmanship, it should be the unique swordsmanship that Chuan Jiu got from his cheap master...

In fact, Chen Fan himself also has the thirteen moves taught by Beiming, but at present, Chen Fan, who has not even completed the third move, is not as powerful as the eighth heavy Hongmeng Sword.

the other side.

A slight astonishment flashed across Kawajiu's face.

Obviously, Chen Fan was able to use such a terrifying move with his second level of longevity, which also surprised Chuan Jiu.

It's just that the astonishment dissipated in an instant.

He raised his sword again and said, Tai Shang, Hei Hua!


Jianfeng groaned softly.

A series of dense black lines exploded, rushing towards Chen Fan like blooming flowers.

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