My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 897 Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, Longevity Second Layer

Leave the classroom.

Under Chen Yi's guidance, Chen Fan quickly stopped in front of a huge square.

There are towering gates erected on the square.

Lights flickered on the doors.

These doors are connected to different secret realms of practice and sacred places of enlightenment, and there are many types.

It's really extravagant. There are only thirty-three people in the first sequence at most, but the number of these secret realms is more than thirty-three...

Chen Fan was amazed, stepped forward, looked around, and finally stopped in front of a door.

A stone tablet was erected above the door.

The corresponding information corresponding to the secret realm is engraved on the stele.

The secret realm here is called Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, and it is a treasure land to help kendo practitioners improve their comprehension.

Entering consumes one battle order per day.

However, as the first rank, Mei will provide one month of secret realm entry time for free every year.

In addition to his remaining battle orders, he can enter nearly three months in a row.

Chen Fan left the avatar outside, but the deity stepped into the light gate.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared in another world.

However, in the secret territory of Tianjian, there are traces of dao rhyme left by hundreds of masters of swordsmanship.

It even includes the legacy of several immortals.

It is extremely difficult to comprehend the Dao of the Sword.

It is extremely rare in the world to become a master of immortals by relying on the way of swordsmanship.

And even if they have the same realm, these people will have great differences because of the differences in their swordsmanship and moves.

Chen Fan also quickly sensed the aura of swordsmanship similar to the masters of the three immortals such as Wuwu Sword Art.

For him who has an on-hook slot, it is natural to trigger epiphanies frequently, and his practice is extremely fast.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye nearly three months have passed.

Chen Fan completely consumed the war order.

However, in the past three months, his five spirits and the hang-up slot have worked together, and the speed of his practice of several swordsmanship supernatural powers has made him astonished. These immortal-level swordsmanship Supernatural powers are not too far from consummation.


The deity returned to the palace.

Combined with the avatar, the experience and knowledge of the avatar in the past few months have been integrated into Chen Fan's mind one after another.

During this period of avatar, I often go to listen to some masters' lectures.

Chen Fan's four avenues of fire, water, and wind are relatively common.

Also took the time to meet with a few old friends.

People from low-level tower realms cannot go to higher tower realms, but higher tower realms can go to low-level tower realms at will.

Not to mention, outside of the Ten Realms Tower, the Holy Church still has a huge space and scope, and there are various alien races living in it.

The battle tokens are exhausted, and in a short time, it is impossible for me to break through to the higher level of the Tongtian Tower... To get more battle tokens, I must either go out to the Chaos Sea to complete the hunting mission, or I can only explore the fantasy world...

Because there is only one opportunity to explore in the Fantasy World, which lasts up to ten days. Chen Fan also tries his best to wait until the end of the year, when his strength has improved to the strongest level, before exploring.

There is still a lot of time until the end of the year.

With places like the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, his own strength can be improved a lot.

Then I'll go hunting...the Chaos Sea is here, and I haven't been in it yet.

He licked his lips, his eyes flashed with heat.

But he didn't leave immediately.

Instead, the deity stayed in the sanctuary and let the avatar go out to complete the hunt.

With his state at this time, the strength of the avatar has also improved a lot. Although it is far behind the deity, it is extremely simple to kill the devil or beast of the third level of longevity.

And because of mastering the secret method of concealing the void, the safety is quite guaranteed.

Efficiency is certainly not as good as my own deity, but it is better than safety.

After all, the Chaos Sea is full of dangers, and there are even many demon kings and immortals. I seem to be powerful, but in the eyes of those existences, I am still just an ant.

He has a lot of Taoist equipment in his hand at this time.

Although most of them are just low-star Taoism artifacts, they are suitable for avatars, and even if they encounter unrivaled opponents, they won't feel bad if they ruin Chen Fan.

He planted the imprint of the Star God Seal on the clone, so that he could confirm the location of the clone, check the situation encountered by the clone, and then send the clone out to hunt.

His true self returned to his own palace and slowly cultivated.

During this period of time, he has gained a lot in the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm, and he needs time to slowly consolidate.


Huge practice dojo.

Chen Fan's body was full of aura, and the rich aura between heaven and earth kept pouring into his body.

His aura is constantly climbing and climbing.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

Second level of longevity, breakthrough!

He was not surprised to break through the second level of longevity.

He himself has already reached the peak of the first level of longevity, if not for his own sense of swordsmanship, he would have been able to break through.

And this time in the Heavenly Sword Secret Realm group, he has made good progress in many of his kendo supernatural powers, which has greatly helped his Wanjian kendo.

Although there is still a considerable gap in the distance from comprehending the Dao of the Sword, he has met the promotion requirements for the Second Level of Longevity.

After breaking through the second level of longevity, his strength in all aspects naturally ushered in a comprehensive rise.

However, his spiritual consciousness realm did not directly break through the first level of barriers like when he broke through the first level of longevity, but he still maintained at the level of the second level of immeasurable.

The gap between the realms of the third level of immeasurable and the second level of immeasurable is too big... Even if my cultivation base brings about a comprehensive improvement, it is not enough to support my soul to make a further breakthrough.

He shook his head and lay cross-legged on the ground, constantly consolidating the cultivation realm he had just broken through.

And when his cultivation base broke through to the second level of longevity, his own real kung fu progress naturally began to advance by leaps and bounds, and the abundant power of heaven and earth in the tenth tower world was no longer just a decoration.

But to be honest, when he was promoted to the second level of longevity, the improvement in his own strength was far less than when he was promoted to the first level of longevity.

Although my swordsmanship has broken through the limit, my four ways of earth, fire, water and wind are still only the comprehension standard of the first level of longevity, and I can't practice the ninth level of the Four Holy Swords at all...

With his current strength, it is impossible to pass the eighth floor of Tongtian Tower.

When I complete the Concentrating Phase Jue and condense the Heart Phase World in advance, or I start to understand the Dao of the Sword and advance to the third level of longevity, I may be able to pass the eighth floor of Tongtian Tower.

A large part of his strength base comes from his own powerful strength and blood, so the advancement of his own cultivation is only to make up for his shortcomings, and it will not improve his overall strength too much.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan continued to meditate with his eyes closed.


Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

In the dojo.

Chen Fan, who was sitting cross-legged practicing, suddenly opened his eyes and raised his head.

I saw the aura surge.

The dusty clone entered the dojo from the outside.

The avatar nodded towards the deity, and flew straight towards him.

The split spirit merged into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Memories blend.

The experience of the avatar during this period also flooded into Chen Fan's mind.

The avatar did not leave too far, and moved within tens of thousands of miles of the temple, but did not encounter too many powerful beasts or demons.

At most, only one beast with the strength of the second level of longevity was killed, and two ordinary beasts of the first level of longevity were killed.

He immediately asked Chen Yi to take the corpses of these beasts to exchange for the war order.

Afterwards, the avatar took a short rest before continuing to hunt.

Killing these three long-lived monsters is worth about ten battle orders at most, which is not enough at all...

It's still necessary to kill beasts and monsters above the third level of longevity, so that the battle order obtained is high...

The problem is, even in a place like Chaos Sea where dangerous and masters coexist.

Longevity Triple Layer is also extremely rare.

There are masters at the fifth and sixth levels of longevity and the level of the Demon God King, but it does not mean that the third level of longevity can be seen everywhere.

Even if you look at the entire continent, the three layers of longevity belong to the top level of masters.

And even with the great changes in the world and the birth of many alien races and hidden sects, the longevity triple can still be regarded as a solid force.

The Chaos Sea is really too big, maybe not even smaller than the Pan-Ancient Continent itself.

With such a large range, it is not so easy to meet powerful masters.

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