My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 895 Shintsufu

Unless this kid is more powerful than I imagined...

Feng Jiaojiao licked her lips.

In fact, it is not surprising to her that Yuhu broke through this level. Yuhu himself is the fourth level of the Demon Emperor, which is equivalent to the fourth level of longevity. Much less power is required.

And after Chen Fan broke through the seventh floor, he teleported out of the Tongtian Tower very quickly, apparently failing to break through to the eighth floor.

The sixth level of longevity is too difficult to deal with...

Chen Fan appeared outside the Tongtian Tower, and a deep sense of helplessness flashed across his face.

He finally knew why Yuhu lost.

He practiced painstakingly for a hundred years, not just learning swords from the Immortal Beiming.

He counted the spirit divisions and added six hang-up slots. In the past hundred years, all his own cultivation skills and supernatural powers have been greatly improved.

And a hundred years ago, he thought that he could compete with the general longevity five-fold, and possessed the strength of a venerable.

Let alone now.

He asked himself the level of strength, in the five levels of longevity, there is no opponent.

In fact, when he broke into the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower, although he encountered a lot of trouble in the face of his opponent's mind world, in fact, it was not difficult to win.

His strength is much stronger than that of the general longevity fivefold, so he can bridge the gap between the Dao and the world of mind.

It's just a pity that the strength gap between the fifth level of longevity and the sixth level of longevity is bigger than he imagined.

When he faced the master of the sixth level of longevity, he was not an opponent at all, and was unilaterally beaten.

The Sixth Layer of Longevity's comprehension of the Great Dao has reached another level, even the weakest Eighth Layer of the Sixth Layer of Longevity is not something that Chen Fan can forcefully push past.

Even if he doesn't understand the mind world, Chen Fan is no match.

Chen Fan looked up at the Tongtian Tower on a higher level.

He also shook his head.

Even the eighth floor cannot pass by itself.

But the Demon God King's level is on the thirteenth floor!

Only at this moment did he feel a sense of admiration for the Demon God King, the gap was too great.

No wonder Zhou Bolanfei wants to fight me to the death...

Meihui's top talents, such as Zhou Bolan and Yuhu, possessed the fifth level of longevity in less than fifty. It seems that there is not much difference from the Demon God King, but in fact there is no marginal difference.

Yuhu can break through the seventh floor now, but it may not be able to break through the eighth floor in a hundred years. As for the latter, it will only take longer.

Amazing, Chen Fan!

Feng Jiaojiao came from a distance clapping her hands.

Chen Fan didn't expect that the devil hadn't left yet. He waved his hand modestly: It's still far behind Miss Feng.

Feng Jiaojiao waved her hands:

You can just call us Jiaojiao, we are not your human beings, so I can't get used to calling you like that.

In fact, the name Feng Jiaojiao is also called in the human language. In fact, the names of this class of demons do not distinguish between surnames and first names, and Miss Feng is simply a wrong name.

Chen Fan cleared his throat, and said politely, Jiaojiao.

Feng Jiaojiao nodded humph: You want to go back to the Tenth World Tower, do you want to go together?

Chen Fan smiled and nodded: Then let's go together.

Feng Jiaojiao waved her hand, a flash of spiritual light filled her hand, but it turned into a small palace in the blink of an eye.

It also seems to be some kind of flying spirit treasure.

Chen Fan, let's go.

Chen Fan nodded and flew up into the palace.

The palace blinked and turned into aura and flew into the sky, heading towards the highest level of the Ten Realms Tower.


Chat with Feng Jiaojiao all the way.

Only then did Chen Fan know.

It turned out that he was the blood of the Feng Mo clan.

His father is also the patriarch of the Fengmo clan and a master of the Demon God King series.

She was directly recommended by her father to enter the Holy Church, and after passing the strength assessment, she joined the first sequence.

So far, including you three little fellows from the Meihui, there are twenty-one in the first sequence. Most of them are heirs of demon princes or immortal descendants who were directly elected. The weakest ones have passed reached the eighth floor of Tongtian Tower.

Excellent. Chen Fan nodded.

If it is said that Chen Fan and the three were born with the advantage of their age because they were young geniuses, then the remaining 18 people were forced to come up because of their strength.

The three of you should seize these ten years and practice as soon as possible. After the ten years pass and you fall into the second rank, the restrictions will be much greater.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly: Normally, what level of strength do we need to achieve to stay in the first rank?

Feng Jiaojiao said:

It is said that there are only thirty-three places in the first rank of Meihui. It doesn't matter if the number is not full, it will only go up from the second rank. But if the number is full, it will be selected according to the rankings in the annual quiz. The last three are to be determined, and they will fight against those who ascended from the second rank, the winner will enter the first rank, and the loser will be lowered to the second rank.

Chen Fan suddenly nodded.

According to this statement, unless the three of Chen Fan's strengths can improve by leaps and bounds in the past ten years, it will be extremely difficult for the three of Chen Fan to maintain the first rank, and it is almost impossible.

Chen Fan has gone through a hundred years of painstaking training, but now he has only passed the seventh floor, and the eighth floor is nowhere in sight. Not to mention, even if he can pass the eighth floor ten years later, he may not be able to compare with other geniuses.

Although Chen Fan has entered the first rank, his strength will usher in a round of rapid improvement in ten years, but the same is true for other people.

Not to mention that they are stronger, and obtaining battle orders is far more convenient than Chen Fan.

In the same ten years, the higher the strength, the higher the harvest.

Of course, the impact of the talent gap will also be great.

While the two were talking, they had already returned to the uppermost tower world.

Feng Jiaojiao led Chen Fan to her residence.

The place where the person lives is actually an underground cave, extending in all directions.


In the dark underground cave.

Suddenly, Feng Jiaojiao's body swelled, and she turned into an extremely ferocious monster, and swallowed a strange monster that looked like a cow or a sheep in one gulp.

There was a rattling sound, and a large amount of blood bloomed around her mouth. After eating, she stretched out her huge palm, picked up another monster, and stuffed it into her mouth.

While eating, she looked at Chen Fan: Chen Fan, don't be polite to us. You can eat whatever we want. These guys are house monsters raised by our Fengmo tribe. The meat is delicious, juicy, and full of aura. Delicious and healthy.

Chen Fan coughed: We humans are not used to eating such things raw...

Huh? After Feng Jiaojiao turned into a prototype, a hint of surprise appeared on her ferocious face, but she didn't care about Chen Fan, and then continued to eat snacks, eating dozens of monsters of various colors at once, and then stopped. It fell down and turned into a human form again.

Chen Fan looked at his eight pupils and pale complexion, but instantly felt very pleasing to the eye.

Compared with its ferocious original form, although its human form is also very unhuman, but after comparison, it is found that its features are much more beautiful.

By the way, Jiaojiao, didn't you say that war orders can be exchanged for some supernatural powers that condense the world of mind in advance? I passed the seventh floor of Tongtian Tower, so I should be able to exchange some supernatural powers for condensing the world of mind, right? ?”

Feng Jiaojiao shook her head:

The secret codes to break through the mind world in advance are usually methods, not techniques. You have passed the seven-story Babel tower and obtained at least a hundred battle tokens, which is enough to exchange for ten such methods. Let's go, I will take you to supernatural powers House!

Feng Jiaojiao is a very enthusiastic devil.

He pulled Chen Fan up again.

There will be a magical house in every tower world, but there is only the first sequence of the magical house, the most comprehensive and powerful.

Under Feng Jiaojiao's suggestion, Chen Fan exchanged for a secret method called Condensed Phase Jue.

What Feng Jiaojiao said was good.

This type of practice has high requirements and levels, but the exchange cost is not high, and Chen Fan only spent ten battle tokens.

After all, this thing can only help to condense the mind.

After Chen Fan exchanged Condensed Phase Jue, he also began to screen and check the cheats of swordsmanship and supernatural powers.

Arranged in descending order of supernatural power level.

There are a total of seven celestial swordsmanship inheritances!

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