My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 888 Time Secret Realm, Ten Years of Sword Wielding

The reason why he chose this way was because Chen Fan sensed a sharp aura above the scratch.

This is the power that belongs to the same source of swordsmanship.

Those who can be listed on it are either immortals or demon kings.

In other words, the one who left such a mark is a peerless master who has completely mastered the Dao of Sword!

For Chen Fan, the other ways are just the aid of the way of the sword, and the way of the sword does not have an ultimate existence, and it is also the goal of Chen Fan's efforts.

But seeing the ice emperor laughed and said:

You really know how to choose. The old man Jian is a famous freak. If you follow him, I'm afraid you won't learn much...

I sensed a hint of ice from you, you might as well follow a hundred years, I will guarantee you to achieve the third level of longevity!

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Needless to say, he was very moved.

When promoting to longevity, the structure and choice of the basic way is very important. It can be said that the way to promote longevity determines a person's future.

It's fine if it's someone else.

Ice is not even the way of the four elements, let alone compared with the way of the sword.

But the problem is, it is a fairy who said this!

Moreover, it is too attractive to guarantee that Chen Fan will be promoted to the third level of longevity for a hundred years.

And because of his past experience, Chen Fan also knew that the Ice King had a good impression of him, and he would naturally try his best to cultivate him.

It was just the moment when Chen Fan's heart moved, but he also used his great willpower to suppress this urge to move.

Yang created the Hongmeng Sword for the purpose of challenging the ultimate in the immortal series. Although Yang himself has not fully understood the five great ways, this sword technique still has infinite possibilities!

Hongmeng Sword and Wanjian Kendo are Chen Fan's basic games, and he can't look far away.

So what if he can reach the level of the Holy Emperor of Extreme Ice in the future?

Can it compare to ordinary swordsmen?

It's just that an existence like the Holy Emperor of Ice Extreme spoke up in person, and the other party had expressed kindness to him more than once, but Chen Fan couldn't refuse directly.

And at this moment, Blood God also spoke bluntly:

Chen Fan, don't listen to senior Bingji's jokes. Since you have inherited the sword of Shenting, then choose the way of swordsmanship. For you, this path is not wrong!

Bingji let out a hum, the golden pupils were still playful, and in fact he was not dissatisfied.

His suggestion just now was nothing more than a whim, and he really didn't force it.

In fact, although he has a slight liking for Chen Fan, in his eyes, the current Chen Fan is still no more than an outdated ant, and he may not be able to reach the same level as him in the future.

Chen Fan also heaved a sigh of relief when the words of the blood god came out. Without the words of the blood god, he really didn't know how to do it well.

He nodded and pointed to the sword mark: I will choose this senior!

Bai Fengyu narrowed his eyes slightly: Senior Beiming is also not here, just wait a moment.

Chen Fan nodded silently.

Bai Fengyu looked at Zhou Bailan again...


Taking advantage of the waiting time, Chen Fan also sent a letter to Chen Tianqian and the others, telling them that he would not be returning in a short time, and reassuring them.

After all, he doesn't know the ratio of Time Secret Realm to the outside world.

For a hundred years in the Time Secret Realm, even if the ratio is one hundred to one, it still takes one year, so it is natural to say it in advance.

And after that, he didn't wait too long, when a young man in green clothes with no good appearance descended from the sky.

Who is Chen Fan?

He just asked lightly.

Chen Fan realized that he might be the Senior Beiming that Bai Fengyu called, and the Old Sword that Bingji called.

In fact, the person does not look old.

Chen Fan immediately stood up, cupped his fists and said, Next is Chen Fan.

The man raised his eyebrows slightly: Let me see your swordsmanship.

Chen Fan nodded immediately, and then summoned the Sword Domain.

Huh? The man sensed Chen Fan's sword domain and nodded slightly: You have not entered the immortality, but your swordsmanship has a rudimentary form of the Dao, and you are an interesting person... Then I will teach you for a hundred years.

As he said that, he turned his head to look at Bai Fengyu: Xiaobai, send me into 'there'.

Chen Fan's expression was also quite subtle.

In fact, this Beiming looks young, but in fact he may be a big boss who has lived for an unknown number of epochs. His name is Bai Fengyu Xiaobai, so he thinks highly of him.

Bai Fengyu nodded his head, naturally he didn't dare to talk nonsense in the face of such an existence, and then waved his sleeves, a golden light surged and spread.

In the next moment, Chen Fan only felt that the stars were changing in front of him, but when he reappeared, he entered a special place.

The sky full of stars is on top of the head, but the ground under the feet is as smooth as a mirror.

This place presents a kind of illusory beauty.

Here, Chen Fan did not cut off any induction of Taoist artifacts, Sumeru Precepts, and mustard stones.

After entering this place, Chen Fan's various hang-up skills also began to soar.

The immortal called Bei Ming stood not far in front of Chen Fan.

I don't care what is special about you. Since you are learning swords with me, start from the most basic...

He stretched out his hand, and a crystal-clear long sword appeared in his hand.

You start by wielding the sword for ten years.

Chen Fan couldn't help being startled, and then he said in astonishment: Senior, you... said that you swung the sword...

That's it. The crystal sword in Bei Ming's hand swung forward, it was purely a physical swing of the sword, and did not involve any use of Tao!

Don't show any of your sword skills!

Chen Fan couldn't help saying: I have learned a lot of basic sword skills...

Halfway through Chen Fan's words, he was interrupted by that Bei Ming: My you want to learn it?

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and there was a strong look of helplessness on his face.

He was imprisoned in the secret realm of Yuanshang for ten years, and he learned thousands of sets of swordsmanship, including countless basic swordsmanship.

Not to mention the level of immortality, but just the level of ordinary sword intent, there is no need to have any requirements for such basic sword skills.

The sword intent had already broken through the shackles of form, not to mention that Chen Fan had already broken through the Dao fruit and realized his own sword way.

But for Chen Fan, with his current state and cultivation, wielding a sword for ten years is a huge waste of time and resources.

After all, I only have a hundred years of hard training opportunity!

It's just that facing the strength of this Beiming immortal, Chen Fan had no choice at all, so he honestly began to swing his sword.

With his current physical strength, even a normal swing of a sword does not involve the use of any power, and its power is quite terrifying.

Bei Ming frowned and said: Don't suppress yourself, swing your sword with the fastest speed and strength, but... don't use your own swordsmanship.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and swung the sword in his hand quickly!

With his strength, even if he doesn't use any means, the frequency of the sword swing is extremely terrifying, like an afterimage. If it is outside, ordinary warriors may not be able to clearly see the speed of his sword swing.

It's just that Chen Fan smiled wryly in his heart, and he also felt a little regretful.

Sage Emperor Bingji is right, this 'Bei Ming' is really a freak!

He could guess that the move of Bei Ming had other deep meanings, but he didn't know where the deep meaning was, and the waste of ten years inevitably made him feel uncomfortable.

But fortunately, although he was wasting himself, he still has the hang-up slot and the other two split spirits, so he can continue to think about other kung fu.

But his true spirit and deity put aside other miscellaneous thoughts and swung the sword silently.

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