My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 878 The power of the abyss, Bai Fengyu makes a move


Feeling the turbulent flames, Chen Fan also had the feeling of facing the mysterious bird again.

In fact.

Wucheng's strength is still not comparable to that of Xuanniao in its heyday.

However, when Chen Fan met Xuan Niao, the opponent's state was actually quite bad.

Chen Fan didn't hesitate either, he activated Erzhong's berserk, and slashed down with the sword in his hand.

Earth, fire, water, and wind evolve into Hongmeng.

Wherever the sword light passed, even the flames containing the power of the Dao were annihilated piece by piece.

Chen Fan's realm was still far behind, but the special nature of the Hongmeng Sword, coupled with his own terrifying power, made up for the gap.

next moment.

The sky was swept away by the flames.

It took a long time for the sword energy to dissipate.

Heavy turbulent clouds and smoke and impact.


An orange-red flame rose in the sky, and Wu Cheng's somewhat embarrassed figure appeared in Chen Fan's field of vision, his eyes full of fear and surprise.

Even though he had already estimated Chen Fan's strength, the horror of Chen Fan's sword still surprised Wu Cheng, even felt horrified.

Wu Cheng seemed to be in a bit of a panic, and didn't seem to have received any harm, but Chen Fan was keenly aware of the decline in his aura.

Just kidding, before Chen Fan's Blood Fusion Technique breakthrough, the fish and tigers of the fourth level of longevity did not dare to take Chen Fan's second level of berserk Hongmeng Sword.

Not to mention the current Chen Fan.

Wu Cheng was even weaker, so how could he not be injured at all after taking this move.

Chen Fan won the power to stop others, his body instantly turned into blood and rushed out, and the sword in his hand slashed down again.

Wu Cheng's eyes and pupils constricted, he took a deep breath, and grinned: You are the second person to force me to do this trick.

An orange flame flickered in one of his pupils, while blood suddenly rose in the other eye.

Then the next moment, Wu Cheng's body was filled with a terrifying aura, and his body also suddenly began to swell.

His hair turned crimson in the blink of an eye, soaring into the sky, while his face didn't change much, but his body suddenly turned into the body of an unknown beast.

Wucheng himself has only half of the blood of the human race.

But as his body changed, streaks of crimson flames rose around him, forming dazzling fire dragons lingering around him.


The fire dragon roared, but it didn't just condense its moves into a dragon shape, but it seemed to be a fire dragon with real life.


Where the fire dragon passes through the void, the rhyme of the avenue rises, making people intoxicated.

The fire dragons roared and rushed towards Chen Fan who had cut out the Hongmeng Sword.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.


After the roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Chen Fan's invincible Hongmeng Sword failed to kill Wucheng's fire dragon.

On the contrary, the fire dragon, which contained even more terrifying power, forcibly ground away the Hongmeng Sword, which carried a powerful force.

How come? Chen Fan's eyes flashed with extreme astonishment.

Only he himself knows how strong the Hongmeng Sword he cut out in his current state.

Even if Yuhu is face to face, he will definitely not be able to take his moves head-on.

Wu Cheng's expression remained silent, but he seemed to have lost his normal emotional fluctuations.

He raised one hand, and a long flaming staff automatically condensed out while the Dao Rhyme flickered.

He swung forward violently, and the flaming staff fell down.

The broken fire dragons seemed to have been supplemented with strength, roaring and flocking towards Chen Fan again.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered, and his true essence circulated wildly.

Rainbow lights flickered around his body, and the Hongmeng Sword cut out again.

Let the sword qi lingering fire dragons that have no light in the world collide together, and the terrifying impact scatter in all directions.

The dazzling spiritual light flickered brightly, and the entire competition venue was completely covered by the dazzling spiritual light.

A look of helplessness flashed across Chen Fan's eyes.

No matter how strong I am, the difference in realm is too great. It is impossible for me to offset most of my strength with just a few great powers...

Chen Fan knew that no matter how high the power boost brought about by his Blood Fusion Technique breakthrough, because of his own realm, it would make it difficult for him to deal with geniuses who mastered the power of the Dao.

There is quite a feeling of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Just like a child holding a sharp kitchen knife, although it may hurt an adult, it is not as effective as an adult holding the same kitchen knife.

After all, my strength has not reached the level that can be crushed, and I can't break through all methods with one force.

He raised the sword in his hand, and a flash of determination flashed across his face: I wanted to leave this move to Yuhu...

In fact, Wucheng's special state at this time should be the same as his own double rage, which cannot be maintained for a long time.

It's just that Chen Fan is physically and mentally exhausted now, and he can't cope.

He took a deep breath, and when the sword in his hand was raised again, the aura on his body suddenly changed extremely exaggeratedly.

When devouring that drop of Blood God's blood, Chen Fan not only made a lot of progress in his Blood Melting Technique, he also comprehended and smelted such a trace of Power of the Abyss from that drop of blood.

The God Against God Bloodline contains a part of the origin of the world, so it can be smelted and carried the power of Tianyuan in a special way.

It's just that this power is extremely unstable.

Even if it is activated in an illusion, it may still lead to some uncontrollable consequences.

After all, the power of the abyss is a special power that may affect the will and spirit.

But now, for the sake of the first sequence, he had no choice but to take a risk.

His body, which was originally like a blood-red crystal, suddenly emerged, layers of black lightning.

A sinister and uncomfortable aura emerged from him.

In the eyes of countless outside audiences, Chen Fan has not changed in any way.

But in the illusion, Wu Cheng, who was in front of him, suddenly changed his face.

In his line of sight.

On Chen Fan's red body, heavy black smoke filled the air, and at the same time there were faint illusory black tentacles spreading outward from Chen Fan's red body...

And there seemed to be strange scales on Chen Fan's body.

A look of deep fear appeared on Wu Chenglai's indifferent face: What kind of power is this?

Chen Fan tried his best to restrain all kinds of indescribable negative emotions coming from his brain, his palm that seemed to have grown slippery scales grasped the long sword tightly, and slashed out again.

The same Hongmeng sword, but this time it gave people a feeling of uneasiness and fear.

The moment the fire dragons came into contact with the primordial sword energy, each of them suddenly twitched and swelled, and exploded into balls of flame in the blink of an eye.

Then the Hongmeng Sword Qi slashed towards Wucheng with an unstoppable momentum.

The astonishment on Wu Cheng's face flashed away, but his body seemed to freeze, and the flame stick he raised in his hand froze in mid-air.

In the next moment, his body was like a continuously inflated balloon, his flesh and blood continued to expand and expand, and was completely swallowed by the surging sword energy in the blink of an eye...



The bodies of Chen Fan and Wu Cheng were teleported outside the Yuhua Tower.

Hoo! Hoo!

Chen Fan was like a drowning man, exhaling wildly while trying to calm down his restless and crazy will.

Facing Wu Cheng inside, he also looked at Chen Fan with a face full of astonishment and fear, You...

He only said you, then his complexion changed slightly, and he raised his head suddenly.

I saw the turmoil in the sky, and a terrifying figure suddenly appeared in the void.

He is dressed in white all over and has a tall stature. He is exactly Bai Fengyu from the Yuhuamen.

His eyes were full of coldness, and he looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan only felt like falling into an ice cellar, and the next moment.


Chen Fan found that everything around him had changed.

He appeared on the dark red borderless land, Wucheng and Yuhua Tower no longer existed, only Bai Fengyu above his head was left.

This is Bai Fengyu's mind world?

The hairs on the back of Chen Fan's neck stood up one by one, and his body seemed to be locked by an invisible force at this moment, unable to move at all.

Bai Fengyu waved his hand violently and threw it down at Chen Fan.

His palm grew bigger in an instant, pressing down on Chen Fan like a mountain.

A look of astonishment and horror flashed across Chen Fan's face, and he felt a completely irresistible terrifying force pressing across.

He gritted his teeth, tried hard to mobilize his body's strength, and summoned the White Emperor Armor to resist, but it was all in vain.

He couldn't even move his eyelids, and could only let Bai Fengyu's mountain-like palm greet him.

A wave of despair rose from my heart...

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