Over time, the illusion scene will become smaller and smaller.

Although the grass can conceal the detection of the spiritual sense, but not in the air.

Although the battle between Chen Fan and the Seventh Prince ended abruptly, the movement was not small!

Weak people are fine, but Chen Fan is not surprised that strong people can find out.

Chen Fan frowned slightly:

It seems that the Yuhua Tower really can't find out everyone's true cultivation base and strength. If you want to cover it up, there is always a way to avoid it...

In the second round of the competition, Nightmare's true strength was not detected, and Chen Fan knew that among those who did not have a high number of floors in the tower, there must be people with hidden strength!

I just didn't expect to meet him so soon.

He raised his eyebrows slightly: Your Excellency came to me...what do you mean?

Rui Chi grinned:

It just feels a little boring.

I just want to eliminate more geniuses of the human race!

A bold and unrestrained laugh appeared on his face, and he threw a silver spear in his hand!


As the spear passed, streaks of golden light spread and stirred, and a holy and evil aura spread from the thunder.

Magnificent and irresistible force rushed towards Chen Fan.

This is a madman...

Chen Fan frowned, and at the same time as the layers of the Dao Domain around him unfolded, he threw out a nightmare prayer.

It's a pity that this person's soul is too tough, but Chen Fan's nightmare prayer didn't affect him at all.


The silver spear pierced through Chen Fan's Dao Domain with a bang, and went straight to Chen Fan's body.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and immediately raised his sword.


Dazzling flames rose, and the holy fire sword slashed out.

Amidst the roar, the golden thunder light collided with the flame sword, causing a huge shock.

Several towering giant trees with a diameter of hundreds of feet collapsed suddenly.

The dense grass is also covered by fire in the blink of an eye.

Chen Fan's whole body was soaked in blood, his body was constantly thrown away with the impact, and a sharpness flashed in his eyes.


Chen Fan's sword didn't have any suppression.

It is his avatar that can cut out the extreme power of the Holy Sword of Fire.

Although he is not Daoguo yet.

But his comprehension of the way of the sword is not inferior to that of ordinary longevity, plus the blessings of the flame domain and the sword domain of ten thousand swords, as well as the power of the holy fire sword itself...

The power of this sword is difficult to block when encountering the second level of longevity.

Chen Fan's brows twitched, his eyes pierced through the barriers, and looked at Rui Chi.

The man took his own sword easily, without even leaving any scars on his body.

And at this time, there was a wild laugh.

Richie strode forward:

I underestimated you, I didn't expect you to be so powerful.

If you chose to run away immediately when you returned the move just now, you may have a chance to escape with the help of the illusion environment and the grass that isolates your consciousness...

Unfortunately, you let me know your true strength, and you still haven't left.

I won't keep my hand anymore, you have lost the chance to escape!

In the roaring thunder light, Rui Chi's figure instantly pierced through the heavy flames and thunder light, and grabbed the silver spear and rushed to Chen Fan.

The momentum was even stronger than before.


Under its impact, Chen Fan's Dao Domain peeled off and collapsed layer by layer.

Under the counterattack, Chen Fan also spurted out a big mouthful of blood immediately.

Rui Chi's eyes are full of joy and madness, and her voice is full of arrogance and restlessness:

You know, I like the geniuses who hit you humans the most!

Especially a top genius of the human race who was born in a non-hidden sect like you and still has such strength!

Go to hell, human!

Feel the surging power.

Chen Fan's steps froze, and his eyes flashed sharply.

Apart from Sword Domain, my other Dao Domain levels are still too low to deal with attacks of this level...

Blood overflowed from Chen Fan's mouth and nose again.

Rui Chi's strength is too terrifying.

With a thought in Chen Fan's mind, the suppressed sword intents in the sword field rushed out, blocking Rui Chi's approaching steps. At the same time, he took a deep breath, firmly held the sword in his hand, and slashed out.

Hongmeng Sword!

Facing Rui Chi, Chen Fan, who was only playing as a clone, had no chance of winning by other means.

This person's own level is the second level of the Demon Emperor, which is equivalent to the second level of longevity, and his actual combat power can already catch up with the ordinary third level of longevity.

It's much weaker than Togo, but it takes Chen Fan's avatar to fight with all his strength.

A sword is sacrificed, and the world is darkened.


With the appearance of this sword light, the golden thunderbolts accompanied by the spear shot in Rui Chi's hand collapsed into nothingness.


Blood gushed out of Rui Chi's mouth, and the silver spear in his hand was also thrown high.

The silver spear is a weapon created by illusions. Although it cannot increase power and has no amplification effect, it has a great advantage, that is, it cannot be destroyed!

Even Chen Fan's Hongmeng Sword cannot destroy it!

How could it be?! Rui Chi's whole body was shot with golden lightning, turning into a golden armor, but it couldn't stop Chen Fan's sword at all.


But after a short while, the golden thunder armor behind him exploded.

Chen Fan didn't use the Grandmist Sword, and his strength was no match for Rui Chi, but with the Grandmist Sword, it was enough to crush Rui Chi.


Rui Chi had two double pupils, and the faint purple light surged, and then the two horns on his head suddenly grew bigger and extended, turning into a material like water, and then completely covered his whole body, turning into a a black sphere...


Where the Hongmeng sword passed, everything around was annihilated and collapsed, but the black sphere did not change at all.

It wasn't until the sword energy was annihilated into nothingness that black streamer ripples appeared on the black sphere.

Then the shell of the black sphere deformed and shrank again, revealing Rui Chi's distressed figure soon.

His red armor was full of cracks, and his body was covered with blood. The two horns on the top of his head were also much smaller, and there were dense cracks on them.

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes slightly.

It is also the second level of longevity. Compared with Dago, his strength is still a little weaker.

Togo could block the sword more calmly, but Rui Chi was far behind.

In fact, Chen Fan was much stronger than a few days ago.

A deeper understanding of kendo.

Even with the same sixfold Hongmeng Sword, the power he exerted is even stronger.

This Rui Chi was indeed weaker than Togo, but not too weak.

A deep fear also flashed in Rui Chi's eyes:

This trick...

You...you actually...

Chen Fan sneered, the sword field around him stirred again, and then swung the black sword forward.


Rui Chi shouted immediately: Since you have this trick, then we don't need to continue fighting...

Chen Fan let out a huh:

You say you want to fight, but if you think I'm good, you don't want to fight? Why should I agree to you?

Rui Chi stared straight at Chen Fan:

Your aura is a bit disordered. If I guess right, this sword should be some kind of bottom-of-the-box move of yours. You shouldn't be able to cut a few swords...

And my innate supernatural power consumes my 'magic horn', and it won't last long, but it can block a lot of your swords.

If we continue to fight, whoever loses may be killed...

Are you sure you want to take the risk of being eliminated early for a momentary dispute?

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