My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 838: Sword Sect's Secret

Chen Fan is very humble:

However, barely ranking in the top ten at the moment is nothing. There should be many people who have not shown their true strength in this round...

In fact it is true.

The opponent at the highest level of the Ascension Tower is nothing more than ordinary immortal strength.

During the preliminaries, he actually showed stronger strength, but few people knew about it, and outsiders couldn't see it.

And he has always shot clones, far from using his real strength.

Chen Tianqian looked at Chen Fan with admiration in his eyes:

You don't have to be humble! The strength and talent you have shown can be called the number one genius in the history of my sword sect!

It is too exaggerated to be under the age of fifty and have the power of longevity.

What kind of concept is this? Even with the background of several epochs of the Pan-Ancient Continent, it is extremely rare for a genius under the age of 50 to have a cultivation level or the corresponding demon emperor or demon emperor level!

It is an exaggeration to even have one of the top contemporary sects such as Yuhuamen, Yuanmozong and Wuxiang Academy!

The Sky-Splitting Sword Sect is a few blocks away from these three sects, but Chen Fan, a peerless genius like Chen Fan, can't help being excited...

With the talent shown by Chen Fan, he has completely crushed himself.

It is not impossible to reach the 5th, 6th, or even higher level of longevity in the future!

Chen Tianqian took a deep breath, and then said:

If I had known that you have the strength you have now, Jianzong would definitely provide you with the most complete set of help. It's a pity, a pity...

Chen Fan couldn't help laughing: Master has done enough for me, otherwise, as a new true biography, how could I have the chance to enter the sword realm...

Chen Tianqian shook his head: Compared to your talent and strength, entering the sword realm once is not enough!

As he said that, Chen Tiangan's eyes flashed:

There are still two rounds of the Meihui, and it shouldn't be over in a short time. Why don't you take advantage of this gap and go back to Jianzong. Enter the secret cultivation realms mastered by Jianzong one by one, and you can enter the sword realm a few more times. .”

In addition, what other requirements do you have, or the method that Jianzong can help you improve your strength in a short period of time, even though it can be said...

With your current strength as a foundation, those old guys in Jiange are absolutely willing to do anything for you!

While Chen Fan laughed, his eyes flashed.

For Chen Fan now.

General equipment and pills are meaningless to him.

However, places like Sword Realm are still helpful to Chen Fan.

Chen Fan pondered for a moment, and then said:

Speaking of which, Jianzong still has a good place. If I can go again, maybe I can really improve my strength in a short time...

Chen Tianqian raised his eyebrows: Where?

Chen Fan nodded and said bluntly, Enlightenment Pond!

For him, compared with Sword Realm, Enlightenment Pond is more helpful to him.

The sword realm is to provide Jianzong's nine swordsmanship for him to comprehend.

In fact, after going there once, going there for the second time will not be as helpful to him as the first time.

But Wu Dao Pond is quite a special place.

That pool of Dao Enlightenment Liquid did not improve his comprehension of a certain Tao, but his own comprehension speed!

But it is similar to the state of increasing the speed of thinking when taking the towering spirit.

If he had the opportunity to enter the Enlightenment Pool for a few more days, and it was at the moment when Meihui would participate, it would be of great help to his strength improvement!

Chen Fan's eyes flickered and said:

It has been more than three years since I entered the Dao Enlightenment Pool last time. Even if the Dao Enlightenment Pond is not full, it should be more than half full...

However, Chen Tianqian narrowed his eyes slightly and said: It's not a problem for Jianzong to temporarily open the sword realm for you for a few days, but it is a bit troublesome for Wudao Lake...

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly:

Can't you go in?

Chen Tianqian shook his head and said:

The Enlightenment Pool is too special, and it involves a special secret of our Sword Sect... Every time the Enlightenment Pool is used, it can only be opened again after it is recharged. Even I don't have the ability to open the Enlightenment Pool in advance. !

Chen Fan's eyes flashed:

Master, you just said that it is a bit troublesome, not that there is no way at all... I don't know what price I need to pay, but I am willing to bear it!

Chen Tianqian shook his head again:

It's not a matter of price or price. Although the resources needed to simply accumulate Dao Enlightenment Liquid are precious, Jianzong can't afford them. Otherwise, he wouldn't have given each Jianzong true inheritance a chance to enter the Dao Enlightenment Pond...

Actually, the Enlightenment Pond is not as simple as what you see...

Chen Tianqian's eyes flickered, and then he waved his hand, but took out a square stone.

Fluorescence flickered on the stone, but a small enchantment was formed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Tianqian took a deep breath, then turned his head to look at Chen Fan solemnly and said:

With your current strength, you are qualified for some secrets of our Sword Sect. What I will say next, you must not reveal it to outsiders...

Chen Fan immediately made the oath of heaven.

Only then did Chen Tianqian nod his head, and slowly said:

I might as well tell you that the Dao Enlightenment Pond is a special treasure of the 'ancestor' of my sword's far from being as simple as it appears...

Chen Fan was startled: Old Ancestor?

Jianzong also has an ancestor?

As far as he knew, since Emperor Si Jian disappeared thousands of years ago, the strongest of the Sword Sect has become the head teacher, Chen Tianqian.

I've never heard of it, what ancestors does Jianzong have?

Chen Tianqian nodded, with a serious expression on his face, he said:

That ancestor is the real pillar of our sword sect, and the real strongest of our sword sect. Even Si Jiandi, who was a thousand years ago, is far inferior to this ancestor.

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes slightly: Emperor Sijian is a venerable, this old ancestor, didn't he say... at least the fifth level of longevity?

A person who can be stronger than the Venerable Sima is definitely above the fifth level of longevity!

Chen Tianqian's eyes flickered:

The ancestor is indeed the fifth level of longevity, and it is the fifth level of longevity at the level of swordsmanship, not even inferior to some six levels of longevity... The nine swordsmanship and nine swordsmanship of Jianzong all come from the evolution of this ancestor's swordsmanship!

Kendo longevity fivefold.

Chen Fan's eyes flickered too.

Unexpectedly, Jianzong had such a big hole card.

You must know that the third level of longevity begins to enter the Dao, if the fourth level of longevity is the way to enter the hall, then the fifth level of longevity is entering the house!

The Sword Dao Dao is stronger than the general Dao.

Chen Fan also couldn't help but said: If my Sword Sect still has such an ancestor, how could it be to this level...

The Heaven Splitting Sword Sect does not compare with the Hidden World Sect.

Before the great change of the world, it was just a sect living in a corner of Shenzhou in the Yuan Dynasty.

Strong is strong, but compared with the sects of Yuhuamen and Wuxiang Academy, there is no comparison at all.

This doesn't seem to have the demeanor of a sect that a master of the five-fold sword of longevity should have behind him.

Because of some special reasons, the ancestor of our Jianzong spends most of his time in a state of deep sleep...

Waking him up will consume the few lives of his family...

Chen Tianqian sighed, and then continued:

In the entire Jianzong, only me and a very small number of people know the existence of this ancestor. I will only wake up this ancestor when the Jianzong is in danger, or under certain circumstances...

In the thousands of years I have been the head teacher, I have only awakened this ancestor once... that was a thousand years ago...

Chen Fan suddenly nodded, and his eyes flickered.

He had the last trace of worry about the so-called Freedom League.

After knowing that Jianzong still had such a hole card, he no longer had any worries.

Just kidding, even if the leader of the Zizai League is so stupid that he doesn't care about Chen Fan himself, if he makes a move against Jianzong, there is a high probability that he will not be the opponent of this ancestor!

The same as the fifth level of longevity, the way of swordsmanship is much stronger than the general Dao.

Even though this ancestor may have suffered some serious injuries, if someone really bullies Jianzong, this ancestor will definitely be able to exert his certain strength!

Chen Tianqian said again:

And the Enlightenment Pond is actually a special treasure in the hands of this ancestor!

The only one who can control the Enlightenment Pool is this ancestor. The rules for the operation of the Enlightenment Pool are all set by him.

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