My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 834 Answers and details

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.


The reason why the Yuhua Gate set up the Mei Club is to openly screen talents and cultivate them intensively.

The ones whose rankings reached the standard still belonged to various sects and forces in name, but in fact they were already disciples of the new force Holy Church.

Even in the future, Chen Fan and Li Linliu can be regarded as the same school.

Although Li Linliu's strength is still a little weak, he can't be called very good in this Meihui, but his talent is actually extremely strong.

At this time, he is only in his thirties, and he is already at the peak of the ninth level, which can be compared with some ordinary tenth level.

Even if the strength is still weak at this time, the future is not certain.

Although after entering the Holy Church, there will be a huge difference in treatment due to the different sequences, but it is said that there are ways to improve the sequence in the future.

As long as the talent and strength are sufficient, there is always the possibility of slowly advancing.

Chen Fan turned his head to look at Li Linliu: I'll take you back, Uncle Shi—

Li Linliu waved his hands quickly:

Don't, don't, because of today's incident, Daozong pays great attention to you... If someone else sees it, it will be even more difficult for me to explain clearly!

Chen Fan smiled and nodded, but did not insist.

Seeing that Li Linliu was about to leave, Chen Fan frowned and asked:

Uncle, please go slowly. Over the years, I have always wanted to ask you a question...

Chen Fan showed hesitation.

Li Linliu smiled: But it doesn't matter.


Chen Fan cleared his throat: First of all, I have no disrespect to you, uncle. It is precisely because of this that I want to get the answer from you personally.

Li Linliu narrowed his eyes slightly, and then his eyes flashed, What's the problem?

Chen Fan had a strange expression on his face. After hesitating for a moment, he said, What I want to ask is, Uncle Master, how do you maintain such a handsome and refined appearance...

In human terms, Chen Fan wanted to ask Li Linliu if he was a man or a woman...

In fact, among the people Chen Fan has met, there is no one who is more beautiful than Li Linliu.

Under the human form of Hu Jiuguang, there is a great beauty.

But as a monster, he cannot be treated by normal humans.

But whether Li Linliu is a man or a woman has become a knot in his heart...

Once he also asked the master and other senior brothers and sisters, but he did not get a definite answer from these people.

In fact, with Chen Fan's current strength, if he wants to, all the secrets in Li Linliu will not be secrets.

However, if my guess is true, I will inevitably be a little embarrassed for my uncle...

However, Li Linliu frowned and hummed, I don't know what it means! Don't think too much, I'm a pure and real man! Is it my fault for being handsome?

Chen Fan smiled awkwardly, but turned his limited consciousness towards Li Linliu.

Since Li Lin's rumors are unequivocal that he is a man, he doesn't need to avoid it.

Li Linliu also has a special treasure on his body, which can isolate him from ordinary spiritual detection.

It's just that it was still broken by Chen Fan's boundless spiritual consciousness.

But after a while, his expression suddenly froze, and the expression on his face also became a little subtle.

Li Linliu noticed Chen Fan's gaze, but suddenly realized something. He blushed: You bastard, what did you do just now? Did you use your divine sense!

An embarrassing smile appeared on the corner of Chen Fan's mouth, and he shook his head decisively: No!

Li Linliu snorted coldly and gritted his teeth: You better not lie to me!

Then he turned around and left.

Chen Fan looked at his back, but he looked thoughtful.


After meeting Li Linliu, Chen Fan naturally reported the good news with his master Dong Guzhi who was far away in Jianzong, and even promised him that he would bring his uncle with him when he returned next time.

This also made Dong Guzhi say yes three times!

The person is obviously very excited.

No matter for Dong Guzhi or Chen Fan, ten years is not short.

It is quite rare to have the chance to meet again after a million miles away.


Another few days passed.

The second knockout round has come to the second half.

It was almost at the position of Chen Fan's serial number.

Chen Fan came to the spectator venue ahead of time, and soon came to the spectator room where Chen Tianqian was.

At this moment, the Longmen Master of Poyuan Villa also came over with his apprentice.

When he saw Chen Fan returning, Lian Baishang also showed a faint smile: I heard that it's time for Brother Chen Fan to challenge. It shouldn't be difficult to surpass Brother Chen Fan's strength, right?

Chen Fan smiled and said hello to his master and Longmen Master, but he walked to Chen Qingru's side.

He turned his head and looked at the gold list outside the window.

At this time, the ranking on the ranking list will be updated and changed.

The number one position has long since changed hands, replaced by a man named Wu Cheng, who has the words Longevity Triple Layer impressively written on his cultivation base.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

This person is the heir of the Demon God King. On the surface, Mei Hui will be the strongest this time, a fierce man with a triple-level longevity.

Even if he could use the White Emperor Armor and Leng Fengjian, Chen Fan might not dare to say that he would definitely win.

With the demon king as the backing treasure, there will only be more...

Before entering the top three and first sequence, I hope I won't be too unlucky to meet this person early...

Among the warriors Chen Fan knew, this was the only one, and Chen Fan had no confidence that he could win.

Of course, this is only what he knows on the surface. In fact, Chen Fan speculates that there may be someone who is not weaker than Wucheng.

The cultivation bases recorded on the list are calculated based on their respective performances and the spirits of the Ascension Tower. In fact, there must be someone deliberately concealing their cultivation bases!

Chen Fan continued to look at the list.

At this moment, the top fifteen people are all people with a hundred floors.

In other words, these people, no matter what their cultivation level is, are all people with the power of longevity.

On the bright side, there are more than ten people with immortal cultivation. Some dao fruits with heaven-defying talents, such as molten core and Luo Yingtian, should barely have the strength of immortality...

In fact, there are definitely hidden strengths among them, people who have not been exposed in this round!

There will only be more real masters.

These fifteen full-level people, the forces and sects they belonged to, except for two people, were all unknown to Chen Fan.

In other words, these people are basically people from the hidden sect.

One of those two was Luo Yingtian from Yuan Mo Sect, and the second one was not from Yuhua Sect, but a martial artist from Wuxiang Academy named Shi Yan.

Shi Yan...

This person reminded Chen Fan of Shi Xin from Wuxiang Academy that he met in Xiaoqingxu back then.

The two are both from Wuxiang Academy, and both have the surname Shi, so there must be some connection.

It's just that Shi Yan's cultivation level is clearly defined as the first level of longevity, but his strength is much stronger than that of Shi Xin back then.

Moreover, Shi Yan's ability to participate in the Meihui means that he is less than fifty, and he is also a non-hidden sect in the mainland, and he is the number one person in his current strength!

Compared with the few geniuses of Yuhuamen, at least they are higher in cultivation.

Chen Fan shook his head, but he only glanced at the top ranking stones, and then looked at the back row. According to the name of the sect, he quickly found the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

Luo Shaoyu, Luo Shaofeng?

It was obviously the names of the two brothers, but they were impressively ranked at the eighty-first and eighty-three positions at this time, and they both broke through to the eighty-sixth floor.

This ranking is already close to the strength of Daoguo.


Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and looked at Chen Qingru in surprise: Among the disciples of Jianzong, apart from me, the strongest person is not Zong Zhengxiu?

I don't know what method Zhan Jianming used to make him advance to the second level Dao domain and even enter the sword state once, even though he failed to enter the Enlightenment Pool.

If it was an ordinary Meihui, this kid could even break into the top 20, and even now, he should be able to enter the top 100.

Chen Qingru couldn't help laughing:

Junior Brother is too underestimating Jianzong. Zhan Jianming knew that this Meihui was special a few years ago, and it was dedicated to cultivating disciples. How could such a big Jianzong be unprepared!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and nodded.

That's right, the background of Jianzong may not be comparable to that of the Hidden World Sect.

But it is also Da Zong who has lasted for at least tens of thousands of years, so how could he fail to cultivate a few peerless geniuses!

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