My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 826: A Hundred Times Deduction

When Chen Fan returned to his courtyard with all the treasures sent by Zhan Jianming, he also immediately took out the sun-shading mirror and performed deduction.

Although Zhan Jianming's first half of his remarks were true, it was impossible for Chen Fan to fully believe him.

One has to be wary of whether it has set any traps in this towering spirit.

The deduction of the occulting mirror was extremely smooth. After confirming that there was no problem in the towering spirit, Chen Fan was relieved.

Zhan Jianming is really not a fool to become the master of the True Legend of the Sword Sect... Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

In the final analysis, the conflict between Chen Fan and others did not really hurt the fundamental interests of both parties.

If Zhan Jianming killed his relatives or friends, he would have to die even if he took out all his treasures and knelt down to be Chen Fan's dog.

At this time, Chen Fan couldn't help thinking of Luo Yunfei in the Hall of Stars.

This piece was originally a pawn he had left to deal with Zhan Jianming, but before he could deal with it, Zhan Jianming took this pile of treasures and asked Chen Fan for peace.

That's embarrassing.

Luo Yunfei has a distorted personality, is cruel, and knows too much, but he absolutely cannot stay...

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

However, the split spirit entered the Hall of Stars in the state of God Walk.

And his deity is sitting cross-legged.

Not long after, Ling left the Hall of Stars and returned to the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Chen Fan also flipped his hands and took out the towering spirit.

Taste a drop first.

His spiritual consciousness moved, but he immediately took out a drop of towering spiritual essence and swallowed it in his mouth.

After entering the mouth, this drop of chalcedony instantly turned into a heavy cold air, rushing straight to the brain.

There was a bang in Chen Fan's mind.

It just feels like I've fallen into some kind of special and wonderful situation.

When the way of seeing the world changes, the perceived world is also very different.

It is obvious that Chen Fan's total amount of spiritual consciousness and state have not improved, but his whole thinking has undergone great changes.

Observing the same blood species in his hands, the level is obviously not high, even not as good as his own Blood Fusion progress, but Chen Fan is able to discover details that have not been discovered before.

A series of characters flashed in front of him, and the hang-up bar was constantly being touched.

At the same time, after Chen Fan took this spirit essence, the five skills he was hanging up, and the speed of hanging up, all increased by hundreds of times!

His hang-up speed depends on his own comprehension!

It's a pity that such an exaggerated and terrifying improvement had just begun, and then came to an abrupt end.

After all, there is only one drop of spiritual essence, and the duration is very short.

Chen Fan swallowed, but felt extremely uncomfortable.

I just wonder why I can think about things so slowly.

As the saying goes, it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. Chen Fan is in such a special state at this time.

If I continue to swallow the towering spirit marrow, I will be able to deduce the next level of Blood Fusion Technique in a short time, but there are only so many towering soul marrows. If I use up all of them, I want to break through the Dao Fruit or the time of longevity in the future. , it’s useless...

He is also very tangled.

The Dao fruit is fine, based on my understanding at this time, as long as the belief reaches the standard, the chance of condensing the Dao fruit is great.

But at the realm of longevity, even though Chen Fan had the two divine pills, the Golden Dragon Transformation Immortal Pill and the Daoyuan Pill, he was still in awe.

It is said that the stronger one's own way is, the more obstacles one will encounter in breaking through to longevity. With the strength of my Wanjian swordsmanship, it may be more difficult than ordinary people...

However, the hesitation on his face quickly turned into firmness:

Set a limit, use half of it at most, and see how far I can push Blood Fusion...

With the idea in his mind established, he quickly swallowed a lot of towering spiritual essence again and continued to practice.

A day passed in the blink of an eye.

When Chen Fan used up almost one-third of the towering spiritual essence, his Blood Fusion Technique reached the sixth level of perfection.

It's done! Hahahaha!

Chen Fan also heaved a sigh of relief when he saw most of the towering spirit marrow remaining.

With so many towering spiritual marrows, it will probably be enough for him to break through to immortality in the future.

His face was pale, but his eyes were unusually shining:

I have a hundred times the thinking of the three divine senses, plus a hundred times the increase in the hang-up slot, and multiple improvements. The deduction speed is too outrageous!

The on-hook field is responsible for indicating the correct direction, and the other three spiritual senses are crazily deduced, how can this speed be not fast.

Originally, it took at least one or two years to hang up, but now it has reached the sixth level of perfection in one day.

Sixth level is not a small threshold. I don't know if there will be problems in breaking through the seventh level...

He shook his head, but flipped his hands and took out the blood species he had used for comprehension before, and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

Although the deduction of Blood Fusion has been completed successfully, it still needs to absorb enough external blood to truly break through to the next stage.

And because Chen Fan jumped too much progress in a day, the gap of external blood that needs to be absorbed is also very high.

The effect of the towering spirit marrow is too powerful!

The speed of absorbing blood seeds was much faster than that of ordinary blood crystals and blood spirit flowers. Chen Fan also quickly absorbed all the few remaining blood seeds in his hand.

It's just that the distance fills the gap, and there is still a certain difference.

Then Chen Fan fell into an embarrassing situation, he only had blood crystals and blood spirit flowers left in his hands...

Although the speed of absorbing blood crystals is much faster than before, compared to blood species, it is still extremely slow, and it still takes a long time for him to complete the absorption.

It will take at least one or two months, and there should be time for the follow-up Mei meeting...


three days later.

Chen Fan finally had his nightmare.

Even though Chen Fan exempted many tenth-level masters from paying the ratio of treasures, it still took him several days to bring all the prices that all Seven Saints Alliance warriors had to pay, which shows that there are a lot of treasures and resources.

Needless to say, most of the treasures given by the warriors are ordinary pills, crystals or ores, spiritual weapons, etc., which add up to a lot of value, but they are of no great use to Chen Fan himself.

The most important thing is the eight dao fruits and the price that Togo paid.

These people brought Chen Fan seven low-level Taoist artifacts, two four-star level Taoist artifacts, three holy-level pills, and countless treasures and resources of other levels.

These people are so rich.

After all, to be able to advance to Daoguo before the age of fifty, not to mention strength, talent and background are absolutely impossible.

Not the Hidden World Sect, but also the strength of the Yuhuamen or Wuxiang Academy, which is at the level of the overlord of the middle domain, and is richer than ordinary longevity masters.

It's a pity that none of these three holy-level pills can help promote longevity...

The holy elixir that can help promote longevity is often the most precious of the holy elixir, which is extremely rare.

Whether or not they can overcome the hurdle of longevity is too important for warriors.

However, I have Dao Yuan Pill, Golden Dragon Transforming Immortal Pill, and Towering Essence, plus Medicine King, four items. I have a much greater advantage than ordinary people!

He shook his head and took a deep breath:

As long as I can rush into the first sequence, I will be able to condense the Dao Fruit, and I heard that I will also have the opportunity to preach the immortal at that time... Longevity is not far away!

Chen Fan's heart couldn't help beating rapidly.

Although his strength has long been able to torture ordinary immortals with blood, this hurdle is not small for him.

If you step over the past, you will be able to obtain a long and long life, and you will be qualified to face the catastrophe in the future.

If you can't get over it, even if your physique is strong and you can live for tens of thousands of years, you probably won't be able to survive the next catastrophe.

He took a deep breath, put aside his miscellaneous thoughts, Continue to practice!


at the same time.

In Longyuan City, the southeast region's sphere of influence.

The resident of Ling Shen Dao Sect.

The gray-haired old Taoist looked at a young man with sharp brows and star-eyed eyes full of sharp breath in front of him.

In the third round of preliminaries, there was a man named Chen Fan. Based on his strength, he might be the one we are looking for...

However, we can only see the name and serial number in the preselection, and we have no way of confirming through which channel this person participated in the Meihui... We can only wait for the follow-up competition to confirm whether this Chen Fan is that Chen Fan.

The young man nodded silently when he heard the words, but a sharp cold light flashed in his eyes.

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