My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 819 Togo's Strength

The black flying sword collided with the white ice barrier.


Dense cracks appeared on the ice barrier in the blink of an eye, and the black sword continued to penetrate, but the blasted ice shards fluttered like butterflies, constantly replenishing the back of the ice barrier.

Heijian's speed stopped abruptly, and soon came to a complete stop.

And at this moment.

After the black flying sword, ripples flashed in the void, and one hand suddenly grasped the black long sword.

With a bang, the orange-red flame blazed up!

The blazing fiery red sword energy swept away the heavy ice barrier.

Feeling the sudden appearance of flame and sword energy, Togo's eyes flashed with slight astonishment.

It's a good way to hold back your breath... But he raised his hand suddenly.


The gust of wind surged in the blink of an eye, and the snow fell again.

Streams of icy white gas turned into icy ice crystals, sweeping the surroundings, and the flames were completely annihilated in the blink of an eye.

Awesome... Chen Fan licked his lips, his body flew backwards with the terrifying force, his blood surged, and his eyes flashed brightly.

With the enhancement of the black lotus, although this fire sword of mine is far inferior to the deity, and the sudden appearance of Nixu is so powerful that it is usually at the second level of longevity, and it may cause hatred if you don't pay attention.

This Togo's strength is stronger than I expected.

At this moment, a loud shout spread all around the sky.

I am coming!

Accompanied by raging evil spirit and roar, a huge black figure descended from the sky like a meteorite!

It is the Raksha prince Dorodo!

At this time, Dorodo's body is as tall as a hundred feet, covering the sky and the sun.

Holding a weapon in the shape of a steel fork in his hand, he rushed straight down from the sky and caught the key gap between Togo and Lin Lei.


The dark green evil fire was burning around Dorodo's body, wrapped in violent and irresistible force, completely smashed the thick ice wall into pieces, and went straight to Togo!

Well done!

Togo raised his hand forward, white cold air rose in the air, and a sword of ice suddenly appeared in his hand.

He swung his sword sharply forward.

Streams of white cold air condensed and covered the ice sword in the blink of an eye. The ice sword, which was only a few feet long, condensed into several feet in the blink of an eye.


Dorodo slammed down heavily, but the steel fork was completely blocked by the ice sword.

From the collision of the two as the origin, the impact force is scattered and rippled in circles.

The rock under Togo's feet crumbled, and the rocks splashed, but a cold smile flashed across his face, and his whole body suddenly let out a cry.


Dorodo's body, however, flew out with blood flying wildly!


Dorodo slammed into a steep cliff not far away, splitting the cliff in half, and countless stones crashed down!

It is obvious that Dorodo's body size is hundreds of times that of Togo, but he is suppressed by Togo's power instead!


Among the countless gravels, Dorodo's extremely embarrassed figure rushed out again. His body was dripping with blood, frost was all over his body, and the green ghostly fire around his body was blazing, turning into black light and rushing out again.

At the same time, Zhu Shan and Chen Fan also lived on the other two sides of Togo, and the three formed a triangle to surround Togo.

Togo sneered, glanced at the three of them, and finally looked at Zhu Shan:

If it's just the three of you, even if you die a hundred times, it's impossible to kill me once.

Zhu Shan's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he remained silent.

at the same time.

As expected of the most powerful genius of the Ice Extreme Sect, the Daoist of the Ice Extreme Sect, and the disciple of the Ice Extreme Sacred Emperor!

In the sky, a faint sigh sounded, and then the sky was filled with black light, and Nightmare's figure emerged. Black smoke rose behind her, and suddenly turned into a black shadow and rushed down.

Togo narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said:

So it's you, Nightmare... I said that kid Zhu Shan didn't dare to approach me, so it was you who were behind the scenes!

Nightmare smiled: If you promise to give me that thing, I will turn around and leave without looking back.

As soon as this statement came out.

Zhu Shan's complexion changed slightly, and he glanced at Togo from the corner of his eye.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and he cursed the woman inwardly.

People are gathered here by her, and now they say such things...

Togo, on the other hand, laughed: Although that kind of thing is really not that big to me, but...why should I give it to you?

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to give the two of them any more time to communicate. He suddenly raised his hand forward, and at the same time as the black sword in his hand flew out, a Nightmare Prayer hit Togo!


Togo's body froze for a moment, obviously Chen Fan's Nightmare Prayer had an effect.

It's just that before Chen Fan's black sword hit Togo, his eyes became clear in an instant. His eyes flashed, and he swung the ice sword with his right hand and slashed forward.


Chen Fan's black flying sword was slashed away by him!

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, nosebleeds overflowed, but his body could not help but take a few steps back.

But he suffered backlash!

But when Chen Fan made a move and Togo was affected by the Nightmare Prayer, Dorodo screamed wildly, but suddenly turned into a streamer and rushed towards Togo.

At the same time, Zhu Shan's eyes flickered, layers of ice armor suddenly appeared around his body, and a giant ice knife appeared in his hand, and he also rushed towards Togo.

Looking at this scene, the black smoke flickered in the sky, Nightmare narrowed his eyes, but he turned into black smoke together with the black monster, spreading to Zhu Shan.

Following Chen Fan's first move, the other three attacked together.

Well done!

Togo's eyes flickered, excitement flashed across his face, and he opened his hands:

Let you all see my true strength.

Around Togo, streams of cold air emerged, and the entire mountain peak turned into snow white again.

He grinned:

Extremely cold storm!

The next moment.

With Togo himself as the center of the circle, one after another ice crystals emerged from the void, continuously spreading and condensing, and blasted out in all directions with the strong wind.

Millions, tens of millions of ice crystals shot out with ferocious and violent power.

In the blink of an eye, the ice arrows shot by Zhu Shan were smashed into pieces by the surging and densely covered ice crystals.

A deep astonishment flashed across Zhu Shan's face in the distance: This trick...

at the same time.


Dorodo, who rushed to the front, waved the steel fork in his hand, and his whole body was burning with green flames, but facing the raging ice crystals all over the sky, the blazing green fire all over his body was destroyed by the ice crystals in the blink of an eye!

How can it be?!

A look of deep astonishment flashed across his face, and without the protection of the green ghost fire, his body was instantly shot into a sieve, and blood holes emerged one by one.

At the same time, Togo in the distance sneered, raised his palm, Go to hell!


Several times more turbulent ice crystals rushed towards Dorodo than before.

But his body couldn't bear it anymore, and in the blink of an eye, his body collapsed, and was blasted into minced meat by countless ice crystals, which turned into a lot of spiritual light and disappeared!

Without the protection of Dorodo who stood in the front, the raging storm and ice crystals rushed towards the remaining three.

Zhu Shan's face changed greatly: How can you be so strong?!

But turned around and ran away.

It's just a pity that even with the ice armor protecting his body, his body was crushed to pieces by the dense ice crystals in the blink of an eye!

Turned into aura collapse!

Dorodo's points are not high, but they have broken through 100 million points, and Zhu Shan has more than 500 million points. He said that he attacked and killed Togo and lowered his points. As a result, he lost nearly 300 million points...


Chen Fan only felt that his scalp was full, and his whole body felt chilly. When he turned around, he saw a look of astonishment flashing across Nightmare's face.

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, and layers of rainbow-like Dao domains around his body opened.

Earth Fire Water Wind, Sword, Slaughter, Thunder and Lightning, Ice, Chen Fan summoned all the Dao domains he has mastered, but he still couldn't block the lasing of these ice crystals.


In the blink of an eye, its Dao domain was torn apart like a sieve.

Even the most tenacious sword field can't stop it.


Chen Fan didn't care to keep his hand any longer, and swung his sword forward violently, smashing out a six-fold Hongmeng Sword.

As soon as the sword is released, the world seems to freeze instantly.

The wind and snow and the jetting ice crystals were completely eliminated by this sword.

Surprise and surprise flashed across the faces of Nightmare behind him and Togo not far away, especially Togo who was facing Chen Fan's sword energy.

not good!

His face changed suddenly, and while his body retreated sharply, layers of ice barriers surrounded him.

After the huge roar, countless white cold air and smoke and dust filled the sky.


Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief, then frowned and looked into the distance.

Between the surging cold air.

The heavy ice barrier cracked and shattered, and a figure walked out of it, it was Togo.

His whole body was still spotless, and he didn't seem to have received much impact from this sword at all.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and his face lived up to the previous indifference:

Interesting, no wonder you dare to take the initiative to attack me in Nightmare. It turns out that there is such a person by your side. His strength is not very good. This move is really powerful...

The power level of this move is far inferior to my Extreme Cold Storm, but it contains a special power to annihilate and assimilate everything, which can directly break my move...

A stream of black smoke condensed in front of Chen Fan, and it also re-converged into the figure of Nightmare. She glanced at Chen Fan, and a subtle flash of light flashed across her face, and then turned her head to look at Togo again:

How could you be so strong, could it be that you... broke through?

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and also turned his head to look at Togo.

The Extreme Cold Storm move just now was a bit ridiculously powerful.

Forget about Zhu Shan.

You must know that Dorodo is a member of the Raksha clan, and he is born with a strong body, and with the blessing of the Nightmare Black Lotus, his physical strength is probably much stronger than that of ordinary longevity triple masters.

Even if it is a master of the third level of longevity, don't think about destroying his body so easily!

Togo twisted his neck slightly, and said: It's considered a breakthrough. My realm has really stepped on the threshold of the Great Dao, but my cultivation has not broken through the third level...

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth twitched.

In comparison, the improvement brought about by a realm breakthrough is definitely higher than the improvement brought about by a cultivation breakthrough!

Although Togo's cultivation base has not really broken through the third level, his strength is actually not too bad. He is definitely the first echelon of the Meihui, and he is not even bad at all!

After all, he is also a descendant of an immortal, half a step of the third level of longevity, but he is stronger than the real third level of longevity...

Even if my own deity came, I might not be able to win, let alone... now I am just a clone.

Although the Hongmeng Sword can offset his extremely cold storm, it can't hurt the opponent at all...

He turned around and said, Do you want to continue?

Nightmare also took a deep breath, her eyes flashed sharply:

There is still a chance. Although the attack of your sword is not enough, it is perfect for defense...

You help me defend Togo's large-scale attack, and I will 'kill' him!

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