My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 814: Trading

Black light spread across the sky.

An aura of corruption, desolation and despair continuously emanated from the black monster.

Chen Fan took a deep breath.

What the hell is this?

Just facing this monster, Chen Fan's heart seemed to be shrouded in a shadow, and the pressure that he had never felt before facing the molten core enveloped his whole body.

Both mental and physical conditions have declined a lot.

It's a bit similar to the meaning of 'death' and 'desolation'...

Chen Fan only took a deep breath, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and his body moved forward suddenly, with the fiery red Dao domain and sword domain intertwined around him, and a Holy Fire Sword slashed at the black monster.

Black smoke surged in, intertwined with the flame and sword energy.

In an instant, the flames were dissipated by the black air.


Chen Fan spurted blood again and flew backwards.

It's so strong...

In terms of strength alone, this black monster is not much inferior to the Molten Core, but when fighting against it, the state will also decline, and it is much more difficult to deal with than the Molten Core.


In the blink of an eye, the black light spread again, and the black monster charged towards Chen Fan again.

Chen Fan's eyes froze for a moment, and colored light domains spread out around his body, but instantly inspired the six-level Dao domain including the Slaughter Dao domain.


The rainbow-like light domain was covered heavily, but the speed of the black monster rushing forward was stagnant.

It's a pity that even if the sixth-level Dao Domain pressed against him, it couldn't hurt the monster much. On the contrary, Chen Fan's Dao Domain creaked and creaked, and many cracks appeared very quickly.

Black smoke swarmed towards Chen Fan along the layers of Dao Domain.

That's outrageous!

The sword light in Chen Fan's hand was unstoppable, and he slashed forward with one sword after another.

It's just that this monster doesn't have a physical body. Even if Chen Fan's moves blow it into black smoke, it can still recover quickly...

As the two fought against each other, there was a roar in the blink of an eye, and the vitality of the world was scattered and stirred.

After a while, Chen Fan, who was spurting blood, waved his hand, Stop fighting!

at the same time.

The black figure that rushed again suddenly stagnated, and slowly dissipated, turning into black smoke and reintegrating into the body of Nightmare in the distant sky.

Have you played enough?

Seeing Nightmare stopped attacking.

Chen Fan heaved a sigh of relief, but swallowed a lot of pills he had found in his hands.

Chen Fan didn't use Hongmeng Sword at all.

Because from the beginning to the end, Nightmare himself has never made a move. Even if he uses Hongmeng Sword to kill this black monster, there is nothing he can do about Nightmare.

After all, Chen Fan was only a clone present, and the Dream Realm suppressed his cultivation a lot. Even if he risked his life, he would not be able to cut a few swords of Hongmeng Sword even if his life was exhausted.

He knew that even if he defeated the black figure, it would be difficult to kill Nightmare. And even if he could kill Nightmare, he couldn't kill Nightmare repeatedly, posing no real threat to Nightmare.

After all, I can no longer continue to do justice for the sky...

He shook his head, a look of regret flashing across his face.

At this moment, Nightmare slowly floated in front of Chen Fan, put down the hood she was wearing, and revealed the appearance of a young girl next to her.

She looked no more than thirteen or fourteen years old.

Can we talk about... about Iroha?

Nightmare's indifferent voice sounded:

If you have any requirements, you can mention them.

Chen Fan frowned.

As for this girl, Chen Fan had the same feeling as when he faced Lan Ruo back then.

It also looks young, but speaks old-fashioned.

And his tone of voice made Chen Fan confirm that he values ​​Caiyu very much!

Of course, it is also scruples about Chen Fan's strength.

If he could kill Chen Fan one after another like he did to Luo Yingtian and others, it would be impossible for him to give Chen Fan a chance to trade!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, but he said:

In that case, then I'm not going to be polite... I want ten holy-level pills that can help break through longevity, or corresponding treasures!

Nightmare shook his head:

That's impossible. Iroha herself is only a Daoist cultivation base. The value of her whole body is not as high as a treasure like this. If you want ten copies, I don't even have one.

Chen Fan said with a smile: Your Excellency let me bid as much as I want, and I think the price is too high?

Besides, if Miss Caiyu is just an ordinary Dao fruit, it's fine, but Miss Caiyu can reach this level of strength at this age, and her future talents are limitless. How can ordinary Dao fruits compare?

Saying that, Chen Fan's eyes flashed:

If my guess is correct, if Miss Caiyu can enter the holy hall, she will be at least in the third sequence, and she should not have the chance to participate in the Meihui next time, right?

The key question is not whether Caiyu is worth the price, but whether Nightmare is willing to pay the price!

Nightmare fell silent for a moment.

In fact, it was the same as what she herself did to other people.

Because Meihui is too important, the more talented a person is, the less willing he is to be eliminated.

Although Caiyu is her servant in name, she is actually a genius of the Yuwu family. If her confidant loses the chance to enter the holy hall, no treasure can make up for it.

She finally nodded:

Ten copies of treasures of this level are impossible, but I have a holy Daoyuan pill in my hand. This pill can promote the maturity of Dao fruit and increase the chance of breaking through longevity...

Good stuff! Chen Fan's eyes flashed.

Rather, it was exactly what he needed.

If he can break through the Dao Fruit, with this thing, he can stimulate the Dao Fruit to mature faster.

Of course, the premise is that he can rush into the first sequence this time, otherwise, he won't even be able to break through the Dao Fruit...

How to talk about promoting the maturity of Dao fruit.

It's just that he suppressed the excitement in his heart, licked his lips, but still shook his head: Just this holy medicine pill is not enough.

What I asked for was ten treasures of the same level.

Although he himself is also a big open mouth, but the counter-offer has to be pulled back and forth, isn't it normal to ask for a higher price!

This Nightmare controlled an unknown number of warriors, and the resources accumulated in the Fantasy World were definitely not inferior to Chen Fan's request.

If he really valued Iroha, he would naturally be able to pay the corresponding price.

Nightmare continued:

After I entered the fantasy world, I won a total of eight dao fruits and forced them to sign a contract with me. After they agreed to leave the fantasy world, they would hand over 90% of their treasures and resources. I can transfer all the resources agreed by the two of them. for you!

Chen Fan's eyes also lit up, this nightmare is really cruel.

A Tianjiao who can reach the Dao Fruit at this age, even if his own strength is not at the peak, his status and status are by no means simple. I am afraid that any one of them will be far richer than ordinary longevity in the outside world!

Even in the hands of these people, it is very likely that they have special treasures that can help them advance to longevity...

After all, they themselves are at the Dao Fruit level, and they have an urgent need to advance to longevity far beyond other people.

Of course, there is no need to think about holy medicines and the like, but they are hard to come by...


Ninety percent of the treasures, not all of them, also means that the other party can selectively give up the unimportant treasures. Most of the treasures that are truly natal and of the highest value are placed in the 10% power, and it is absolutely impossible to give them up.

Yes! Chen Fan nodded, but he didn't waste any more time bargaining, the price was already very high.

At the same time, I felt more and more pity in my heart. If my own deity came in, wouldn't it be possible to force this Nightmare to give up all the benefits, and even force her to sign the same contract and hand over 90% of the treasures on her body...

How much should there be?

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in the world.

Moreover, my understanding of Nightmare is still too little, and its true strength has not been fully revealed. Although my deity is strong, I may not dare to say that I will be able to kill Nightmare continuously like killing ordinary Dao Fruits, and kill him. No points!

The two immediately made a contract and an oath.

Chen Fan was relieved after making all the oaths of heaven and demons.

After all, it was rumored that this woman practiced the way of contract, but Chen Fan couldn't verify the truth, so he couldn't trust her easily.

After the contract was reached, Nightmare looked at Chen Fan with a faint gaze:

Brother Chen Fan's strength, in this third round of preliminaries, he should be in the top three. I need a master to cooperate in one matter. I don't know, Brother Chen Fan...

I heard that Nightmare has something to ask for.

Chen Fan frowned:

With your strength, Miss Nightmare, it's not an exaggeration to say that you are the number one in this round of preliminaries, and you still control such a 'powerful' alliance. Is there anything that you can't accomplish?

Nightmare said lightly:

The so-called 'alliance' is just something I did casually, and the expansion is more for gathering intelligence...

She turned her head to look at Chen Fan: I don't know Brother Chen Fan...have you heard of Togo from the Extreme Ice Sect?

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