My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 812: Yuwu Family

This stupid woman!

Luo Yingtian stared in astonishment at Cai Yu and the big red-haired man who suddenly sprinted from a distance, a look of helplessness flashed across his face.

The red-haired man that Iroha brought was only a master at the Dao Fruit level.

It's just a pity that no matter how many people there are, the strength is not enough. Facing Chen Fan's soul attack, they still have no ability to resist...

And at the same time.


Chen Fan waved his hand, and the black sword drawn from the pierced bodies of Cai Yu and the red-haired man.

The two fell heavily to the ground.

Only then did his eyes slowly regain clarity.

When they saw the scene in front of them, both of them were taken aback.

Not far away is Chen Fan's corpse, and in front of him is an illusory spirit body, paired with the extremely weak Luo Yingtian.

This scene is too weird...

Iroha, right?

Chen Fan's spiritual body slowly floated forward, looking at Caiyu:

You Seven Sacred Alliance ordinary fighters participating in the preliminary selection are heinous... I have already learned from Luo Shaodi that you and that Nightmare are behind the scenes!

I advise you to stop in time, quickly abandon the darkness and turn to the light, and tell me where your headquarters of the 'Seven Saints Alliance' is, and all my information about 'Nightmare', I can let you go...

When Caiyu heard this, a look of astonishment flashed across her face, then she turned her head and gave Luo Yingtian next to her a vicious look.

I admit it this time! But you don't want to get any information about the lady from me!

Her whole body flashed with rainbow light, and rushed towards Chen Fan with a bang.

But before he rushed in front of Chen Fan, his body froze suddenly, his eyes flashed blank again, and then the black flying sword pierced through his chest again, nailing him to the wall not far away.

The red-haired man next to him saw this scene and wanted to make a move, but now he was stunned, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Don't dare to act anymore.


A large amount of blood overflowed from Caiha's mouth.

Chen Fan shook his head, his eyes flickered, and the spirit slowly floated forward:

Can't you understand me?

Iroha snorted, If you dare, kill me!

The fantasy world has special rules and restrictions.

You can trap and kill people, but you can't torture or abuse others...

So Iroha has no fear at all!

Chen Fan sneered: Your request is met.

Spiritual consciousness moved, the black sword flew across again, and once again cut Caiyu's head off.

Chen Fan has the Ten Thousand Swords Code, coupled with his terrifying spiritual consciousness, he can also use the power of a flying sword to the extreme, and it is still very easy to kill a seriously injured Daoguo.

Luo Yingtian was taken aback, and looked at the scene in front of him with a subtle expression: You just killed her?

Being killed in the fantasy world is nothing more than losing half of the points. In this case, it is not so much killing her as letting her go...

There was a sneer on the face of Chen Fan's phantom spirit body:

I don't just want to kill her once!

You... Luo Yingtian's expression changed and he couldn't help frowning.

With a thought, Chen Fan activated the Nightmare Prayer on Caiyu who had just been resurrected and was running away with the help of the terrifying consciousness that had spread out a long time ago.

This is where the real power of Nightmare Prayer lies!

This is still in the fantasy world. If he is outside, as long as he is within the scope of Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness, he can use Nightmare Prayer on whomever he wants.

The only pity is that his Nightmare Prayer realm, and he himself is only the first level of immeasurable after all, it is easy to deal with immortals and below, but it is not very effective against immortal masters for the time being.

Not long after, I saw the sky flickering, and the dazed Caiyu flew over again by Chen Fanfei's sword.

It wasn't until his figure came in front of Chen Fan that Chen Fan killed him. did you do it? Luo Yingtian also watched this scene with twitching corners of his mouth.

If it was the first time, it might be that Iroha got too close to her own death, and Chen Fan succeeded.

But for the second time, it was clear that Caiyu had just been revived, that is to say, Chen Fan's consciousness completely exceeded the limit position of Caiyu's resurrection!

Your 'divine soul attack' can last so long?

Chen Fan sneered, followed the same pattern, but continued to repeat the previous operation.

With a thought in the gap, a nameplate flew up from the position of his own body on the ground.

into hands.

With a move of consciousness, he probed into the nameplate.

He killed this woman twice, with an extra score of more than 40 million, and directly rushed into the top 100, reaching more than 60.

The red-haired man said with a strange expression: Iroha herself was ranked in the top 50 at the beginning, with points in the early 60 million...

This score is not high.

With Caiyu Daoguo's strength and the means of the Seven Saints Alliance, if he is willing to score points, it will be easy to be in the top ten, or even the top five.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and nodded, and began to check the list of the hundred again.

However, he did not see the so-called Nightmare on the list, but instead saw Luo Yingtian and Caiyu.

With 40 million points, Luo Yingtian also ranked in the 60s, slightly lower than himself.

Ben Iroha was killed twice, but he still barely ranks in the top 100, with nearly 20 million points left.

Shaking his head, Chen Fan didn't stop what he was doing, and killed the woman seven or eight times in a row, and then stopped after confirming that it was impossible for her points to pass the preliminary selection.

At this time, Chen Fan's own ranking has reached the forty-second place, with more than 60 million points...

The corner of Luo Yingtian's mouth twitched watching this scene, his face was also full of subtleties.'s easier than 'Nightmare' to kill me...

In fact, if Chen Fan wanted to do the same with Luo Yingtian, it would be much more difficult than Caiyu.

Luo Yingtian is a master of the killing mood, his will is far stronger than that of warriors of the same level, and it is not so easy for him to be affected by Nightmare Prayer when he wants to win a complete victory.

And the person who holds the Magic Eye Killer is too powerful, Chen Fan himself has to be extremely careful!

The red-haired man next to him also looked at this scene with a pale face, full of dread and fear.

Chen Fan looked at this scene, but smiled: You two can rest assured, as long as you cooperate with me honestly, I will naturally not attack you...

In fact, this is also a deterrent to the two.

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at Caiyu who was flying over again in the distance, being strung by a black sword:

How about it, Miss Caiyu, how does it feel to be killed continuously?

Iroha's face was full of helplessness and indignation, and she sighed, What exactly do you want?

Chen Fan had a sarcastic smile on his face:

I'm just repeating what you guys have done to other people. Why can't Miss Caiyu accept this?

The corner of Caiyu's mouth twitched, but she was speechless.

No matter how many times she is killed, it will not affect her own will. The problem is that the points cannot stop her...

Seeing Caiyu's appearance, Chen Fan stopped teasing her:

Let's be honest, your alliance's actions are too cruel and immoral. All my actions are based on my blood, and I want to seek justice for the majority of warriors!

Caiyu glanced at Chen Fan, took a deep breath, and sneered:

What's your request, just say it?

Chen Fan chuckled.

This woman is smart.

Chen Fan cleared his throat:

Tell me first, where are you and your lady from, and which hidden sect are you from?

Iroha nodded:

Miss and I come from the far west, and we are not disciples of any sect. We come from a family called 'Yu Wu', and Miss is the daughter of the head of the family.

Apparently these messages are not really secret.

Chen Fan raised his brows, feeling a subtle feeling in his heart.

He had never heard of the so-called Yu Wu family.

However, if a family can cultivate two such geniuses against the heavens, it goes without saying about their strength!

And this family's reputation was not obvious before, and it may also be a hidden force...

Chen Fan nodded, and asked again: What is the specific strength of your lady? What moves are you good at?

Cai Yu said:

I once made a special oath not to reveal too detailed information about the young lady. I can only tell you that the young lady is already at the second level of longevity!

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