My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 480 Failure?

Facing the shock of the soul of the twelve steps.

Chen Fan was under a lot of pressure, and his consciousness was also sharpened under the constant impact...

The speed of improvement is also fast.

Chen Fan stayed on the twelfth step for three full days until he got used to this step.

He also resolutely set foot on the thirteenth step.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth immediately.

There was a huge wave in the sea of ​​consciousness, but it was impossible to stay any longer.

He also urged the power of the Star God Seal with a pale face, blocking the terrifying impact from the sea of ​​consciousness.

But after the Star God Seal was activated, the sea of ​​consciousness, which was originally turbulent, returned to calm in an instant!

Then he was relieved.

And when the star god seal blocked the impact of this divine consciousness, he felt how terrifying the pressure on his body was.

Of course, it was still within his physical tolerance.

Compared with his cultivation base, his spiritual consciousness and physique are very strong, and his physique is unusually strong!

He looked up at the steps in front of him, and a strange look flashed across his face.

I have the talent to hang up, and with so many opportunities, I have grown to where I am today, but if I don't have the Star God Seal, my limit can only go so far, and the next five steps, can humans really break through?

He looked at the fourteenth floor in front of him, but he was not in a hurry to go there immediately.

The thirteenth floor is the limit I can bear at this time, but I can take this opportunity to sharpen my consciousness.

From time to time, he lifted the state of the Star God Seal, allowing himself to face this pressure directly, so as to hone his spiritual will and continue to grow.

On the stairs, he can activate the spiritual weapon, and he can also use foreign objects, and he is also constantly swallowing pills.

It's just that he also finds it strange that the difficulty of this assessment is greatly reduced when foreign objects can be used.

And he couldn't help but think, if he changed to a weaker person, wouldn't he be able to reach a very high level if he changed to a set of top-notch spiritual equipment?

He also faintly noticed some strange things in his heart...


In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Chen Fan's originally pale face suddenly flashed rosy and excited.

The fourth level of Forging the Gods has been completed!

His Forging God Art has been on the phone for a long time, and it has occupied the slot for quite a long time. It is finally completed today, which is naturally a great thing!

After the completion of Forging God Art.

His spiritual realm has finally broken through to the peak of Bing Xinjing!

It's just that the pressure of facing the thirteenth step directly caused his sea of ​​consciousness to suffer a lot of damage. Although he swallowed a lot of pills, he was still far from being fully recovered.

So his mental state is not very good.

But it's all worth it!

Because I have completed the four levels of Forging God Art, I can try to make the Hall of Stars recognize the master and obtain many treasures in it.

It's time to move on!

Even if his consciousness breaks through the peak of Bingxin state, it can barely withstand the pressure of the thirteenth floor, and it is impossible to go up.

So he didn't continue to be brave, but relied on the power of the Star God Seal to resist the impact of his consciousness and set foot on a new level.

Rather, if there is no treasure to protect the soul, it is impossible for ordinary people to reach a higher level.

And after such a long period of tempering, not only did his own consciousness and body suffer a lot, but his own will also got a lot of sharpening!

With the protection of the Star God Seal, he could hardly feel the impact of the soul on it, but...

His body felt the pressure!

That's right, even if his physique was as strong as Chen Fan's, the pressure on his body made him unable to persist.

He took a deep breath:

The pressure on the remaining floors will only be greater. It seems that I can no longer walk slowly step by step. I can only rush to the limit I can reach in one breath, so as to avoid greater pressure on the body caused by staying for a long time!

After deciding on a countermeasure, he took a deep breath and stepped onto the fifteenth floor in an instant.


The terrifying pressure came crashing down, and Chen Fan's whole body began to bleed instantly. Even with a full set of defensive spirit weapons, he couldn't resist this pervasive pressure at all.

His body can hardly stand still, and he is about to fly upside down!


Chen Fan gritted his teeth and instantly became violent.

His whole body burst out suddenly.

It was also soon after standing firmly on this floor, and after standing firmly, he also stepped on the sixteenth floor in an instant.

And he had just stepped on the sixteenth floor with one foot, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, and at the same time his whole body began to bleed.

too exaggerated!

Chen Fan's physique is extremely strong. After arousing his berserk, his strength alone is stronger than most tenth-level fighters, but he couldn't bear the impact.

He gritted his teeth, looked at the last two stairs in front of him, but directly activated the second level of Rage.

After that, he didn't dare to step forward without any hesitation.


But he didn't dare to stop, and just stepped on the seventeenth floor, he continued to go up with the other foot.

And it was at the moment when his body stepped onto the eighteenth floor.

An irresistible force rushed towards him.

Even if Chen Fan aroused the double rage, he could not stop the force, and Chen Fan's body flew upside down uncontrollably.

It fell to the ground with a slap!

The corners of his mouth kept twitching, a look of pity flashed across his face, and he immediately sat down cross-legged, took out a healing elixir and swallowed it.

It's a pity that I didn't make it to the eighteenth floor. The duration of my double rage is too short. I don't dare to stay on the seventeenth floor to adapt...

There was also a look of complexity and pity on his face.

While healing his wounds, the spiritual light began to flicker on the stairs in front of Chen Fan.

Not only the first seventeen floors, but all eighteen floors are flickering.

Soon a flash of inspiration found Chen Fan.

A warm breath rippled through Chen Fan's body.

And Chen Fan was so comfortable that he almost cried out.

At the same time, his damaged spirit and body were recovering rapidly, and in just a few breaths, he had recovered to a complete victory state.

Chen Fan's eyes were also full of surprise.

Such a terrifying recovery speed was unmatched by any elixir Chen Fan had ever seen.

He also raised his head, staring at the aura on the stairs with burning eyes.

Then Zhao Kong obtained the Void Saint-level elixir when he stepped on the seventh floor. Although he failed to stay above the eighteenth floor, he still passed the first seventeenth floor. What kind of treasures can he get? Whenever I think about it, I am very excited!

I saw the stairs slowly dissipating, but the spiritual light on it gradually gathered, forming a illusory spirit body.

The spirit body solidified quickly, but gradually formed a special phantom...

Chen Fan was startled.

Then, a voice came from the spirit body:

I didn't expect to wake up the spirit body of my lord, it turned out to be your human race.

What this spirit body said was similar to the words Chen Fan had heard in the Yuanshang Secret Realm. He obviously didn't understand the relevant language, but he could understand the meaning.

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