My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 463 One Sword

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes as he looked at the golden sword field flickering in the distance.

The way of swordsmanship is the way of using it. In comparison, it is even superior to the way of killing. Although this woman's cultivation level is slightly inferior, as a disciple of Yuhuamen, she should have other means...

No wonder that arrogant brat named Wu Yan would be so honest when he saw this girl.

In Wu Yan's Ice and Fire Dao Domain, at the first level of the Dao Domain, one person can suppress Dagan and the other three at the second level of the Dao Domain. His strength is rare among the second level of the Dao Domain.

But this girl, just using the double sword domain, is enough to completely crush Wu Yan.

Watching the girl unfold the sword field.

In contrast, Zheng Zhun's face flashed a solemn look.

Swinging the long spear, the dark clouds behind him suddenly expanded, black light surged all over the sky, and murderous intent radiated everywhere.

puff! puff!

Before he could make a move, under the cover of his Human Dao Domain, blood spewed out from the mouths of every fighter!

The girl caressed the long sword, but a hint of intoxication flashed in her eyes, then she turned her head and looked at Zheng Zhun:

I only use one sword...

She moved forward with bare hands, and cut down with a sword.


It was obviously just the most common swing of a sword, but it made Chen Fan's eyes widen, and he couldn't bear to look away.

Chen Fan couldn't see Jian Guang at all.

But I heard a very crisp chi sound!

Zheng Zhun's expression froze, and the hundreds of realms rippling and intertwined around him split in two and collapsed!

At the same time, there was a flat bloodstain on the shoulder of his right arm holding the spear.

His body crashed to the ground, but his right hand holding the spear fell off his body and was thrown to another direction!

But the girl opposite him had put back her sword and put her fists in her hands, I don't want to kill people.

Zheng Zhun's body fell heavily to the ground, creating a big deep hole, and a big mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, but his breath was weakened countless times, and a daze flashed across his pale face.

How can it be?!

And as this woman defeated Zheng Zhun with a sword, without the suppression of her killing Daoyu, the rest of them slowly recovered.

The warriors around were also in an uproar.

To be honest, Zheng Zhun's strength is terrifying enough.

Zheng Zhun, who was unable to fight most of the warriors, could be overwhelmed by his momentum alone, but such a peerless genius was defeated with a single strike.

The strength of this girl is too terrifying!

And Zheng Zhun was not just as simple as having his arm cut off, his vigor and killing intent were all gone under this sword!

Chen Fan looked at the girl in the light yellow skirt with a complicated expression.

Outrageous! It's outrageous! The Yuhuamen is indeed the Yuhuamen, and a disciple of a branch is so strong... Then Zheng Zhun controls the Dao of Slaughter, and his own strength may be comparable to Daoguo. beat……

His eyes were also full of astonishment and surprise.

In his mind, he kept rehearsing the sword that the girl swung just now, and regarded the opponent as an imaginary enemy, but he couldn't find a way to break it!

He has come to this point, in fact, he is very proud of himself.

But when he saw the girl's sword, he felt a lot of self-deprecating feelings in his heart.

The reason why I can kill the third level of the Dao domain is because of the blessing of many aspects of strength. The power is strong enough, but my realm is still too low. I also master the sword domain, but I can't understand this woman's sword at all...

In his heart, there was a rare resentment.

And after seeing this sword, he also has greater expectations for the vastness of the world in his heart.

Sooner or later, I will leave Dagan to see the vast world...

the other side.

Zheng Zhun swallowed a mouthful of blood, stood up with one arm support, and then looked at Luo Caiwei blankly.

Luo Caiwei looked over lightly.

The two stared at each other for a moment.

The unwillingness in Zheng Zhun's eyes was fleeting, and then he looked at the people behind Luo Caiwei, but shook his head and raised his hands.

The power of heaven and earth rolled, engulfed the man's arm and spear, and flew to his side.

Just turned around and left.

The reason why Zheng Zhun dared to stop these ninety people was because he was confident that no one of these people could stop him with his own strength.

Not to mention the double dao domain, even if it is a general dao fruit, it may not be his opponent.

But Luo Caiwei's sword completely interrupted all his thoughts.

He also knew that he and this girl were too far apart in strength, even if he still had a hole card in his hand, there was no point in entanglement at all.

Looking at Zheng Zhun's lonely back.

The rest of the people also had complicated expressions and were in an uproar.

The reason for this is naturally to marvel at the girl's strength.

And the girl named Luo Caiwei didn't stay for long, and left with the disciples from the Ascension Sect.

Luo Caiwei...

Looking at his back, Chen Fan remembered the name deeply.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of people around also quickly dispersed and left.

Among the eight fighters on the Daqian side, the leader of the second-tier Xiuyilou Daoyu warrior clasped his fists and looked at the others, saying:

Brothers, I have other matters for my brother, so I won't go back with you, please forgive me for taking a step first.

The man turned around and left.

Afterwards, the rest of them either went together or left alone.

In the end, only Chen Fan and Yuan Daokong were left.

Yuan Daokong looked at Chen Fan, and the Tiangang Blood Sword came out of his body, floating in front of the two of them: Junior brother, do you want to go back with me?

Chen Fan smiled and shook his head: Brother, I have finally made a trip to Dagan, but I want to see some exotic styles. I don't plan to return to Dagan right now, so brother, let's go first.

Junior brother, be careful. Yuan Daokong raised his eyebrows, and without being pretentious, he urged the flying sword, turned his head and rode the sword away in the wind.

Chen Fan looked at Yuan Daokong flying away, but squinted his eyes, and rushed towards the nearby jungle.

In a quarter of an hour.

Chen Fan in the dense jungle has already changed his face through the Tianxin Invisible Art.

He stopped and there was a subtle look in his eyes.

The reason why he refused to leave with Yuan Daokong was because he had other plans.

He unfolded the scroll of paintings.

Within the enchantment.

Then Zheng Zhun was seriously injured in Luo Caiwei's hands. He probably hasn't gone far, and he may even find a place nearby to heal his injuries...

He took out the solar shading mirror and waved his hand at the same time, Zheng Hao's body appeared in front of him.

Then Zheng Zhun and Zheng Hao are brothers. With Zheng Hao's corpse, I should be able to deduce Zheng Zhun's location!

Zheng Zhun has such a deep obsession with his brother, and would rather offend so many geniuses than go his own way, Chen Fan naturally has fears in his heart.

Such a person must not be left lightly.

He also immediately arranged the corresponding ceremony, took out the sacrifice, and started to deduce.

The results came quickly.

Zheng Zhun did stop at a nearby place, and he should be resting and recuperating.

Chen Fan immediately headed for this place.


It's here.

In the wild, in a jungle.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes and looked at the dense forest in front of him.

This is the approximate position of the person deduced by the occultation mirror.

However, after all, Chen Fan deduced this person's location through his fellow brothers, so he can't be sure, only an approximate location.

As a genius disciple of the Great Sect, Zheng Zhun naturally had a way to hide when he was healing nearby, and Chen Fan couldn't find it for a while.

It's just that Chen Fan has another way.

He raised his hand, and a fiery red sword appeared in his hand.


And as soon as he waved his hand, the big sword was stuck on the ground in front of him.

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