My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 448 Improving artistic conception, meeting the devil again

Chen Fan didn't greet Zhong Licheng and the two for too long, and immediately went to the battle hall.

Although his cultivation is still at the eighth level of martial arts and he will not be promoted in a short time, but because of the improvement of Four Holy Swords and the transformation of Rage, his own strength has also been greatly improved!

It is also the special giant who finally has the confidence to face the battle hall.

And the result of the battle was not what Chen Fan expected.

It didn't wait for Chen Fan to use the Hongmeng Sword, but after the double rage, the giant couldn't resist, and was forcibly killed by Chen Fan's tricks!


If Chen Fan, who can kill even the third level of the Dao Domain, can't pass the challenge of the transformation realm at this time, Chen Fan believes that no one will be able to break through!

After killing him, Chen Fan was also pleasantly surprised.

He obtained the comprehension qualification of the Five Heavens Enlightenment Hall!

But it is equivalent to the sum of his previous comprehension!

And the battles in the battle hall were all consciousness projections, even if Chen Fan died, it would be fake.

He didn't consume at all, and he didn't need time to recover.

Go directly to the Hall of Enlightenment.

During this period of time, Chen Fan, while hanging up the phone, often observes and comprehends the Chaos spar, and each artistic conception has made great progress!

And this time it took five full days to realize the Tao.

But let Chen Fan have accumulated a lot of money, and realized all the three artistic concepts of earth, water and wind to perfection!

And his three holy swords also gained and improved rapidly during his martial arts.

And after the artistic conception is complete, it is the time of real difficulty. If you want to break through the Dao realm, you need more practical understanding!

And after that, Chen Fan also put aside these things temporarily, but focused on the comprehension of the artistic conception of flame and lightning.

His flame and thunder and lightning moods are originally the two closest to the Dao realm among his major moods...


In the middle of the empty and quiet hall.

Chen Fan, who had his eyes closed tightly, opened them suddenly, and a faint brilliance flashed in his eyes.

There was a deep sense of loss and regret in his eyes...

Just a little bit...

He looked at the martial arts column in the void in front of him.

His lightning, and flames are already only half a step away from breaking through the Dao Domain...

In the two Dao domains, the green progress bar after the artistic conception has been completed has reached its limit, and it may be broken through tomorrow, or it may take a year or two years.

All that's missing is a special opportunity...

Shaking his head, Chen Fan walked out of the Hall of Enlightenment.

I have gained enough, and my overall strength has also made great progress.

You didn't come here for nothing!


Leaving the Yuanshang secret realm.

Chen Fan returned to Fucheng again, and after that, Time Yejiu continued to use Wings of Escaping the Sky to try to find the forbidden place.

Chen Fan also gave himself a limit in his heart, that is three months, if he still hasn't found it after three months, give up looking for it!

And less than a month later, Chen Fan had a harvest!

He was really in the ambush area and found the no-air zone!

At this time, he had also arrived at the outskirts of Fucheng, an extremely remote place.

There is a lake not far away.

After that, Chen Fan also tested in multiple places. After a few days, he also tested to the approximate boundary of the forbidden area.

The core of the forbidden area is in the lake.

Chen Fan came to the lake, frowned and swept his consciousness into it, but found nothing unusual.

He shook his head and jumped into the lake.

This lake is deep and cold, but Chen Fan is an eighth-level warrior after all, and the power of heaven and earth is used as a protection, so he will not be affected in the slightest.

In fact, even if Chen Fan didn't activate the power of heaven and earth, it would be fine. Given his strength, the water pressure wouldn't have any effect on him.

Chen Fan soaked in the lake for a long time, used his spiritual sense to scan around, and spent several days searching all areas.

In the end, he passed through the underwater winding cave, but entered a dark cave.

When it surfaced, there was darkness in front of it.

It should be here!

Chen Fan licked his lips.

The scene of the cave he scanned with his divine sense was completely different from what he saw.

Obviously someone deliberately did not know the means of camouflage.

He scanned the dark corridor with his consciousness, and soon felt a sense of boundlessness.

He raised his eyebrows and stepped forward.

Soon, I saw a huge lantern shining with a strange light in the darkness.

But Chen Fan's eyes were fixed when he looked over, this is not a lantern, it is clearly the eyes of some strange creature!

Dwarf, you are here again!

The creature stared straight at Chen Fan.

An awkward common language of the human race sounded, but Chen Fan was startled.

He was called a dwarf in that Gorefiend secret realm, obviously this strange creature is not a human race!

And this demon has the word again, Chen Fan also understands that this demon regards himself as someone else.

He squinted his eyes, but his eyes were burning and he walked forward.

In the depths of the empty and deep cave, a tall creature with two horns on its head, which looks like a devil, is blocked by a cage-like place.

This monster is about ten feet tall, and one of its two horns is crippled.

Its limbs and tail are bound by chains, and on its body, runes twisted like tadpoles spread.

This monster was sealed here!

Chen Fan was vigilant in his heart, but his eyes were also extremely bright.

I guessed well.

Qinghe County really sealed a great demon general.

And as Chen Fan approached, the monster also blinked: Huh? I haven't seen you for a few days, you seem to be a little different?

Chen Fan walked forward with a frown, carefully observed the forbidden runes and chains of the monster, and was relieved after confirming that it seemed unable to break free.

At this time, the monster also seemed to notice something: Huh? Are you not the original dwarf? Why are you holding a part of my 'horn'?

Chen Fan was startled, then flipped his hands over, and took out the stone left by Hua Wenbin.

This stone has lost its own effect, and Chen Fan can't improve through this stone.

It's just that it's always there.

I couldn't help but look at its corner, and I found that the colors were somewhat similar.

The stone turned out to be part of its horn.

Chen Fan thought of the situation when he used the Hongmeng Sword to kill the Great Eternal Demon General. After his death, the black stone was left behind, but it was not the demon general's horn.

The two should be the same, but there are differences.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked at this monster. Although this monster was much smaller than the Great Eternal Demon General he met at the beginning, the aura on his body made Chen Fan feel palpitations!

Obviously stronger!

He stepped forward, not afraid, but asked directly: May I ask... what race are you?

Hearing what Chen Fan said, the monster blinked again: You are not that dwarf anymore! My power is sealed, and you dwarves look so much alike that I didn't even recognize it!

A look of annoyance.

But it doesn't matter, you seem to be more powerful than the previous dwarf, maybe more useful to me.

This demon spoke in a low voice, sounding very honest, and introduced himself:

I am the Chaos Essence Demon born in the Chaos Sea. I was brought by my master to be the general of your dwarves' Dayong Kingdom! Unfortunately, Dayong fell apart, and I was also sealed here. According to your dwarves' chronology, I was trapped in It's been here for thousands of years.

Chaos Sea? Yuanmo?


Chen Fan's eyes widened naturally.

Demon generals claiming to be naturally not magic generals, but god generals.

And judging from the self-confidence in his words, he was once in Dayong, and his status was also unusually high.

Apart from the Dayong Dynasty, he had no idea what the monster said.

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