My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 435 Breaking Seal

In Zhongli Chenghe's tone.

It seems that Liu Gang, the former emperor of Daqian, is the real powerful figure. With him in charge, the Seven Saint Devil Emperors would not dare to provoke Daqian.

And even though Chen Wudao possessed heaven-defying supernatural powers, Zhong Licheng and Tai Kuo didn't take it seriously.

They are all three levels of longevity, is there such a big gap in strength?

But Zhongli Chenghe seemed to have sensed Chen Fan's doubts, but continued:

Let's put it this way, in a head-to-head battle, it was not difficult for me to kill Chen Wudao in my heyday. If the demon lord is still alive, and the two confront each other head-on, and Chen Wudao does not escape, the demon lord can kill him with fifty moves.

Although the Seven Saint Demon Emperor is the weaker one among the thirteen Demon Emperors of the Yuan Demon Sect, his strength is not inferior to that of the Demon Lord... Chen Wudao has special supernatural powers, and it is extremely difficult for the Demon Lord to kill him, but Chen Wudao should He also doesn’t have the courage to set a trap on his own initiative.”

These big guys are all in the third level of longevity, but the gap in strength seems to be huge.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

Immediately, he talked about the Yuhua Sect, and what Guan Qiujing did for Yuan Mozong.

And hearing the name Yuhuamen, Zhongli Chenghe was also stunned, If someone from Yuhuamen comes, maybe the Seventh Saint Devil Emperor will really fall into a big somersault this time.

Although Guan Qiujing's strength is very weak and he is not yet immortal, the meaning of his identity alone can explain everything.

And at this moment.

There was another loud roar in Heavenly Prison, and the suffocating breath spread around.

The cracks on the ground spread farther, but the vitality of the world became more violent and restless.

Chen Fan could hardly communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth.

Chen Fan's eyes flashed, and his consciousness was withdrawn from the Star God Seal.

When he raised his head, he saw the light of blood all over the dome.

Bloody vortexes in the sky swirled endlessly, stirring the vitality of the entire heaven and earth.

Even when Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness came out, it was eroded and distorted by invisible forces.

Chen Fan's face turned pale in an instant.

It's the power of the purgatory demon vortex!

This purgatory demon vortex itself is a special spiritual body, its power can not only stir up the vitality of the world, but also devour the spiritual power of the people around it.

Qiu Hong also frowned and looked at Chen Fan next to him, The purgatory demon vortex has rushed in...

And at this moment, within the Star God Seal, the voices of Zhong Licheng and surprise sounded again:

Boy Chen Fan, great opportunity! This purgatory demon vortex is extremely special. The vitality of the heaven and earth in the entire hell is completely chaotic, and the consciousness of the masters of the longevity realm will also be hindered. Come here quickly, while Chen Wudao and the others don't have time. The power of the Star God Seal may be broken through...

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, hesitating a bit: Isn't the Star God Seal a treasure of the soul category? How can I help you out, senior?

Zhong Licheng shook his head:

The Star God Seal is indeed the treasure of the soul, but it is not only able to protect the soul... Its specific power will naturally be displayed when you become stronger. Now, as long as you find a way to get closer to me, I can borrow the power of the star. The power of the divine seal is enough...

If I really escape, I will remember your kindness forever!

Zhongli Chenghe didn't say what a great opportunity he would give himself, nor did he say what specific reward he would give himself!

But Chen Fan's heart was moved by the words of a third-layer immortal master.

Just thinking about the danger of the bottom hell, he still hesitated.

And at this moment.

The ground began to tremble violently again, and the roof of the Heavenly Hell began to collapse. Chen Fan immediately drew his sword and smashed the falling boulder into pieces.

The vitality of heaven and earth became more and more chaotic.

The bloody air surged and stirred in the sky.

Then countless dazzling golden lights flickered suddenly, forming a huge golden-armored figure.

He held a golden giant sword in his hand, and when he swung it, the blood cloud in the sky continued to collapse.

A loud voice sounded.

No wonder you dare to block my apprentice. It turns out that there are other helpers. Unfortunately, you alone can't stop me... The person I, the Seven Saint Devil Emperor wants to save, you can't stop!

But it was the voice of the Seven Sacred Devil Emperor Xiangqian.

Countless bloody lights once again emerged between the sky and the earth, and the earth began to tremble crazily.

And at this time, Zhongli Chenghe's voice came from the Star God Seal again.

Chen Fan, come quickly, now is the best opportunity!

Chen Fan watched the blood light and golden light intertwine in the distance, felt the constant roar, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes!

But it activated the concealment talisman, and instantly rushed into the dark abyss next to it.

Qiu Hong next to him was slightly startled, but Chen Fan had disappeared.

The difference between the third floor and the second floor is only one floor, but the actual depth is very different. Even if Chen Fan rushed down at full speed, it took a while to land.

The strength of the master of longevity is too terrifying. Just the aftermath of the fight will tear apart the heavenly hell...

I don't know if it's an illusion.

After arriving at the bottom of the heavenly prison, Chen Fan also felt an invisible pressure coming from his body.

He took a deep breath, and had already taken out the Wanli Wutrace Talisman in his hand, and then followed the Star God Seal, and quickly moved towards Zhongli Chenghe's location.

On the third floor of Heavenly Prison, there are very few prisoners, but the scope is very wide.

And each detainee is also set up with different township barriers according to their respective strengths.

Zhongli Chenghe, as a master of the third level of longevity, naturally set up a barrier of the highest standard.

Unless there is a master of the level of the Seventh Saint Devil Emperor who attacks with all his strength, it is possible to tear it apart.

At this time, Chen Wudao and other longevity masters all went to deal with the masters of Yuan Mozong, and indeed there were no powerful masters looking at Zhongli Chenghe.

Let Chen Fan get close to him.

And when Chen Fan was hundreds of feet away from him, he also saw the magnificent banning formation in the distance.

On the empty and deep bag, there are tall copper pillars, and there are countless chains on the copper pillars.

At the same time, Chen Fan felt the constant tremor of the Star God Seal in his mind.

Afterwards, the voice of Zhongli Chenghe was transmitted again with the help of the star god seal:

Chen Fan, you are the owner of the Star God Seal at this time, and I need your approval before I can activate the power of the Star God Seal... I will activate the power of the Star God Seal soon, so don't stop me.

Chen Fan nodded when he heard the words, and no longer approached him.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Fan also sensed the star god's seal in the sea of ​​consciousness flashed, and then suddenly rose up, rushing out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Fan subconsciously wanted to use his consciousness to control the Star God Seal to leave, but he forcibly suppressed this instinct and let the Star God Seal rush out of his sea of ​​consciousness.

And when the Star God Seal left, Chen Fan also felt a sense of emptiness in his heart.

The Star God Seal left Chen Fan in an instant and rushed to the place where Zhong Licheng was banned.

And just after an instant.

The world seemed to freeze.

The earth trembled suddenly.

Amidst the roar, the chain on the tall copper pillar began to break, and after that, the copper pillar also cracked and began to collapse.

The aura rippling around it also dissipated invisibly in an instant.

Then a figure rose into the sky.

In an instant, he was not far in front of Chen Fan.

This person is Zhongli Chenghe.

His face was extremely pale, but his face was full of excitement. He narrowed his eyes, waved his hand, and a stream of light flew towards Chen Fan.

With this spiritual light protecting you, even immortal masters will not be able to find you. If you leave now, and I break the seal, there will definitely be great masters who will come to check!

Chen Fan was startled, and his expression was a little subtle.

Senior, won't you leave with me?

Thanks to Lu Hang 123, khjf, and White Mint for their rewards

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