Seeing that Chen Fan withdrew from Rage, he didn't kill himself.

There was a flash of panic on the girl's face, her eyes were suddenly intertwined, black and red silk threads intertwined densely, and she didn't attack Chen Fan, but went towards herself!

Chen Fan's expression froze slightly, but in an instant his rage surged again, rushing towards the young girl, chopping the black and red silk thread around her body into pieces!

Then he took out the lock ring directly and put it on her neck.

And the girl's face became extremely flustered and ugly.

After Chen Fan brought the lock circle to the girl, a strange look flickered on his face, but he had a special association in his heart.

Could it be that the girl wants to be resurrected, and only after she dies can she be retriggered?

The girl's actions are the most important evidence for Chen Fan's conjecture!

His eyes are also unusually bright.

The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

On the other side, Jimo Zi stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes.

It seemed that the two sides fought fiercely and fought for a long time. In fact, from Chen Fan teleporting to kill the strong man in the second level of the Dao domain, to finally giving Qing'er the Lock Yuan Circle, the time only lasted for a few breaths!

But it is extremely fast!

The strength Chen Fan showed completely exceeded Jimo Zi's expectations.

How could Kong'er recognize such a powerful person?

She was also very surprised in her heart, and her eyes were strange.

At this moment, Chen Fan was quickly filling his mouth with recovery and recovery pills, and before he recovered, he activated the concealment talisman again, lifted the enchantment of the scroll of painting, and led the two of them to retreat quickly.

Although the vitality of the surrounding world was chaotic, which caused Chen Fan's true essence to recover extremely slowly, but in addition to his true essence, he also has the consciousness of the Bingxin realm, coupled with a powerful and unparalleled body, he still has strong combat capabilities .

Spiritual consciousness directly supported the two of them, but their actions did not affect them in the slightest.

Then Jimo Zi looked at his junior sister beside him, and said to Chen Fan with a complex expression:

Senior, Qing'er's father is my master, Si Kongwei, who is also the right-hand man of the Seven Sacred Devil Emperors, and a master in the realm of longevity... Senior, don't hurt Qing'er, let Qing'er go back, if you attract my master, With the strength of the senior, I'm afraid I can't resist...

The strength shown by Chen Fan's double berserk plus Hongmeng Sword can already threaten the Dao Fruit Realm, but there is a big gap compared with the Longevity Realm.

The daughter of a master of longevity? !

Chen Fan couldn't help but glance at him.

No wonder this person possesses such supernatural powers, and he is also the heir of a great man.

Yuan Mozong has many times more longevity masters than Dagan, but each of them is also a top figure!

But Chen Fan shook his head:

If I let her go, it will be more likely to attract other people's pursuit. Your junior sister has a special life-saving magical power, and Sikong Wei is a master of longevity. If he came here today, he would never have the time to attack me!

When Jimo Zi heard the words, he hesitated to speak, and fell silent.

Chen Fan also squinted his eyes, and asked Jimo Zi, What did you take that attracted so many people to chase you?

This Jimo Zi's own strength is only ninth level, which is nothing to Chen Fan, but he can attract the pursuit of third level masters of Dao domain.

Jimo Zi's complexion became extremely complicated, and his eyes were firm:

It's an ominous thing. If the master gets it, I don't know how many lives will be sacrificed... I have hidden it in a place that will never see the light of day. No one can find it!

Chen Fan couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, feeling helpless.

He naturally wanted to know what the longevity masters were interested in.

It's just that with Jimo Zi's firmness, it is too difficult for him to get this thing.

Seeing what Jimo Zi said, he also realized that that kind of thing might be a monster that hurt the peace.

So he didn't talk nonsense anymore, and quickly led the two of them through many battlefields.


Chen Fan galloped all the way, and soon arrived at the place agreed with Zhao Kong.

At this time, there is already a certain distance from the heavenly prison, and there are not many people from the Yuan Demon Sect around.

It's just that the surrounding vitality is still chaotic, obviously still under the influence of the purgatory demon vortex.

Zhao Kong has been waiting here for a long time.

The person was sitting on a huge praying mantis mechanism, and when he saw Jimo Zi next to Chen Fan coming, he was also surprised.


Jimo Zi's pale face also showed a touch of joy: Kong'er!

The master and apprentice really had a deep relationship.

Under the induction of Chen Fan's spiritual sense, he can also find that the two are showing their true feelings and caring for each other.

He shook his head and looked at Zhao Kong.

Zhao Kong also understood what Chen Fan meant, and immediately stepped forward, and Peng knelt down on his knees: Thank you, senior, for saving the teacher!

There is gold under the man's knees.

In Daqian, powerful fighters don't even have to kneel down to the emperor!

Even if low-level warriors see high-level warriors, they will kneel on one knee at most.

Zhao Kong knelt down to thank Chen Fan because he was grateful to Chen Fan for saving his master from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Fan waved his hand, and his spiritual consciousness lifted him up.

It was originally a transaction, and Chen Fan didn't want to involve too much affection.

Sensing Chen Fan's gaze, Zhao Kong didn't smudge. He flipped his hands over and found an extra jade token in his hand, and handed it to Chen Fan: This is the reward you promised to senior...

The person didn't say much.

After Chen Fan took the jade tablet and sank into it, he could naturally see that it contained a lot of information.

This jade card is a special item similar to a jade slip!

It's just that it should have other functions besides storing information!

Chen Fan put away the jade tablet, didn't say much, waved his hand, and threw Sikong Qing in front of Zhao Kong.

I want to ask you to do me a favor and help me watch this woman temporarily.

Zhao Kong was taken aback when he heard this.

Behind him, Jimo Zi had a complicated expression, with hesitation on his face, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Zhao Kong immediately nodded in agreement.

Chen Fan nodded: You leave the Heavenly Prison City for the time being, as I have some free time, I will contact you again.

After finishing speaking, Chen Fan turned around again and headed towards the Heavenly Prison.


Chen Fan continued to take drugs and swallow blood spirit flowers along the way, but he recovered a lot of strength after going back and forth.

And before returning to heaven.

Chen Fan also immediately urged the Star God Seal to check where Qiu Hong was at this time.

When he saw the image beside Qiu Hong, his eyes lit up.

Sure enough, Qiu Hong was staying with Wu Guangqi.

But there is also a third person around the two.

It seems that the relationship should not be bad, and they are uniting together to deal with the invading members of the Yuan Demon Sect!

The people who can guard the second level of heaven are definitely above the tenth level. Since Qiu Hong and Wu Guangqi are so polite to this person, this person should be the strongest...

Chen Fan speculated that this person was either a member of the Wu family, or a master of Yichan Palace.

My painting volume enchantment was almost broken before, and I wasted a lot. If this person is above the second level of Dao Domain, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome...

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes.

If Wu Guangqi was alone, even if he had consumed a lot of energy, he would still have the confidence to easily kill them. However, the three of them faced each other, but it still made Chen Fan feel extremely troublesome.

A look of hesitation flashed across his face, but it quickly turned into a determined killing intent.

I finally got the chance to do it. My strength is enough. What's so scary?

He hovered in his mind for a while, but he soon got his attention.

Following the seal of the Star God, Qiu Hong's seal, Chen Fan quickly descended to the second floor of the heavenly prison.

The second layer of heaven is far worse than the bottom layer of heaven, and the defense is far inferior to the bottom layer.

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