My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 429 Azusa Jimo


A mouthful of blood suddenly gushed out of Chen Fan's mouth. He narrowed his eyes and looked ahead coldly.

The heavy smoke dissipated slowly, revealing the figures behind it.

There are five people in total.

Judging by their attire, they should all belong to the Yuan Demon Sect!

The strength of these people is also extremely powerful, especially the old man in purple standing in the front.

His aura is extremely magnificent, and it is rare among the masters Chen Fan has encountered.

It's no worse than the Fuchi of the Ling Shen Dao Sect!

It should also be a master of the Dao Domain Triple Layer.

The old man looked at Chen Fan indifferently:

Such a powerful spiritual sense is considered extraordinary, but it's a pity that your cultivation base is far behind... I don't know how you killed Cheng Yuan, but it doesn't matter. When you are old, you will definitely die.

As soon as his words came out.

The girl in black next to Chen Fan froze, and immediately said to Chen Fan:

Cheng Yuan...Senior brother, that is the short and fat warrior you killed just now...

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes and looked at the person behind the old man.

The few people behind the old man, except for a woman, are all above tenth level, two of the first level of the Dao domain, and one of the second level of the Dao domain!

He also knew that woman.

But it was a beautiful girl with a blindfold on her face!

It was the younger emperor's junior sister!

Although it is only nine levels of strength.

But this person is suspected to have the magical killing eye, which is more difficult to deal with than ordinary people in the first level of the Dao domain!

And the surrounding tenth level warriors also stood around him, apparently protecting him behind him.

Naturally, it also shows the importance of his identity.

It's just that the person didn't recognize Chen Fan at this time.

After all, Chen Fan has covered his face and aura, so it is impossible for him to recognize it!

And Chen Fan also noticed that most of these people focused on the woman beside him.

The girl wearing the blindfold looked over lightly:

Jimo Zi, I didn't expect that even senior brother Cheng and the others didn't take you down, but now, in front of Mr. Ming, you...where else do you want to escape? Where else can you escape?

Facing the two of Chen Fan.

These people thought that they could already catch them, but the blindfolded girl didn't even look at Chen Fan when he didn't exist.

Jimo Zi turned pale, smiled wryly, walked forward, and said helplessly:

Junior Sister Qing'er, I am willing to go back with you to meet Master...

As he said that, he also looked at Chen Fan next to him with a complex expression, and took a deep breath:

It's just that I only have one request...don't embarrass outsiders...

Chen Fan's expression was a little subtle when he heard that.

In Zhao Kong's mouth, he respected his master very much, and even said that he was kind-hearted. Chen Fan originally thought that Zhao Kong was stupid and was deluded.

But Jimo Zi's behavior at this time caught Chen Fan by surprise.

Not to mention the Demon Sect, even if it is a well-known and upright sect, even the Lingshen Dao Sect estimates that there are very few such people!

Thinking of Zhao Kong's willingness to break into heaven for his own sake, and for his own sake, he sacrificed his greatest secret, but Chen Fan vaguely guessed the reason.

The girl named Qing'er sneered and shook her head:

Do you think that you still have a chance to bargain? After you took away that thing and betrayed your father, you should know... that day will come sooner or later.

The voice was still full of coldness.

Jimo Zi smiled miserably, but looked at Chen Fan apologetically, then turned his head and said decisively:

The thing is not in my hands right now, if you don't let this person go, I will kill myself on the spot immediately, and you will never find a place to hold the thing!

The art of searching for souls can only be searched if a person is alive.

If Jimo Zi killed himself on the spot, it would be very difficult for even an immortal master of the Yuan Demon Sect to find something!

But facing Jimo Zi's threat, before Qing'er could continue to answer, the old man in purple shook his head and stepped forward.

Jimo Zi, your strength has declined to such an extent, and I am here, do you think... you have a chance to kill yourself in front of me?

His voice was cold and severe.

The words are full of strong domineering and self-confidence.

There was also a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Jimo Zi's face turned pale when he heard the words, but he looked firmly at the person in front of him, can try!

The old man snorted coldly and narrowed his eyes.

The two sides confronted each other.

But seeing this, Chen Fan stepped forward and shook his head.

You... have you forgotten me?

A cold light flashed in the old man's eyes: Hmph! Then I will send you on your way first.

Qing'er who was behind him hurriedly said: Old man Ming, be careful, this person can kill Senior Brother Cheng Yuan of the Second Level Dao Domain, his strength should not be underestimated, don't take it lightly.

Ming Lao's eyes flashed, but he nodded lightly, and then the Dao Domain opened instantly, covering Chen Fan and Jimo Zi within the Dao Domain.

A cold, sneaky aura rushed towards Chen Fan from all directions.

And Chen Fan sneered, then waved his hand, and the scroll of painting was displayed again.


Suddenly a huge enchantment was formed, covering all the people in front of it.

And then the cold murderous intent in his eyes burst out violently.

boom! !

A tyrannical aura surged all over his body, and at the same time, his body also shrank into a rich blood color. This blood color, the strong air flow stirred up made it impossible for the evil aura of the old Taoist realm to get close.

Feeling this aura, Qing'er's expression froze: It's the bloodline of God Rebel!

As his voice fell, Chen Fan's body also rushed out suddenly.

The old man in purple was also looking at the person who was rushing towards him with a serious face, and swung the big knife in his hand, and the sharp knife light rushed towards Chen Fan.

To everyone's surprise, just after Chen Fan kept approaching the old man, his body suddenly disappeared, and instantly appeared behind the purple-clothed old man and in front of the second-level Dao domain warrior!

Escaping Wings!

This person thought that there was no need to do it himself, and he didn't even make any preparations.

Seeing that the sword in his hand had already been swung down, he hastily opened the Dao Domain, trying to suppress Chen Fan, but he couldn't suppress Chen Fan at all.

An invisible sword energy instantly emerged from the sword field around Chen Fan.

The moment its dao domain opened, it was torn to pieces by the sword in Chen Fan's hand.

Together with him, he was chopped off by Chen Fan!

A master of the second level of the Dao domain, beheaded with one move!

Of course, watching Chen Fan kill was easy.

But if there is no Wings of Escaping the Sky, if it is not that the person is unprepared, he does not have any strong defensive cards, if it is not that Chen Fan has erupted the Double Fury at this time, he would not be able to kill this person at all!

And the terrifying aftermath of Chen Fan's sword that killed the second level of the Dao Domain also sent the remaining three people flying.

The strength of the three of them can't even compare with the masters of this second-level Dao Domain, how can they stop Chen Fan's all-out attack!

Including Na Qing'er, all three of them spurted blood and their faces were pale.

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