My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 424 Prison robbery and old friends

this day.

Chen Fan, who was cultivating hard, suddenly received a message from Hong Haonan.

It turned out that it was not far from the Two-person Heavenly Prison, in the A-20 area, when they met a person who robbed the prison, he fled around after being discovered, and he asked Chen Fan to pay attention.

The Zhenmagic disciples who are in charge of guarding the first floor area are generally only eight or nine levels of strength.

And the first level of heaven is also the first level of heaven that encounters the most incidents.

Because the strength of the detainees is all under the tenth level, there will be people who don't know how to live or die to come to rob the prison.

In the past, there is still a possibility of success.

Now, there are Zhenmagic masters everywhere. Although there are no tenth-level masters on the first floor, there are still people with such strength as the Nine-Layer Limit, and even Yuan Daokong.

The difficulty of ordinary people robbing prison is naturally greatly increased.

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, but his consciousness rolled out directly, not only covering the A27 area where he was, but also covering several surrounding areas!

Chen Fan's forging the fourth level of divine art is almost complete, and his spiritual consciousness has reached the late stage of Bingxin state, approaching its peak.

I'm afraid that the second and third levels of the general Dao domain can't compare with Chen Fan's range of spiritual consciousness.

His spiritual consciousness swept across, everything that happened in the first layer of heaven, and the surrounding area was seen by him.

Soon his eyes flashed, as if there was something wrong with it.

He squinted his eyes, but he didn't summon his subordinates. Instead, he suddenly turned into a phantom and went straight to the direction detected by his divine sense.


Heavenly Hell is huge, although it is not deliberately set up to be so complicated.

But because there are too many people in prison and too many prisons, the heavenly prison is like a maze.

There are criss-crossing corridors and walkways everywhere.

In a corner of a dark and damp corridor, a mouse sprinted across the ground, which seemed to be a very common scene in this hell.

However, a figure suddenly appeared, and his consciousness scrolled, engulfing the mouse and floating up.

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at the chattering mouse in front of him, but his expression was a bit subtle.

If it wasn't for his spiritual consciousness and strong insight, he would definitely think that this is the most ordinary mouse!

Even if it is an ordinary ten-fold, if you scan it with your spiritual sense, you may not be able to find the problem if you don't pay attention carefully.

But at this moment, Chen Fan held the mouse in his hand and exerted a little force, the mouse's body suddenly fell apart.

But under the skin of the mouse, there are precise and complicated mechanism parts.

This is……

He raised his head and looked at the dark corner on the other side.

Disappeared in place in an instant.


A dark corner of hell.

A young man in a black cloth robe and a hood suddenly turned extremely ugly.

It was discovered! How is this possible... It is reasonable to say that there will be no ten-level masters in the first level of heaven, how could someone discover my scout mouse...

His face changed suddenly.

No, the mechanism mouse was found, which means that a master has arrived, and I can't stay here anymore!

The person's body suddenly became illusory, and he even hid just then, and then turned around, but before he could leave, his steps suddenly faltered.

A figure was standing in front of him.

It was Chen Fan.

The boy stopped breathing, but he didn't dare to make any sound.

It's just that Chen Fan's sharp gaze was cast directly on him, as if he had seen through all his concealment.

When the young man felt uneasy.

He heard footsteps.

In the distance, figures rushed towards him, but they were all jailers in armor. When these people saw Chen Fan's clothes, they all knelt respectfully and half-kneeled.

Then the leading jailer warrior also asked cautiously:

Dare to ask, my lord, have you ever seen anyone passing by here?

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at the hidden figure, but shook his head.

That group of people didn't waste time, but bid farewell to Chen Fan and continued towards the previous direction!

After those people left, Chen Fan just quietly looked at the empty space in front of him.

Soon, the figure of a man in black appeared. He took off his hood, but it turned out to be a handsome young man with a wry smile on his face.

The man clasped his fists at Chen Fan: Thank you senior for helping to cover up...

He has identified Chen Fannai as a top ten expert.

After all, the average Kunou would not be able to discover his cover-up.

And the opponent did not directly find out himself, which naturally means that both parties have room for maneuver.

Looking at the person in front of him, Chen Fan had a feeling of deja vu.

He raised his hand, and a dragonfly flapped its wings and flew up gracefully.

Do you recognize this thing?

Seeing this dragonfly, the young man couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and was also very surprised, This, this...Your Excellency is that senior from the Tantai family?!

Seeing the young man behave like this, Chen Fan couldn't help but have a delicate expression, It's really you!

This young man was the person Chen Fan saw at the Biyun City Auction to buy Chen Fan's elixir as his teacher.

Chen Fan had hidden his appearance back then, so he naturally didn't recognize him.

I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that we will meet again on such an occasion. Tell me, why did you come to heaven? If you don't have a valid reason, don't blame me for being rude...

Chen Fan said coldly.

Although there was a relationship once, Chen Fan has a good impression of him, but it doesn't mean that Chen Fan will definitely let him go.

The person's expression was slightly stagnant, and he said helplessly: I, Zhao Kong, is a collateral disciple of the Zhao family. The reason why he forcibly broke into the Heavenly Hell was because of one person...

People from the Zhao family!

Chen Fan also took one more look at the boy.

This person looks very young, but his strength has already reached the seventh level of martial arts.

And Chen Fan also thought of the gold-winged beetle mechanism that Zhao Tianhua used before. It seems that the Zhao family has excavated the ancient ruins extremely deeply, and this kid also has many of them.

Zhao Kong's expression was complicated: This person is my master. The thing is like this, I was originally a useless disciple of the Zhao family's offshoot, born with blocked meridians, and the master is my reborn benefactor...

Chen Fan's expression became more subtle as he listened to this person's narration.

But the person told a very old-fashioned story, the former Zhao Kong was a good-for-nothing disciple of the Zhao family's offshoot.

Due to physical reasons, although he has put in a lot of effort in martial arts, and the foundation of qi and blood is considered excellent, but in terms of real kung fu cultivation, he is ten times or a hundred times slower than ordinary people.

He started to practice real kung fu at the age of eighteen, and after twenty, he still failed to condense the seeds of real kung fu and break through to the second level.

He hasn't been able to break through to the second level in two years, and this talent is indeed bad enough.

Chen Fan had a delicate expression, looking at the immature face of the person in front of him, and he had clearly broken through the strength of the Grandmaster.

My heart is also very complicated.

Then you now...

Zhao Kong took a deep breath: I, Zhao Kong, can have today's strength, all thanks to the help of my master...

As a collateral member of the Zhao family, I also often participate in some family trial tasks. I met the master when I was 20 years old. I just broke through to the second level, and a trial began...

During the trial, Zhao Kong met the master who was seriously injured, picked him up and took good care of him.

During the care, his master was also impressed by Zhao Kong's character and accepted him as a disciple.

Later, many things happened one after another. His master also helped Zhao Kong unblock his meridians and taught him martial arts.

And this Zhao Kong has accumulated a lot of money, and he quickly realized the subtleties, and then he got a lot of opportunities...

All the way so far.

It's just that his master has a special status, but he always hides in the dark, and dare not reveal his own strength easily.

And he was seriously injured and never recovered.

Some time ago, the Biyun City Auction was for the master to buy pills.

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