My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 421 Phased Victory and Inventory

Since that's the case, our plan has come to an end. Yiye, you have to think about your words. Let's say goodbye for now.

Since they don't intend to attack the masters of Lingshen Dao Sect, it's inappropriate for Chen Fan and Feng Yiye to hang out together again.


Feng Yiye had a look of reluctance, but she would not hesitate to carry out Chen Fan's orders.

The two bid farewell.

Because the team members were not there, Chen Fan still acted alone in the follow-up, which was like a fish in water.

As for the eclipse peak master, no matter how he has the means to deduce the secrets, he can't find Chen Fan.

He stayed in Dagan all the time, thinking that it was a master of the Yuan Demon Sect who killed his apprentice.

But he was also very dedicated to fighting against the masters of the Yuan Demon Sect.

He is a master of the Dao Fruit Realm, and he is not an ordinary Dao Fruit. Except for a few immortals from the Yuan Demon Sect, he is the strongest on the battlefield.

Great on the battlefield!


Remaining time.

Chen Fan also tried to find Wu Guangqi.

It's a pity that the battlefield is so big, Chen Fan doesn't have enough eyeliner to help, and it's not so easy to find someone on the huge battlefield.

Afterwards, Chen Fan acted alone for a while. After Yuan Daokong and Hong Haonan recovered from their injuries, the team regrouped.

Chen Fan gained enough, and then he worked in a small team for a while.

During this period, Chen Fan didn't meet anyone from Yichan Palace and Lingshen Taoist Sect. Instead, he was sent several times by the Tsing Yi League to let the Prison King participate in the mission.

It's just that Chen Fan was cautious in his heart, guessing that the Tsing Yi League might have doubts about him, so naturally he didn't dare to use the vest of Prison King at will.

Time just passed.

The battle between Dagan and Yuan Mozong didn't last too long, and it ended with Yuan Mozong's marching coach Gong Jianxiu being defeated by Chen Wudao!

That's right, a big win!

The Seven Saint Demon Emperors of the Yuan Demon Sect hadn't arrived yet, and with the help of Guan Qiujing, the Dagan side surpassed the Seven Saint Demon Emperors in terms of top combat power.

Not only was Gong Jianxiu defeated, but several immortal masters of the Yuan Demon Sect were also dead or injured.

Some were even captured alive.

After the defeat of these top masters, the magic army below will naturally be unable to resist the great fighters...

The seven demon armies suffered heavy casualties, especially the Kui demon army. The army leaders were all captured alive, and almost all the top-level combat power was killed, but they were completely crippled.


Anwon County.

Coming here again, the atmosphere is quite different.

After defeating the warriors of the Yuan Demon Sect, the big warriors were naturally excited.

And at this very moment.

Still in Yasuhara Martial Academy.

In the hall that was conscripted.

Many masters of the town magic division gathered together.

But it's time to count the battle achievements.

Under normal circumstances, some people would count their battle achievements at each stage, but there were also many people who waited for the war to end and counted them all at once.

Because at this level, everyone has the Sumeru Precepts, so it is naturally easy to preserve the enemy's corpse.

And the corpse can also show the characteristics of different strengths, which can be tested to find out the strength.

Shi Chen stood at the front of the hall as an inspector.

Chen Fan was also among them.

There are also many familiar faces in the same batch of counting military exploits as him.

Not to mention Yuan Daokong of the same team, Young Master Jian of the Yu family and Wu Guangqi are also on the list.

One after another, people stepped forward to take out the harvest on the battlefield.

In the corner, Chen Fan followed Yuan Daokong, but he was a strong man who cast his consciousness to the corner.

The person is Wu Guangqi whom Chen Fan has been thinking about!

After not seeing him for a while, Wu Guangqi's body shape changed subtly again.

On weekdays, I want to see you but I can't. I didn't expect to get together when exchanging military exploits.

The battle exploits were not redeemed by everyone in the Town Magic Division, but in batches, and it was indeed a coincidence that they met Wu Guangqi.

And Chen Fan also firmly remembered his soul breath.

His eyes were looking forward.

Be at the forefront.

That's right, that's right, among the eight ninth-level fighters, there is one peak-level nine-level warrior, I count you three thousand combat achievements!

Shichen nodded with satisfaction, looked at the Jiuzhong youth in front of him, and nodded with a smile.

Killing a master who has just entered the Ninth Layer will probably give you two or three hundred combat achievements, and the peak of the Ninth Layer is much higher, and you can get over a thousand combat achievements!

Those who can enter the town of magic division are generally of the strength of the ninth level or above. In fact, it is nothing to kill only ten of the nine levels.

This person can only be regarded as a lower level of the town magic division.

Ninth level warriors came forward one after another to count their military exploits, some of them were as few as one or two thousand, some as many as tens of thousands.

And soon arrived at the original Daokong.

After all, Yuan Daokong is a master of the Ninefold Limit, with powerful strength and a terrifying number of kills.

Some low-level warriors are directly reduced to minced meat under the flying sword, and it is impossible to have any large body parts left.

Therefore, the corpses he took out were all very broken and very strong.

At least it's a ninefold start.

After all, there are too few combat exploits below the ninth level. For such a character, it is a waste of Xumijie's space!

And the appearance of a corpse in broken black armor, with only half of the body left, also made the surrounding warriors couldn't help but look sideways.

Although he died, there was a lot of evil spirit left on his body, as well as a special breath that made people feel stressed.

Shi Chen also had a twinkle in his eyes:

Tenth level! Although it is only the first level of the Dao domain, the outright tenth level master, Yuan Daokong, has done a good job! Just this person, I can give you 30,000 battle achievements!

The gap between a nine-fold extreme master who can match ten heavy and be able to kill ten heavy is bigger than heaven and earth!

Naturally, these ten-level masters have much higher combat exploits than the nine-level extreme masters!

Chen Fan couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Yuan Daokong's strength is generally ten times to kill, it is indeed not difficult.

And this ten weight should be the one who was killed by Feng Yiye after he was transferred away in Ziyu Mountain!

Yuan Daokong's final combat exploits reached more than one hundred thousand, which was higher than the average ten-level master.

But it is higher than everyone's military exploits before.

People came forward to congratulate them one after another.

In the corner of the main hall, Wu Guangqi also frowned and watched this scene: A mere Jiuzhong can have such a high combat achievement...

Yuan Daokong, a ninth-level master, has more combat achievements than many ten-level masters, so he naturally attracted a lot of attention.

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but it was time for the sword master Yu Tianlei to take stock of the harvest.

He still had the same indifferent appearance, even with evil spirits circling around him.

A wave of hands.

Corpses appeared one after another in the hall.

The people around were also in an uproar, and the whole hall became a mess.

These corpses were dilapidated, but each of them exuded a great evil spirit and pressure.

Even Chen Fan couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

They are all corpses of top ten masters!

Even if he took out all the corpses of all the warriors who killed Yuan Mozong, they could not compare with this Yu Tianlei.

Shichen's eyes were also shining, scanning the corpses one after another, and when Dang glanced at a certain corpse, he couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly:

Triple Dao killed a Triple Dao Domain?

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