My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 418: Eukaryotic Acquisition

Chen Fan's body turned into a streamer, and disappeared in front of Feng Yiye in an instant.

Soon he came to a canyon.

He took out the heliostat.

This place is what he deduced, the place where Tian Mo's real body is hiding, and it is also a stronghold of Yuan Mozong in Xinluo County.

This is also within the scope of several cities near Xinluo County, one of the larger strongholds of Yuanmozong.

At this time, there are also many magic troops stationed around.

These people were also wearing heavy armor, but they were different from those from the Black Demon Army that Chen Fan saw in Ziyu Mountain, regardless of their battle formation or clothing. They had more aura and stronger average strength.

These days, Chen Fan also specifically asked Feng Yiye about the characteristics of several major demon armies attacked by the Seven Saint Demon Emperors.

I also recognized that these people are from the Kui Mo Army!

It is said that the leader of the Kui Demon Army is a master of longevity, and the Kui Demon Army is also the most powerful demon army under the command of the Seven Saint Demon Emperors...

Chen Fan licked his lips.

Carefully enter it with the occult talisman.

Chen Fan's spirit at this time is strong enough, unless he is a master whose consciousness has reached the realm of heaven and man, he will definitely not be able to see through his disguise.

And if the consciousness can reach the realm of heaven and man, no matter how weak the strength is, it should be at the third level of the Dao domain. How can it be so easy to meet a master of this level!

Obviously not in this stronghold.

There are several powerful auras in the stronghold, but Chen Fan didn't use his spiritual sense to investigate these people in detail, first take down the demon before talking about other things!

Chen Fan concealed his own aura, and confirmed the hiding place of the demon through the sun-shielding mirror.

But it is a place where isolation formations are arranged.

It prevents Chen Fan's spiritual consciousness from penetrating into it, so that he cannot see the specific situation in it.

And around the formation, there are also many magic troops guarding it.

There is even a top ten master!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and knew that if he broke the formation forcefully, it would definitely attract the attention of others, and he must act decisively and quickly!

After a little thought in his mind, he came up with a plan, and then quietly came to the formation in an instant.

Then with a wave of his hand, he summoned the scroll of painting, instantly arousing the enchantment of the scroll of painting, completely covering the formation, including the surrounding Yuanmo sect warriors!

Then Rage was triggered in an instant, and the Taihe sword swung down suddenly, slashing towards the formation.

Amidst the roar, the aura above the formation was dense, but it did not collapse directly!

It is obviously not easy for this formation to block Chen Fan's blow under Frenzy.

And with Chen Fan suddenly appearing to attack the formation.

The warriors of the surrounding Kui Demon Army also reacted one by one, and rushed towards Chen Fan immediately.

Chen Fan sneered, and was not in a hurry to continue attacking the formation, but turned his head and raised his sword.

These warriors of the Kui Demon Army are responsible for guarding the Heavenly Demons, and their strength is not bad. There is even a tenth-level master among them, but it is only a first-level Dao Domain, and they are somewhat unbearable in front of Chen Fan.

Fire Holy Sword!

At this time, Chen Fan's Fire Sacred Sword has already been practiced in the third level, and under the violence, the speed and explosive power of his sword light are also staggering.

Almost in an instant, these Kui Mo army warriors had no time to form a battle formation, and they were reduced to ashes one by one under Chen Fan's lingering flame and sword light.

After the sword strike, after the chaotic screams, the only warrior who is still alive is the one who has reached the tenth level!

He is only the first level of the Dao domain, and the black aura is shining around him, obviously it is some kind of special protection method!

His face was full of astonishment, and he also took out a talisman in his hand, before it could be activated.

Then the whole body trembled.

A streak of blood streaked across the sky.

It was Chen Fan who rushed to him and slashed out with a sword again.


The fluorescence around his body was completely shattered, and his head was thrown high into the air.

Afterwards, Chen Fan did not rush to clean up the battlefield and put away the corpses of these people.

Instead, he turned around immediately, drew his sword again and slashed towards the fluorescent battlefield.

Boom boom boom!

After counting the swords in a row, the aura above the formation disappeared like a burst bubble in an instant.

Then a thick bloody breath rushed into Chen Fan's nostrils.

Chen Fan's eyes turned cold, and his consciousness swept over, and he also found the corpses of a large number of creatures within the formation.

The demon was right in the middle of the formation.

Obviously devouring souls to restore strength.

Its body size is not even as tall as ordinary people, and it is even worse than the incarnation of the demon that Chen Fan defeated before.

But the breath is more condensed, almost reaching the limit of Jiuzhong!

And when the formation was broken, the moment the demon was detected by Chen Fan's consciousness, it also flew up instantly, piercing the sky like black lightning.

The speed was so fast that even Chen Fan looked sideways!

In addition to being surprised, his eyes also sparkled, because this also showed that he did not find the wrong partner.

Amidst the roar, a huge crater appeared on the ground under Chen Fan's feet, and his figure also turned into a red light and disappeared instantly!

Under the Rage, Chen Fan's explosive power was extremely terrifying, and he was able to get closer to that day demon almost instantly.

This demon was trapped in the scroll of paintings, and with his current strength, naturally he couldn't escape the scroll of paintings at all!

At the moment when Chen Fan was about to catch up with the Heavenly Demon, illusory wings suddenly appeared behind Chen Fan.

Wings of Escape!

Chen Fan appeared in front of the Heavenly Demon in an instant.

Dao domain around the body emerges.

The Taihe sword in his hand slashed out horizontally.


After a sword strike, Tianmo's body instantly turned into countless black smoke, and then the black smoke slowly condensed into a black spar!

The demon is dead!

Chen Fan laughed, and raised his hand to put the black spar into his hand.

Sure enough, it is the real body of the demon!

This spar is obviously the eukaryotic nucleus of the Heavenly Demon, and it is also the core of the Heavenly Demon.

Chen Fan could also feel a palpitating special power from it.

Most of Heavenly Demon's talents and abilities come from this core.

During the heyday of the Heavenly Demon, even if Chen Fan exploded with all his strength and ran out of cards, he might not dare to say that he could kill him.

Without Zhao Wuguang, if he wanted to get the Demon Core, he would have to use all means to have a chance!

After solving the demon and getting the core, Chen Fan was relieved, and then he briefly dealt with the surrounding battle situation, and then put away the scroll of painting.

When the barrier was removed and Chen Fan saw the surrounding situation, he also narrowed his eyes.

At this moment, not far from the scroll of paintings, there are already quite a few figures gathered.

Most of them are Kui Mo army warriors wearing heavy armor, and there are also other warriors dressed in ordinary clothes.

It should be the ordinary disciples of Yuan Mozong!

There are more than a hundred people, and they are generally experts above the seventh level.

And Chen Fan also noticed that in the sky, there are five people with the most powerful aura.

The spiritual consciousness was concentrated on these five people, and Chen Fan's expression also became slightly subtle.


in the sky.

Several figures were looking down at the ground.

A bald man in black armor looked coldly at the man in white with a silver face:

I can't feel the breath of the demon anymore, and the guards of my Kui Demon Army are gone. Is it because you Wujianmen are doing tricks...

The masked man frowned:

How is it possible? No one knows about the enmity between us Wujianmen and Daqian. We are taking advantage of the enemy when we deal with Yuanmozong. If we really have this ability, I wouldn't come here and talk with you for so long.

His consciousness swept over Chen Fan, and he raised his eyebrows slightly.

This son is not ten heavy, so I will go and take this son to prove the sincerity of my Wujianmen!

These people obviously didn't think that the disappearance of the masters of the Kui Demon Army and the Heavenly Demon was because Chen Fan killed them.

After all, Chen Fan's attack was within the barrier, and no one saw it, and the current Chen Fan is not strong in terms of manipulating the power of heaven and earth or his aura.

The man in white swooped straight down, but he took out a black whip that looked like a dragon's tail, and swung it down suddenly.


At the same time, a blood-red dao domain appeared around his body, covering Chen Fan.

Then in an instant, there was a tyrannical aura, and Chen Fan's body turned into blood, and suddenly moved in front of him!

Chen Fan's Wings of Escaping the Sky has improved a lot, and now he can move twice in a short period of time.

After a sharp sword light, a headless corpse in white clothes fell from the sky to the ground.

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