The dazzling golden dragon instantly swept away the surrounding black smoke, and hit the incarnation of the demon with a heavy blow, which also caused the black smoke in the incarnation of the demon to collapse a lot!

But it didn't disappear completely!

Chen Fan also shook his head, and slashed out with a sword again.

He uses the Son of Heaven Sword, although he can't instantly kill a tenth-level master with a single strike, but after a few strikes, a first-level Dao domain master who doesn't have any trump cards will definitely not be able to stop him!

It's just an incarnation of a demon, and at least has the strength of the second level of the Dao domain. How powerful should the demon itself be? No wonder Fu Chi can't beat him. He wants to use my town demon warrior as a bait to escape by himself...

Chen Fan slashed out with the Son of Heaven Sword again.

On the other side, Yuan Daokong saw Chen Fan coming to help, and he also manipulated the bloody flying sword to sweep away at the demon.

Golden light, blood color, and black shadow, the three colors are constantly intertwined and colliding.

No matter how powerful the Heavenly Demon is, it can't stop the two sides from attacking. The more the body's black shadow is consumed, the weaker its strength will be!

Soon the demon phantom completely disintegrated into black smoke, unable to condense into a solid body.

After all, the incarnation of the Heavenly Demon can't compare to a master of the second level of Dao Domain!

Yuan Daokong heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Chen Fan with a complicated expression: Junior Brother Chen Fan, thank you very much.

Chen Fan shook his head, Brother Yuan, you are too polite, let's withdraw quickly!

Yuan Daokong also nodded quickly.

Chen Fan manipulated the power of heaven and earth again, and led Feng Yiye to run at high speed, while Yuan Daokong walked with his sword, and the speed was not slow at all!

Chen Fan hadn't gone far, but he saw the vitality of the world in front of him suddenly surged up, and at the same time, the two Dao domains intertwined together!

Chen Fan's expression froze: This direction is where Senior Brother Bihou went just now...

Yuan Daokong in the sky also frowned:

Ziyu Mountain not only has the Heavenly Demon present, but also the masters of the Yuan Demon Sect. Senior Brother Bihou is at the second level of the Dao Domain. I am afraid that he is also the focus of the enemy's attention...

He had naturally seen that Bi Hou was on the run and never returned.

He shook his head: Brother Bi Hou is at the second level of the Dao domain, the two of us can't get involved in his battle at all, we should bypass him and choose another direction to break through.

Chen Fan also nodded directly when he heard the words.

As a second-level Daoist, Bi Hou was unwilling to stop and help when Yuan Daokong was in trouble. Although Yuan Daokong was dedicated, he naturally couldn't take the initiative to help!

And Chen Fan didn't have a good impression of Bi Hou, so it was naturally impossible to expose his strength to piss him off.

The two immediately changed directions and retreated wildly.

And the black smoke behind him is still spreading...


The roar kept ringing.

The two avenues intersect.

Bi Hou also looked nervously at the black smoke spreading behind him, and looked at the thin man with a whip in front of him with an ugly expression, Get out of the way quickly, don't force me to kill you!

The corner of the thin man's mouth was covered with blood, but there was a sinister smile on his face.

If you can kill me, come!

He was holding a pair of large black scissors, and his upper body was bare, revealing strong and strong muscles.

At this time, his body was also covered with wounds and blood stains, but he didn't seem to notice it.

He rushed towards Bihou again.

Bi Hou's expression froze, but his heart became more and more flustered.

The person in front of him is not as strong as himself, so he is not afraid, but the problem is that the black smoke behind him is gradually spreading and approaching, if he is delayed for too long, if the real body of the heavenly demon descends, he will definitely not be able to stop it!

It's all the fault of that boy Chen Fan, if he insists on running, he will just go to Yuan Daokong... He is the prince's man, so he should have some hole cards in his hand, if he can help me resist this person a little bit, I can also escape quickly.

At this moment, he thought of Chen Fan.

But suddenly his expression froze, but the corner of his mouth twitched and looked to the other side.

Under his consciousness, he saw Chen Fan and Yuan Daokong deliberately bypassing him and leaving.

Yuan Daokong is still alive, these two guys! Why didn't they come to help me?!

His face was full of anger.

Just facing the attack of the lean man in front of him, he couldn't escape for a while.

Bastard bastard bastard!

His expression became more and more ugly.

At the same time, more and more black smoke came from a distance.

Even the black smoke covering Ziyu Mountain was mostly coming towards Bihou's direction.

After all, Bi Hou is the strongest among these people.

Dao domain double powerhouses have a stronger aura than ordinary warriors.

And for special creatures like Heavenly Demons, it is natural to swallow the stronger people, the more beneficial they are!

Soon countless black smoke condensed to form a huge sky demon.

A suffocating pressure surged out, the earth turned into scorched earth, and black flames lingered and released around him!

This is not an avatar!

Seeing such a scene, Bi Hou's heart sank completely.

Just now, the demon incarnation of the original Dao Kong was blocked. Although the strength is strong, it is at most the second level of the ordinary Dao domain, and it is the second level of the Dao domain with major flaws.

But now this celestial demon made Bi Hou feel deep despair.

An invincible existence.

With an abnormal scream.

This day, the demon also went straight towards Bihou.


A large amount of black smoke like a shot emerged from Bi Hou, and every thread turned into the form of a little demon, constantly gnawing at the Dao domain around Bi Hou's body!

In just a few breaths, the Dao domain around Bi Hou's body shrunk sharply, and his seven orifices continuously overflowed with blood.

Obviously suffered a lot of backlash.

It's over!

Desperation appeared on his face, and he kept taking out all kinds of protective talismans and spiritual objects from the Sumeru Ring, but he couldn't stop the erosion of the demon at all.

The Heavenly Demon attacked Taigong fiercely, so Bi Hou had no choice but to fight against the Heavenly Demon with his Dao Domain.

It's just that the demonic flames of the sky are so powerful that the Bihou Daoyu collapses and reappears time and time again.

His expression also became paler.

Every time the Dao Domain is torn apart, it will cause great damage to those who activate the Dao Domain!

Until the end, Bi Hou's seven orifices were bloody, and the Dao Domain that collapsed again did not have the ability to open again!


A scream echoed.


Between running at high speed.

Chen Fan and Yuan Daokong also heard the screams behind them.

Bi Hou is finished...

The majestic seven great families, the peerless masters of the second level of the Dao domain, could not hold on so quickly.

It also made Chen Fan feel quite embarrassed.

I don't know if it was because the Heavenly Demon was trying to deal with Bi Hou, the speed at which the black smoke spread behind Chen Fan dropped a lot.

Chen Fan did not feel too much pressure behind him.

But even so, he didn't dare to stop at all, and ran fast!

And they also left the range of Ziyu Mountain very quickly!

It's finally out!

Chen Fan could feel that he was able to launch Wings of Escape again at this time, obviously at this time he had already left the locked space around the Yuan Demon Sect's stronghold!

This place should be able to activate the Myriad Miles No Trace Talisman...we are safe!

Yuan Daokong's face was extremely pale, but he was also relieved.

But when Chen Fan turned his head, he could only see the scene still covered by black clouds in the distance, as if it was a natural disaster.

At this time, a stream of light pierced through from a distance, and came straight to Chen Fan and Yuan Daokong.

But a huge beetle with golden light shining all over its body descended from the sky.

And on top of the beetle, there are several figures sitting, these people are the members of Zhao Tianhua's team!

All four of them are still alive!

Chen Fan, you're still alive! Haha, that's great!

Zhao Tianhua also excitedly stopped the beetle, jumped off the beetle, and gave Chen Fan a big bear hug.

Chen Fan had a delicate expression.

He has enough confidence in himself.

Even if the Heavenly Demon was in front of him, he would fight some of them, but with Zhao Tianhua as the vanguard, all four members of the team were alive, which made Chen Fan feel strange.

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