My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 388 Grandmist Sword

What are you afraid of?

Chen Fan's face also became extremely ugly.

The sword domain unfolds.

In an instant, a double rage surged into the sky.

The flame sword light and the black giant fist collided together, as if the end of the world appeared in the enchantment!

The demon threw Xun Mo's huge body backwards and landed heavily on the barrier in the distance. His whole body was scorched black, and his claws were directly penetrated by the violent force.

On the other side, a big mouthful of blood spewed out from Chen Fan's mouth, and cracks appeared on the sword domain, which has always been tough, and the ground fell heavily into a deep pit!

Even though Chen Fan exploded with all his strength in an instant and used his double rage, he still couldn't gain much of an advantage in terms of strength.

If Chen Fan really had this strength, he might be able to fight this demon general, but Chen Fan can only last for a few breaths now, so it is very difficult to resist.

This demon is not as terrifying as the claws summoned by the statue urged by the young emperor before.

But it has to be said that the threat he brought to Chen Fan was not small at all.

And what made Chen Fan helpless.

Although the opponent's strength was strong, it was not enough to tear through his own Dao domain. He just carried his own sword domain to attack, but Chen Fan couldn't mobilize the sword intent in his own sword domain.

His trump card of Qiandao Sword Intent can only be triggered by meeting stronger people.

Hahaha, it's really the blood of God Against God. I never thought that I would have such luck once I broke the seal!

The flesh and blood on the demon's claws squirmed and entangled with countless silk threads, and soon the injury healed automatically, and then rushed towards Chen Fan again, his whole body was surrounded by black flames, and his huge claws were held together.

And Chen Fan also took out a large string of talismans from the Sumeru Ring in an instant to activate them all, and swallowed an unknown number of enhancement pills in his mouth.

Also rushed out with the horizontal sword again.


One person and one demon collided together again.

Blood and light intertwined with the flames constantly rippling.

The demon general Xun Mo was chopped off by the berserk force again and again, but no matter how serious the injury was, he was able to recover quickly, and then rushed towards Chen Fan again.

The roar continued to intertwine.

At the same time, in the sky not far away, a stream of light passed by, and a figure stopped not far away

The corner of Young Emperor's mouth twitched as he watched Chen Fan and Xun Mo fight.

This scene is too scary!

No wonder I forced out my hole card. The power that this guy exploded at this time may be able to kill ordinary masters of the third-level Dao domain. If I go up now, I won't be able to hold a few swords... The blood of the gods is too terrifying...

It's a pity that the primordial demon of chaos is a body of chaos. Even the immortal masters can't kill it, so they can only seal the formation. This kid will definitely die if he reaches the end of the forbidden technique!

On the other hand, Chen Fan also realized that with his current self, if he procrastinated, he would definitely die.

He had swallowed a large amount of blood spirit flowers before, regardless of the cost of recovery.

It just extends the time of the double rage to four breaths.

And at this very moment.

Two breaths were used up in four breaths, and two more breaths would not be enough for him to defeat this demon general!

At this moment, the really dangerous bald head, his brain is also spinning rapidly, and he is extremely calm.

That's the only way I can use it... If it doesn't work, my life will only be here!

He took a deep breath, eyes clear.

His whole body was dark red, and his whole body also turned dark red, as if it was completely made of blood.

The horizontal sword moves forward.


The lingering flames rose instantly.

Fire Holy Sword!

The lingering flames slashed out horizontally, instantly cutting off Xun Mo's demon head, but he laughed loudly:

Useless, human! Although this move is strong, it's not enough to hurt me!

Chen Fan's eyes were calm, but the sword in his hand turned suddenly, and the light of the sword changed unexpectedly.

Thick khaki light lit up, intertwined with the flames.

This is the Holy Sword of Earth!

The two sword lights seem to have no connection at all, they are just randomly intertwined, and their power has not been significantly improved.

Demon General Xun Mo laughed out loud!

And the sword light in Chen Fan's hand turned again, followed by blue fluorescence.

Water Holy Sword!


Sacred Wind Sword!

The four sword lights of earth, fire, water, and wind spread out. The four holy swords were originally independent of each other, but they were instantly integrated into one without the slightest fusion of power.

The four artistic conceptions complement each other and become one.

A fusion of four moods!

In the past few months, Chen Fan has naturally not been idle. Not only has he practiced the first level of the Four Holy Swords, but his artistic conception has also improved a lot.

And the demon general Xun Mo, who was laughing loudly, widened his eyes in an instant: This, this... this kind of power...

At this moment, panic appeared on his fearless face.

That's right.

Even the great demon, who can't be killed by immortal masters and can only be suppressed, is in a state of panic.

It seems that Chen Fan's sword contains some extremely special power, enough to destroy his immortal body.

At this moment, even if his stamina is as strong as Chen Fan's, he still feels that his true energy and the vitality of heaven and earth are being consumed crazily.

Chen Fan let everything go, and looked coldly at the giant monster in front of him.

Raise the sword forward.

In just an instant, Chen Fan almost absorbed all the vitality of the heaven and earth within a range of hundreds of feet, and his own true energy was almost exhausted!

A phantom of a golden giant sword floated above the body, and a gray aura spread and emerged from the golden giant sword.

Hongmeng Sword!

Chen Fan held the Taihe sword in his hand and swung it forward instantly, and the golden giant sword on his body also swept out!


The golden giant sword slashed out towards the demon general Xun Mo.

But Xun Mo is like a mouse that has seen a cat, turning his head in an instant and running wildly.

The young emperor who was not far behind him looked awe-inspiring, and felt the terrifying cold light, which completely enveloped him, and turned his head and ran away, screaming again in his heart:

What is this?

It's a pity that there is one person and one demon, no matter how fast the speed is, it can't be faster than this gorgeous sword light.

I saw endless white light flickering, instantly covering the retreating Xun Mo, the young emperor, and even the azure enchantment above their heads.

Chen Fan closed his eyes, only a buzzing in his ears.

The power fused by the four artistic concepts is really wonderful, even if this is only the weakest Hongmeng Sword, its power is far beyond Chen Fan's imagination!

After opening his eyes, a look of astonishment flashed across his pale face.

That's right.

In front of him, except for a huge black crystal, everything melted away, including the blue barrier above his head, including the bodies of the young emperor and the demon general!

This is just the first Hongmeng sword... His body trembled with excitement.

The subsequent Hongmeng Sword has extremely high requirements on artistic conception, and the third stage requires a complete artistic conception. How strong will the power of Hongmeng Sword be then?

And if Chen Fan breaks through the four artistic realms of fire, water and wind, he can cultivate a higher level of Hongmeng sword, how terrifying will its power be?

Chen Fan was so excited just thinking about it.

Even if Chen Fan's physique is constantly getting stronger due to the constant release of God-defying blood, he is not that excited!

It is not surprising that this sword can kill the young emperor Chen Fan, after all, he has lost his last card and cannot stop Chen Fan's sword at all.

But even the body of the demon general disappeared, which was beyond Chen Fan's expectation.

Even if the demon general has been sealed for thousands of years and his strength is gone, Chen Fan is naturally surprised that the big demon, who can't even deal with the immortal state, was beheaded by his own sword.

Could it be that the Hongmeng Sword has other special effects that can be used in ways that even immortal masters can't do?

His eyes locked on the huge black spar in the sky, but he could feel the remaining breath of the demon general on it!

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