My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 363 Exposed Identity

The two Dao Domain duo fought against each other, creating a terrifying impact.

Chen Fan also kept retreating, and the spiritual light around him blocked the aftermath of the battle between the two.

He squinted his eyes to watch this scene, his eyes were not afraid, but they were extremely hot!

On the other side, Zong Qingchun picked up Tantaiyue and Su Xin, turned to look at Chen Fan: Chen Fan! Let's go first!

After that, he turned around and left!

The Tantai family secretly sent Tantai Mingcheng, but they planned to use their tricks. Unexpectedly, the opponent sent a stronger person this time, but it deviated from the Tantai family's expectation!

Chen Fan licked his lips, turned his head back, and regretfully watched the two masters confront each other for the last time, and followed Zong Qingchun and the other two Shizhong to leave.

Before he had gone far, Chen Fan suddenly stopped when he could no longer see his back.

Chen Fan turned his hand and took out a communication stone.

Chen Fan paused for a moment, but changed his clothes in an instant, and at the same time his face and temperament changed drastically.

The face of the black tiger appeared on the spirit stone, and said respectfully:

Master Prison King, the action has begun!

The corner of Chen Fan's mouth curled into a sinister smile: Understood.

He raised his head, and saw the direction where Zong Qingchun and others retreated.

A fiery red Dao domain unfolded, and the vitality of the world surged again, but Chen Fan saw the sky full of red clouds, and the phantom of the fiery fox, and even heard the fox's cry!

Chen Fan also realized that this should be the presence of the Silver Fox King!

The code name is naturally not taken in vain, and it naturally has a representative meaning.


Chen Fan turned into a black light and crossed the position where Zong Qingchun was fighting the Silver Fox King.

Come to another place.

A man in black half-kneeled on the ground, welcoming Chen Fan who was galloping towards him!

Master Prison King!

The person is the martial artist code-named Black Tiger!

The plan has been implemented as expected, Tantaiyue has entered the predetermined area, the air lock formation and enchantment have been activated, and Tantai Mingcheng of the Tantai family's second level Dao domain was stopped by Senior Sister Shan.

Master Silver Fox King has already made a move, but was blocked by Zong Qingchun, and urgently needs your help... If you can help Lord Silver Fox King take down Zong Qingchun, then this plan will definitely be a success!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes when he heard the words.

Don't worry! The Silver Fox King is quite strong, blocking Zong Qingchun is not a problem for now...

As he said that, Chen Fan looked at Heihu: You inform, let us all gather!

As soon as he said this, Hei Hu was also taken aback, but he didn't dare to question the Master Prison King in front of him. After all, the other two Shi Chong were not there, and the Prison King was the most powerful person at this time.

The person immediately took out a black token and injected aura into it, a sign that the surrounding people would gather!

Soon, men in black arrived one after another...

After a cup of tea, a group of men in black gathered together.

There are only a dozen of these people in total, but all of them are masters above the eighth level, and the strongest black tiger is the peak strength of the ninth level!

Is everyone here?

Chen Fan still had that indifferent look.

Heihu clasped his fists and nodded: It's all here! I don't know what your lord's arrangement is?

When Chen Fan heard this, the corners of his mouth curled up.

His cold gaze scanned these people, and he said, Have you confirmed the location of Tantaiyue?

Immediately, someone pointed to a certain direction on the edge of the red enchantment, and said:

Tantaiyue and her personal female guard were chased there by someone. It seems that the enemies of the Tantaiyue family are attacking Tantaiyue.

Chen Fan also frowned when he heard this!

There was even a third party involved.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Heihu and said, I have one last question, who is Shan Hongjuan?

As soon as this remark came out, Heihu also frowned, and said with a surprised expression:

It's Senior Sister Shan Hongjuan from the Yuan Demon Sect. You haven't seen her, Mr. Prison King, so you must have heard of her, right?! Mr. Lin Yuan, who once worked with you, Mr. Prison King, is her junior!

Heihu's words answered, but there was quite a stir in Chen Fan's heart!

Shan Hongjuan is from the Yuan Demon Sect!

The Tsing Yi League actually colluded with the members of the Yuan Demon Sect!

Chen Fan even suspected that the reason Qingyi League had to kill Tantaiyue was because of the Yuan Demon Sect!

Sent out evil demons to cause chaos, unsealed the Great Eternal Demon General, and secretly provoked the relationship between the seven major families... The Yuan Demon Sect really wants to destroy Dagan!

Chen Fan was calm on the surface without changing his face, but countless thoughts flashed through his heart.

This Tsingyi League is too courageous, even Yuan Mozong dares to cooperate!

But the moment this idea appeared, Chen Fan also quickly realized that perhaps the Tsing Yi League was not so bold as to cooperate with the Yuan Demon Sect, it was very likely that the Tsing Yi League was a pawn laid by the Yuan Demon Sect long ago!

On the other side, Heihu also frowned and looked at the Prison King in surprise, but a strangeness flashed in his heart.

Although the Prison King has never met Shan Hongjuan, he shouldn't know who Senior Sister Shan is!

There was a hint of suspicion in his heart.

But at the next moment, Chen Fan suddenly grinned at him and looked directly at him.

Heihun's heart shuddered suddenly.

But Chen Fan waved his hand, and a black sword appeared in his hand.


With Chen Fan as the center of the circle, within a range of ten feet, there was a hazy blue light!


The faces of all the people in black around were stagnant, feeling the endless pressure on their faces.

Chi la la!

Countless sword qi rippling in the sword field!

Each of the black-clothed warriors changed drastically!

Heihu's expression was stagnant: You are not the Prison King!

These people may not be qualified to deal with the Prison King too much, but they have never eaten pork and seen pigs running, there is always someone who knows what the Prison King's Dao Domain looks like!

No matter how disguised Chen Fan's figure and face are, his moves and dao domains are hard to hide.

And when Chen Fan asked who Senior Sister Shan was, he also realized that the other party would have doubts, but he didn't care...

Because he is going to use the killer in the future!

There is an air-forbidden formation in this enchantment, and Chen Fan doesn't need to take out the forbidden-air stone, which also saves himself trouble.

Chen Fan had a cold smile on his face, You guessed right, but unfortunately there is no reward!

These people are all powerful fighters, and more than half of them are martial arts ninth level!

Put it in the ordinary county government of Dagan.

Those are all bigwigs who are enough to start a sect.

But under Chen Fan's sword domain, each of these people was as fragile as a chick just hatched!

Chi Chi Chi!

Chen Fan didn't even take the initiative to swing his sword, but relying on the invisible sword energy in the sword field, he smashed the master masters into minced meat!

There were screams one after another.

Heihu was in a trance, and watched the people around him screaming, being cut into pieces by the invisible sword energy!

His complexion changed drastically, he was terrified, and wanted to turn his head and run away immediately, but at this moment, a desperate murderous intent descended!

Cold sweat kept running down his body, and he looked at Chen Fan who was not far away, and Chen Fan was also looking at him lightly.

At this moment, he had a wonderful premonition that if he dared to turn his head and retreat, he would be killed by Chen Fan immediately!

He swallowed, and didn't even dare to blink. He could only watch the ubiquitous sword energy raging around, and a figure beside him died!

In the sword field, screams continued to ripple.

During this period, whoever escapes quickly will die first, and whoever dares to take out the talisman to resist will die first!

Except for Heihu, the dozens of grandmasters were all reduced to pieces of flesh and blood in just a few breaths.

At this time, there was also a vertical and horizontal sword energy on the surface of Heihu's body, and even the aura around him was dimmed, but there were no scars left on his body!

Obviously Chen Fan did it on purpose.

Then Chen Fan shook his head and stepped forward, walking towards Heihu step by step.

The pace is very slow, but every step seems to be stepping on Heihu's heart, his eyes are red:

No, please, don't kill me...

The more powerful a person is, the less he wants to die like this.

This black tiger is one of the most powerful warriors in the Ninth Layer, and there is a chance to set foot in the Tenth Layer in the future!

Chen Fan shook his head and walked in front of him: Tell me, everything you know...

Chen Fan is not a good person, but he also looks down on Yuan Mozong's actions.

The reason why he didn't kill him immediately was because he wanted to get more information!

After a stick of incense.

Chen Fan, who got part of the information, killed the black tiger with a sword.


Chen Fan shook his head and put away the sword field, a ball of fire rose from his fingertips.

With a cry, the lingering flames burned countless minced meat around.

This guy named Heihu seems to have been set up with some kind of special restriction, and he can't reveal some key information at all!

However, Chen Fan also deduced from his few words that the founder of Qingyi League and Yuan Mozong seem to have a very close connection!

It is even possible that the person is from the Yuan Demon Sect!

In this way, the Yuan Demon Sect may have already coveted the big work and started to make arrangements... It is only in the past two years that they have started to actively move around!

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