The corner of Yu Tianbao's mouth twitched, and he also frowned and said:

A simple operation error... how can you talk about violating the rules?! Do you know who I am, and who is my brother, so that I can be so innocent?!

There are quite a few such arrogant and self-righteous characters among the disciples of such big families!

The man took a deep breath, knowing in his heart that this man maliciously raised the price and caused it to rot in his hands, and he was also very irritated, but he still kept smiling and said:

Our Yibaoxuan has special regulations, no matter who you are... If you bid not to buy, you will be punished accordingly...

You have to pay a fine of 10% of the bidding price, and we will relist the corresponding item in the future, and you are no longer eligible to bid for this item!

If it weren't for his strong background, if an ordinary person dared to make trouble like this, it might not be as simple as a fine!

Yu Tianbao scolded angrily:

My brother is Yu Tianlei, the sword master Yu Tianlei, as his younger brother, I have to bear a 10% fine?!

The person on the opposite side was neither humble nor overbearing: Even if Mr. Jian came in person and violated the rules of my Yibaofang, he would still be punished!

Yu Tianbao was angry in his heart, but when he thought of the background behind Yibaofang, he softened again!

10% fine.

In other words, Yu Tianbao had to take out four hundred and fifty yuan crystals for nothing!

For Yu Tianbao, four hundred and fifty yuan crystals are nothing, but they are enough to buy top-level earth-level elixirs, or middle- and low-level spirit weapons.

If it's entertainment, I don't know how long it will last!

Of course he doesn't want to!

But, he also knows.

If he didn't pay, he would have to buy this muscle-renewing bone pill at nearly half the price of the world.

And this elixir is useless to me, and if I buy it back, it will be a waste for a long time, and my loss is not just one or two thousand yuan crystals!

One achievement, one success!!

He was also annoyed and angry, not only did he not buy Zishuang Bamboo, he also lost hundreds of yuan crystals in vain, and more importantly, he had nowhere to put his face!

Fortunately, it happened inside the private room at this time, and outsiders couldn't see it, otherwise I would really be ashamed to see others!

He immediately took out four hundred and fifty yuan crystals and handed them over to him, but more anger accumulated in his heart...

As Young Master Jian's younger brother, when had he ever suffered such humiliation!

And all the anger in her heart was naturally placed on Tantaiyue's head.

Little did he know that it was Chen Fan who was bidding!

After the Yibaofang staff took Yuanjing and ordered it, they also nodded and said:

I also want to remind you, if you bid more than three times maliciously, you will also be on the blacklist of our Yibaofang, and Yibaofang will not welcome you in the future!

When the young man surnamed Yu heard the words, he said angrily: Who do you think I am? You said it was an operation error, can't you understand people's words?!

The man smiled, but bowed and waved his hands:

That's all for now, please excuse me!

There are also big figures behind Yibaofang, and they also have enough confidence.

Therefore, although the person speaks politely, he is neither humble nor overbearing, and does not give any face.

And wait for the person to leave.

Yu Tianbao angrily grabbed the weapon in his hand and smashed it heavily against the wall.


Chen Fan naturally didn't know what happened in No. 7 private room.

But just before the end of the auction that day, the auction of the Muscle Renewing Bone Pill started again on the stage!

The lead bidder of the auction did not elaborate on the reason, and the auctioneer did not over-introduce it, and immediately started reselling the item.

But the boy in private room No. 13 was speechless.

He knew very well that he still couldn't afford to buy this little crystal, so he gave up the auction altogether.

If I had known earlier, I would have to fight for the Essence Breaking Pill! He felt helpless, watching the No. 3 private room bid again and again, but a subtle idea emerged in his heart...


This time, the bid was re-bid, and there were no bids for the seventh private room and the thirteenth private room.

When Chen Fan got two thousand yuan crystals, no one followed him. He got the pill directly at the price of two thousand yuan crystals, and he was very pleasantly surprised!

In the last round, even without the trouble from the Yu family, I would have spent two thousand and five yuan crystals to buy it. In the re-auction, I bought it for five hundred yuan less!

Of course it is a good thing!

Not long after receiving the Shengji Xugu Pill, someone knocked on the door outside the private room.

Could it be that Yu family disciple again? Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Soon an attendant of Tantai's family opened the door, but a man wearing a windbreaker and a hood came out.

It can hide the face and shrink the body in loose clothing, making people unclear about the age and shape of the person!

Su Xin stepped forward and wondered who was negotiating: I don't know who is your Excellency? What's your opinion?

The man clasped his fists and said politely:

I'm just an unknown person, and my name is not worth mentioning. I came here this time, but I have a deal, and I want to make it with the adults in Guiyajian!

This person's voice is hoarse, making it impossible to tell the exact age.

Su Xin frowned slightly: Your Excellency, please tell me, what kind of transaction?

His eyes were looking behind Su Xin, and the people sitting in the core positions were naturally Chen Fan and Pu Zhongyue!

Chen Fan also looked at this person curiously, and wondered in his heart, could this person be one of the killers of the Qingyi League, and started to test the Tantai family?

I remember that someone on your side took a picture of the Essence Essence Breaking Evil Pill before the Growing Muscle and Bone Pill?

As soon as this remark came out, Tan Taiyue also involuntarily looked at Chen Fan quietly.

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes, and took a step forward: So what?

He took a deep breath and said:

It's like this, an elder here is seriously injured and urgently needs healing pills to help repair it...

I originally wanted to compete for the Muscle-Growing Bone Pill, but unfortunately I don't have enough financial resources. Apart from these two pills, there is no better healing pill in this auction.

I would like to buy back the Muscle Renewing Bone Pill from Your Excellency at an increased price. I wonder if Your Excellency would be willing?

Chen Fan was startled when he heard the words, then frowned and said, How much are you willing to pay?

He was relieved to see Chen Fan talking like this, as long as there is something to talk about!

He hurriedly said: I am willing to add one hundred yuan crystals to your auction price, and give you a small item...

The person raised his loose sleeves, but a small dragonfly-like object flew out of his hand.

If you don't pay attention, you may really take this thing as a real dragonfly.

This is a small thing I found in a special relic, but it is a special object that is completely different from the current puppet technique. After refining, it can be easily manipulated, detect, transmit information and news...

The spiritual sense of a ten-fold strong person can sweep to an extremely far place, but in the case of not mastering the spiritual sense, scouting and observation are very important.

Chen Fan didn't care about this small object, but said directly: Add two hundred yuan crystals, and I'll sell them to you!

The man also nodded readily: Okay!

Both parties pay with one hand and deliver with the other!

For Chen Fan, this Essence Breaking Evil Pill was originally auctioned out as an extra, and the other party obviously needed it more, and sincerity was enough, Chen Fan didn't mind parting with it.

Chen Fan had plenty of opportunities to buy healing elixir such as Jingyuan Breaking Evil Pill.

What's more, what the other party said was for a certain elder, which also resonated with Chen Fan.

But when he was about to leave, he paused temporarily and said vaguely:

If you don't plan to continue bidding, it's better to leave early. It seems that someone has already set their sights on you...

After saying this, the man left.

Chen Fan was left with a deep frown.

This young man doesn't seem to be an ordinary person, he has already sensed something!


The auction will end soon.

The Tantai family sorted out their harvest and left Yibaofang.

After the auction ended, Chen Fan also received news from the Tsing Yi League, but he had already arranged a corresponding formation at the designated location, and asked the Prison King to gather at the designated location.

Chen Fan put away the communication stone, reunited with Tantai's family, took the spirit beast chariot, and left Biyun City all the way.

And he also felt a vague sense of peeping.

I don't know if it's because my five senses are sharp, or if it's a preconceived illusion...

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