My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 343 New Storm

Several people sat down again.

Liu Ze cleared his throat, and looked at Chen Fan with a very embarrassed expression: Chen Fan is a genius, we meet again.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly: I've seen the Nineteenth Prince!

After the death of the first emperor, the nineteenth prince was no longer a prince, and should have his own title, but Chen Fan didn't know, so he just called him the nineteenth prince!

The politeness on the lips, but the alienation in the tone can be felt by anyone.

He has only met the nineteenth prince once, and it stands to reason that he has no enmity with the nineteenth prince. On the contrary, Dong Guzhi offended him, and it is normal to be injured...

The reason why the Baiyun gymnasium was closed was because of the persecution of other forces in Yandu City, as well as Dong Guzhi's own injuries, so he closed the gymnasium on his own.

But as the saying goes, helpers don't help relatives.

It cannot be denied that the reason why my master left Dagan and the reason why the Baiyun Gym was destroyed is inseparable from the nineteenth prince!

Although Chen Fan didn't have to kill the nineteenth prince, but he couldn't be more polite to him!

The prince naturally knew the conflict between Chen Fan and his nineteenth uncle, so he smiled and said:

I know Chen Fan, you and Nineteenth Uncle have some quarrels. I called you here this time to clear up the misunderstanding and explain everything clearly.

Uncle Nineteen is now my right-hand man, Chen Fan, you are also the best genius under my command, you two don't want to hurt your peace because of some trivial things!

To the crown prince, the matter between Chen Fan and the nineteenth prince is indeed nothing more than a trivial matter.

But Chen Fan naturally couldn't let go easily!

The nineteenth prince Liu Ze had an embarrassed expression, but he also said seriously:

When I attacked General Fan of the Green Mang Army, it was all out of my father's will. As for Chen Fan, your master, he is a man of affection... I can only say sorry, I did it for my father's order. , dare not disobey!

Speaking of the nineteenth prince is also a jade box on the ground:

This is a heavenly top grade, Jiuding Huandan... It is a holy medicine for healing, it will definitely heal the wound of Master, just take it as my apology!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows.

The master left and didn't know where he was going. No matter how precious the healing pills were, they were useless, but Chen Fan took them without hesitation!

Thank you Nineteenth Prince!

Anyway, it is impossible for him to really kill him, and it is useless to complain about him, what is in his hand is the reality.

Seeing Chen Fan accept the gift, he was also relieved.

As the nineteenth son of the first emperor, his talent is not good, and he has not broken through to become a master so far.

Especially after Empress Zhao came to power, her status was quite embarrassing...

The former emperor passed away and lost the position of prince, but he basically didn't get the spirit of the emperor. The reason why he moved closer to the prince was also to protect himself.

And Chen Fan's talent is revealed, and he is well-known in the imperial capital, but he is no longer a character he is easy to offend.

Not to mention that this move really cleared up the rift between the two, but Chen Fan's willingness to accept it was naturally a good start.

Seeing this scene, the prince smiled and nodded, then changed the subject and looked at Wen Siyuan:

The teacher is here to kill the Heavenly Demon, re-seal the Great Eternal Demon General, and made great achievements in battle. I respect the teacher!

Chen Fan and others also raised their glasses to respect Wen Siyuan.

Wen Siyuan shook his head:

On my own, it is easy to kill the demon, but it is extremely difficult to seal the demon general again. It is the emperor who sent another expert to help me, so I can finally succeed.

And then his expression was a little regretful:

And even though I have killed the Heavenly Demon and sealed the Demon General, there are still a large number of haunted demons and bewitched monsters in Beijing, so I can only rely on Beijun warriors to kill them slowly...

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

In the northwest region, on the way to Emperor County, they encountered a troubled evil spirit!

But it is not a coincidence!

The prince obviously knew creatures like the monsters, and said: The teacher has done well enough. The monsters are generally not strong enough. It is up to the warriors in the north to deal with them. You can't let the teacher stay there forever.

Wen Siyuan nodded, with a serious expression:

It's easy to talk about the demon, and it can't cause any disturbances. It's just that it's no coincidence that the demon will be unsealed this time. It's just someone doing it on purpose. There was a incident of the demon descending in the northwest region before. thing……

Chen Fan also narrowed his eyes.

Know what Wen Siyuan said is what happened in Jianlong County.

Now that he experienced it himself, he naturally knew that this was the work of the cult called Paradise!

The nineteenth prince frowned, and said hastily:

If this matter is really man-made, doesn't it mean that if I do a lot of other sealed demon generals, some demon generals may unseal and escape?

Wen Siyuan also looked serious and nodded:

At this time, Dagan is chaotic everywhere, cults are breeding, and demons appear in many places. It is very likely that it is a precursor to the birth of demon generals! The emperor and queen mother are extremely concerned about this matter, and even plan to recruit elites from various organizations. Set up a special organization to deal with this matter...

The prince's eyes flickered, but at this moment he looked at Chen Fan...

Chen Fan was stunned and didn't know what the prince meant?

After the banquet was over, everyone retreated, but before the butterfly girl left, she blushed and stuffed Chen Fan with a sachet.

It provoked another round of teasing from the prince.


Afterwards, Chen Fan was dragged onto the red tiger chariot by the crown prince, and followed him back to the crown prince's mansion.

In the study.

The prince once again invited Chen Fan to have a secret talk.

His face was serious and he said:

You heard what the teacher said just now. Recently, someone is secretly targeting me. The devil general in the north will not be the first one born...

Father attaches great importance to this matter, and intends to gather talented fighters from various organizations in the first sequence of my campaign, and establish a new special organization to deal with this matter, clear away the demons, and strengthen the seals of the demon generals!

Chen Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The prince's expression was subtle: The establishment of this new organization is related to a powerful sect other than mine, and it will be of great benefit to you. I am working for you and let you be selected as an elite disciple of the Xiuyilou This establishment...

In the future, the Embroidery Building will also release related tasks as your assessment. You must be extremely careful and attentive, and complete the tasks as perfectly as possible!

Chen Fan was also stunned.

He took a deep breath, cupped his fists and said, I will do my best.

As the future prince, the prince should have the highest status in the royal family besides the emperor, empress and queen mother, and he also has a certain right to speak in the embroidery building!

And what he said that joining this organization would be of great benefit to Chen Fan was naturally not just a lie.

I just don't know, what happened to the so-called powerful sect behind what he said?

The prince nodded, and then suddenly seemed to think of something, and said: By the way, you should have heard about the new list of heroes in Tianji Building, right?

Chen Fan nodded.

It's more than just hearing that because of this Hero List, he has already earned a lot of Yuanjing for nothing!

Of course being harassed is not a good thing.

Seeing Chen Fan's expression, the prince continued:

Tianjilou's move may have something to do with some of my brothers, but since you have come to the imperial capital, you will sooner or later become famous... Tianjilou just accelerated the process, you just get used to it slowly.

I have received an invitation letter from Wu Tianjiao to you... What's your opinion, do you want to fight him?

Wu Tianjiao invited to fight? !

Chen Fan was helpless and shook his head:

I don't want to waste time, but if I can't refuse, I don't care about showing my strength!

While speaking, he was full of confidence in himself.

He is afraid of trouble, but he is not a person who is afraid of trouble!

The prince laughed, but he also said calmly:

Don't worry, he Wu Tianjiao wants to challenge you. I don't have enough bargaining chips. I can't accept it! Let me handle this matter, and your focus should be on the embroidered clothing building mission!

Chen Fan also nodded.

Wu Tianjiao is the person that the Seventh Prince wins over, so he is naturally the target that the Prince wants to attack.

If it loses to Chen Fan in the open invitation, it will be a huge blow!

But the prince seemed to be full of confidence, but in fact, there was no guarantee that Chen Fan would win.

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