My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 334 Wu Tianjiao, make an appointment

When the Seventh Prince uttered the words Yuan Shou's Ritual, the Prince's expression froze slightly, but there was an obvious change.

It seemed that the Seventh Prince had hit on something!

Chen Fan also silently recorded this Gift of Yuan Hunting in his heart.

Seeing the change in the prince's expression, the Seventh Prince also narrowed his eyes, and said, I don't know how the talented person you are looking for, His Royal Highness, compares to Tianjiao? Can he be his opponent?

There is a folk saying that Chen Fan is the first genius in his career.

So in the imperial capital, the name Chen Fan is quite resounding, but after all, it was too far away from the imperial capital.

Many people have heard of this name, but there are not many who specialize in investigating its appearance.

In particular, Chen Fan has been missing for three years, and there has been no news for a long time.

So the Seventh Prince didn't recognize Chen Fanlai.

As soon as this remark came out, the young man beside him was still dressed indifferently. He glanced at Chen Fan lightly, but his eyes were full of arrogance and coldness!

The prince didn't hide much, pointed at Chen Fan with a smile and said:

Chen Fan of Qinghe County, Seventh Brother, you should have heard of his name, right?

As soon as these words came out, the Seventh Prince shuddered slightly, and the young man beside him widened his eyes, looking at Chen Fan, not as arrogant as before, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes!

It made Chen Fan feel a little uncomfortable.

In Daqian Imperial Capital, there are not many people who know Chen Fan, but many people know this name!

This is the first genius? The Seventh Prince glanced at Chen Fan, but couldn't help but look at the young man beside him with a subtle expression.

As soon as this remark came out, the sound of the pipa jumped suddenly for the girl Caidie who was playing the pipa.

He hurriedly stood up, bowed his body to apologize, but couldn't help but look at Chen Fan a few more times!

Ever since she came to this room, Chen Fan seldom spoke. He only regarded him as an ordinary guest of the prince, but he never expected that he would have the title of the first genius!

This title is not something ordinary people can afford!

With the size of a great team, there are many talents, whoever dares to be the first will definitely have challenges and competitors!

Chen Fan shook his head and said:

Some folk sayings are nothing. Chen Fan is still young, but it took a lot of luck to get to this point. I am ashamed to take it on the first day!

The so-called old age may not be good.

It is indeed powerful to become one at the age of sixteen and comprehend the artistic conception, but no one dares to say that he will be able to advance to the tenth level or even higher in the future.

Before the grandmaster was mediocre, there are not a few cases where the grandmaster exploded afterward.

The Seventh Prince had a delicate expression, but he shook his head and smiled again: Sixteen years old, defeating the Grandmaster, I will kill you, and there are few people in history who can do it.

As he said that, he raised his hand suddenly, and the power of the Houtiandi surged towards Chen Fan!

He made a sudden move, but neither the crown prince nor Cheng Caiying could react in time.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, but also mobilized the power of the whole body to stop him from going back.

The prince stood up suddenly, equally majestic and cold, staring at the seventh prince: Liu Jia, what are you going to do?

The guards behind the prince all have sharp eyes.

The Seventh Prince smiled, and restrained his whole body, Brother, what are you doing so seriously, don't be nervous, I'm just trying Chen Fan's strength.

This is also the first time since his arrival, he is called the eldest brother prince.

He turned his head to look at Chen Fan: Sure enough! I heard that Chen Fan, you have been missing for several years. Now that you have returned, you have been promoted to Grandmaster. If I remember correctly, you should have just turned twenty, right?

Chen Fan shook his head, It's already past my 21st birthday!

When Chen Fan revealed his age, the expressions of everyone present changed!

Even Cheng Caiying, who gets along with Chen Fan the most, has a subtle expression.

The 21-year-old Grandmaster is really too terrifying.

The girl Caidie who was playing the pipa also looked sideways at Chen Fan again.

Of course, in fact, Chen Fan is already thirty years old...

Nobody knows at all.

And Chen Fan comprehended the artistic conception at the age of sixteen, if he couldn't be promoted to a grandmaster at the age of twenty-one, then he wouldn't be called a talent!

Even for Wu Tianjiao himself, there was a flash of disbelief in his eyes.

When I was promoted to Grandmaster, I had just turned twenty...

It's just that he also knows that Chen Fan is already a grandmaster at this time, but it doesn't mean that he is a grandmaster who has only been promoted now.

Chen Fan probably became a grandmaster before twenty years ago!

The seventh prince looked at Chen Fan with a subtle expression, then shook his head and looked at the prince:

Of course, Chen Fan has no talent. However, the 'Courtesy of Yuanshou' is just three years later. After all, Chen Fan is a few years younger. The 'Ceremony of Yuanshou' after three years may not necessarily be the opponent of Tianjiao!

The prince snorted coldly: Seventh Brother, you don't have to worry about that.

Chen Fan heard the conversation between the two.

The gift of Yuanshou, you want to fight this young man called Tianjiao?

Could it be that this so-called gift of Yuanshou is a competition between princes who are entangled in talent?

Chen Fan also couldn't help but look at the young man next to the Seventh Prince.

He may look about eighteen or nineteen years old, very young.

The prince noticed Chen Fan's gaze, but introduced:

This Wu Tianjiao is a peerless genius of the Wu family's fire spirit body. How old are you, Chen Fan? You are not yet thirty, but you have already stepped into the eighth level of martial arts. He is the top peerless genius in my career. You are no worse than Chen Fan!

An eighth-layer martial artist who is less than thirty?

Chen Fan was also taken aback!

Can't help but look at him a few more times!

Not to mention the eighth level, I am afraid that there were not many seventh level warriors before thirty, but this Wu Tianjiao's talent is extremely terrifying!

You have to know that you have encountered so many adventures, and even have a peerless cheat, and you are only eight times so far.

But this Wu Tianjiao can reach the eighth level of martial arts in less than thirty years, and his talent is amazing!

And the surname Wu Family also reminded him of the Vientiane Pot. The second-ranked genius, named Wu Guangqi, was also surnamed Wu!

It is likely to be members of the family, or even brothers in the clan!

Could it be that Wu Family is also one of the Seven Great Masters?

Chen Fan couldn't help but think about it too.

And noticed Chen Fan's gaze.

The boy also cast his gaze, eyes full of scrutiny and slight hostility.

And Chen Fan just felt a hot face-to-face feeling just being watched!

It really deserves to be a Dharma body!

This is the second dharma body I have seen since Li Linliu.

Li Linliu is also a dharma body, but when I first met him, I was too weak to know what kind of dharma body Li Linliu was, nor had I seen Li Linliu show his true strength.

Li Linliu was only twenty-five or six years old when he was promoted to Grandmaster, and he couldn't compare to Wu Tianjiao!

Thinking of Li Linliu, Chen Fan suddenly realized that several years had passed since Li Linliu left.

In the past few years, Li Linliu seemed to have evaporated and could not be contacted at all.

I don't know where it went.

Wu Tianjiao's eyes were subtle, and he said coldly: It's not bad at all? I'm not as powerful as Chen Fan when I was sixteen, and I was promoted to Grandmaster later than Chen Fan...

In fact, Chen Fan's family background is far inferior to Wu Tianjiao's, and his actual practice began at the age of thirteen!

However, I may be slower than Chen Fan to advance to the grandmaster, but I think that the combat power of the same level will not be better than Chen Fan. If you can defeat the grandmaster at the sixth level, I can do the same!

He looked at Chen Fan, but his eyes were burning and dissatisfied:

Unfortunately, Chen Fan, you are much younger than me. I am already the eighth level of martial arts, but I can't bully you... With your talent, it will not take long to be promoted to the eighth level. I will invite you to fight in advance and wait for your promotion. Yae, let's fight!

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