My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 332 Heaven and Earth

Chen Fan shook his head, and walked forward with Cheng Caiying.

Before guarding the city gate, the Black Panther Guards were responsible for checking the official documents.

If a foreigner enters Beijing for the first time, they have to record their identity information, which is very troublesome.

And Chen Fan also noticed that these ten or so Black Panther Guards are generally warriors above the fifth level, and there is even a warrior above the seventh level in one team!

Even though the number of Black Panther Guards is small, the proportion of strong people is too terrifying.

Cheng Caiying took out a token, and these black panther guards were extremely respectful, and after a little inspection, they were allowed to enter the imperial capital!

But at this time, they have only entered the outer city wall, and it is still not considered to have truly entered the imperial capital.

There is still a nearly three-mile-long gap between the outer city wall and the inner city wall.

At this moment, Brother, please wait!

Chen Fan stopped slightly and turned his head away, only to see the young man who was leading the big bird just now chasing after him.

It's your first time to Beijing. Since we met by such a coincidence, why don't I show you around this imperial capital...

Chen Fan turned to look at Cheng Caiying.

The latter shook his head directly: No need, someone is coming to pick us up.

Chen Fan also spread his hands in regret, and smiled: Let's meet again when we have a chance.

The young man looked at Cheng Caiying a few more times, but followed Chen Fan with a smile: Where is the person who picked you up? I'll take you there!

His enthusiasm also greatly increased Chen Fan's favor towards the imperial capital.

When Cheng Caiying heard this, she glanced at him lightly, then pointed to not far in front of her, It's right there!

At this time, he was still between the inner and outer city walls, but the young man couldn't help being taken aback when he saw the direction Cheng Caiying was pointing at.

Not far away was a mighty guard of honor, with a guard team of hundreds of people, all wearing armor and carrying weapons.

And behind the guards, there were nine red tigers pulling a huge golden chariot!

Chen Fan had seen a similar scene in the Martial Academy before, when the nineteenth prince arrived, but the golden chariot was bigger and more luxurious, and there were nine tigers pulling the chariot.

And although these nine tigers looked ferocious and imposing, they were all honest and stayed there without moving!

When the young man saw such a scene, he was slightly taken aback, then shook his head and said:

Your Excellency, don't lie to me. This is clearly a royal ceremonial guard, and you dare to use nine red tigers to pull a cart. You are not an ordinary person in the royal family. It is either a few princes with extraordinary skills, or a few current favored princes. Prince...

Chen Fan had a delicate expression.

Cheng Caiying said indifferently: This is the crown prince's guard of honor.

Cheng Caiying spoke very coldly, without any courtesy.

As he spoke, he went straight forward and walked over.

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, nodded towards him, and then followed Cheng Caiying forward.

When the young man saw the two walking straight over, his expression froze, and he hurried forward to grab Chen Fan.

The royal support is not something that anyone can get close to. If it is captured as a spy, it will be extremely troublesome!

Obviously, he believed too much what Cheng Caiying said. After all, if the two were really worthy of the prince's welcome, they would not go to Beijing alone without any flying spirit weapons or spirit beasts.

And Chen Fan looked like he was here for the first time.

It's just a pity that he couldn't intercept Chen Fan.

In desperation, the young man backed away immediately, watching Chen Fan and the two keep approaching the royal guard of honor from a distance.

What surprised him was that as the two walked forward, the guards outside the mighty guard of honor did not really intercept the two, but bowed and saluted one by one, saying that they were adults.

Cheng Caiying also nodded, and stopped a certain distance away from the golden chariot, with Chen Fan standing beside him.

But at this moment, a young man in a golden robe stepped down from the golden chariot.

He looked at Cheng Caiying with a smile: Caiying, you are back.

With a meticulous face, Cheng Caiying bowed slightly: His Royal Highness!

This person is Liu Lun, the current crown prince.

Chen Fan also took a few more glances at him. Liu Lun is the nephew of the nineteenth prince.

But it seems that he is more mature than the nineteen princes.

In fact it is true.

There is a big age gap between the first prince's heirs, but the current prince is no younger than the nineteen princes.

Talent and status are all much higher than that of the nineteenth prince.

As the crown prince of a country, he even went out of the city to meet Chen Fan himself, which Chen Fan himself never thought of!

The man walked forward with a smile and grabbed Chen Fan's palm.

Chen Fan, I finally see you!

Chen Fan also hurriedly said respectfully: I have seen His Royal Highness.

In the world of martial arts, those who practice martial arts don't pay much attention to those common etiquettes. After reaching the level of a master, they don't have to obey the so-called etiquette of kneeling!

Even if you see the emperor, you don't have to kneel, let alone a prince!

The prince smiled slightly, looked Chen Fan up and down, his eyes were full of appreciation:

I've heard that you, Chen Fan, are amazing and talented. At the age of sixteen, you can defeat the grand master. You can be called the first person in my career.

At that time, there were quite a few people who looked down upon you, but in the past few years, you were able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Jiuzhong, but Gudu is far inferior...

Feeling the hot gaze of the prince, Chen Fan felt a little embarrassed, and quickly clasped his fists again:

Without the prince's kindness, recommending me to be in the Embroidery Building, Chen Fan wouldn't be able to grow up so fast.

I'm not able to compete with the Nine Layers, but defeating the Martial Academy, the Nine Layers monsters in the Vientiane Void, and the real Nine Layers warriors or Nine Layers monsters, there is nothing comparable...

In fact, although Xiuyilou helped him, it was just icing on the cake.

The prince smiled even more, but shook his head: You are too modest!

As he said that, he quickly pulled Chen Fan into his chariot:

Let's stop talking nonsense here, you come to the imperial capital, Gu will take care of you.

This... The prince was so enthusiastic that Chen Fan couldn't quite get used to it, and unconsciously looked at Cheng Caiying.

The prince noticed Chen Fan's gaze, but he looked directly at Cheng Caiying: Caiying, come up with Chen Fan.

Yes. Cheng Caiying immediately bowed and nodded when she heard the words. Although her injury was not healed, she didn't even say a word when facing the prince's order.

So cute, Chen Fan was curious to take a few more glances.

The hospitality was hard to come by, and Chen Fan also sat in the prince's royal chariot.

On the other side, the young man pulling the big bird stared dumbfounded at Chen Fan and the two getting into the prince's chariot!

People who can ride with the prince in chariots can never be ordinary people!

He thought of the encouragement he had given Chen Fan before, but he also laughed at himself, and then pulled Big Bird forward.

On the chariot, although Chen Fan wanted to invite that enthusiastic passerby to join him, it was impossible for him to do so.

Chen Fan was not in charge of the prince's chariot, but he just shook his head watching the young man pulling the big bird go away through the window.

The imperial capital is huge, and it is not easy to encounter it by chance!

Take a chariot all the way forward.

After stopping, Chen Fan and the others had already arrived in front of a tall and magnificent attic!

Standing under it, Chen Fan also looked slightly sideways.

There is a huge plaque on it, with four characters heaven and earth written in dragons and phoenixes.

Chen Fan took a few more glances.

The red carpet had already been laid before the pavilion, and there were even more attendants outside the door. It was obvious that the prince had already made preparations.

It's a pity that Chen Fan didn't see a few women in cool clothes, but this seems to be a decent restaurant!

Seeing the arrival of the prince and others, attendants came up immediately, asking for their health and giving directions, but the service attitude was amazing!

The prince smiled and said:

This 'Heaven and Earth' is run by my mother's family, and it is considered the number one entertainment venue in the imperial capital. Not only are the meals excellent, but there are also many entertainments...

This heaven and earth is elegantly decorated, with small bridges and flowing water. If you enter it, those who don’t know it will think they have entered a certain scenic spot!

The prince was surrounded by guards in a certain range, and there were very few guests around the heaven and earth, and when they met occasionally, they were all pushed aside by the guards!

Those who can enter this heaven and earth are not ordinary people, but there are few who can compare with the prince.

All the way inward, and then they will enter a magnificent hall. There is a high platform in the middle of the hall. Someone led a few people up the side stairs to a private room upstairs!

The decoration of the private room is chic, the tall floor-to-ceiling windows open, facing the high platform below!

Apart from Wen Siyuan and Cheng Caiying, there were only a few personal guards of the prince himself.

It is said to be a private room, but it is actually huge, like a hall.

There is a big table in the middle, and on the table, there is a huge bull's head!

This bull's head was bigger than Chen Fan's whole body, and the smell of meat constantly wafted from it, making people move their index fingers.

Chen Fan couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The prince smiled and said:

This is a rare delicacy. It is the head of an eightfold monster, a powerful demon cow. It is extremely difficult to cook. It needs to be prepared by someone who has mastered the 'fire spirit' and the artistic conception of fire... It is the best in the world, even if it is Gu has never eaten a few times...

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