My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 329: Tantaiyue's Gift

The two bid farewell to the members of the Tantai family immediately.

That Tantaiyue looked rather reluctant, Brother Chen Fan, can we exchange communication stones, and we will contact you later?

For a girl who was pampered and pampered since childhood, the experience of this day is full of legends!

Chen Fan smiled awkwardly: I don't have a communication stone!

Tan Taiyue's eyes lit up, and then she took out a crystal-clear spirit stone, I still have a communication stone that has not recognized the owner, and I will give it to Brother Chen Fan!

Chen Fan also shook his head quickly: I can't accept this thing!

The items selected by Chen Fan and the others in the treasury were not much more valuable than communication stones.

Patriarch Tantai shook his head: Chen Fan, the thing you selected before is probably a useless fragment. In this case, this communication stone can be regarded as compensation for the gift that Tantai's family gave you!

Patriarch Tantai is also very generous.

And Tan Taiyue also boldly persuaded Chen Fan a few words.

Chen Fan is not a polite person either, knowing that this thing is really nothing to Tantaiyue and the Tantai family, so he just accepted it.

Saying goodbye to Tantaiyue and others, the two left Tantai's house.

Heading out of the city all the way.

Cheng Caiying shook her head helplessly:

Unfortunately, the Tantai family will not easily deal with the two of us, and insisting on giving gifts shows that the Tantai family is not willing to keep favors easily!

For the two of them, items worth thousands of yuan crystals can't be said to be small, but they are nothing!

It would be a great thing if Tantai's family could be left with a favor.

Chen Fan said: To save Tantaiyue, Senior Sister fought hard with Shizhong. This kindness is beyond heaven, even if the Tantai family sends any gift, it can't compare with it!

Then he looked at the communication stone sent by Tantaiyue in his hand, and said with a smile:

Besides, you and Tantaiyue have already bound the communication stone to each other, so we can contact each other directly through the communication stone. If there is a chance in the future, do you still worry about our relationship?

Cheng Caiying also looked relaxed and nodded.

And indeed it is.

Cheng Caiying fought ten times for Tantaiyue, how could this friendship be ended so easily!

If the two encounter troubles in the future, please ask the Tantai family for help, and the Tantai family will never refuse!

This kindness is a great benefit.

And Chen Fan left, playing with the communication spirit stone in his hand.

But I also thought about the relatives and friends in Qinghe County. If there is a chance, I can buy a few more communication stones and stay in Qinghe County, which is also convenient for long-distance contact.

But this thing is too expensive, even if it is left to Ye Wuji and Ye Wushuang, it will feel a little guilty...


On the lonely road between wilderness.

Chen Fan and Chen Fan are on their way at high speed.

There is not much distance between the two of them from the imperial capital.

Although Cheng Caiying has not fully recovered from his injuries, he is still working hard to mobilize his true energy and has a bright future.

However, during the gallop, it took only two hours to walk out of Lingyu City.

Chen Fan, who was following Cheng Caiying, saw Cheng Caiying suddenly gushing out a mouthful of blood, with black air lingering on his face, his body suddenly froze, and he sat cross-legged on the ground!

Chen Fan's complexion also changed slightly. He noticed that Cheng Caiying's breath was not right, so he stayed temporarily and guarded him.

After a while, Cheng Caiying's breath returned to calm.

Chen Fan hurried forward: Senior Sister, are you okay?

Cheng Caiying had an ugly expression and waved her hand:

I was trying to be brave, I underestimated the power of the ten-fold master's attack...

My injury seems to be a gangrene. The more I mobilize my true energy, the faster the injury will spread...

At this time, the injury broke out. I'm afraid I won't be able to continue to act in a short time. I have to refine the elixir to recover from the injury! Trouble, I have notified the prince that we will arrive today. I'm afraid I will break my promise...

She also looked ugly.

If she had known that this would happen, she would rather hide in Tantai's house for a few days, fully recover from her injuries, and then go on her way!

There is a certain gap between Cheng Caiying's real strength and Shi Zhong's. With the help of Tianzi Sword's explosive power to resist Shi Zhong, how could she recover so quickly!

If he hadn't refined the heavenly elixir obtained from Tantai's house, he might not even be able to do it!

Chen Fan also said helplessly: Since this is the case, senior sister, you can refine the elixir with peace of mind. I will protect you. There is nothing you can do if you wait a day or two longer.

Cheng Caiying nodded.

In fact, Chen Fan was also very helpless. He had suggested asking the Tantai family to send a carriage or pick up a flying spirit beast earlier.

It's a pity that Cheng Caiying directly rejected it.

Now it is the most embarrassing situation.

Cheng Caiying sat cross-legged on the side of the road to recuperate, while Chen Fan was bored and took out dry food and gnawed beside him.

In fact, with his strength, even if he doesn't bring dry food, it won't affect his journey, unless he goes to a place where there is no vitality!

Suddenly, the pale-faced Cheng Caiying opened his eyes.


Chen Fan also looked towards the end of the road.

There was a lot of smoke and dust, and it seemed that there were horses galloping at high speed.

Soon I saw a convoy coming from afar.

There are about a dozen carriages pulling goods, and there are also guarding knights in front of and behind the carts!

You can see the flag fluttering in the wind from a distance!

It seems to be an escort agency!

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows. These horses are not ordinary horses, but demon horses with the blood of monster beasts!

And the escorts around.

The temples are also swollen, obviously they are all masters of martial arts!

It's also difficult for Chen Fan to judge the strength of these people without doing anything.

But he didn't feel any fear or danger, which meant that these people were generally not too strong.

A young man who was at the front of the line expressed that he came on horseback, stopped in front of the two of them in surprise, and looked at them: Could it be that the two of you are on the way to Beijing, and you are a bad thief?

Cheng Caiying sat on the side of the road with a pale complexion, apparently not in a good condition.

Chen Fan smiled and nodded.

Naturally, it is impossible to say that this was done recklessly with a tenth-level master, and the other party will not believe it!

That bodyguard looked only twenty-five or sixteen years old, still very young!

Wait a minute...

Instead, he immediately turned around, exchanged a few words with a middle-aged man dressed as an escort riding a tall horse, and then returned with a smile.

I just told Chief Escort Yuan that we are about to rush to the imperial capital, you two can go with our convoy... We still have vacant seats in the carriage!

As for the safety of the two, you can rest assured. The chief escort of our Nantian Security Bureau, Mr. Yuan, is a master and strong man, and it is difficult for ordinary thieves to get close!

Chen Fan couldn't help laughing, and his heart moved, but he didn't refuse, but turned to look at Cheng Caiying.

What do you think, Senior Sister?

Under normal circumstances, Cheng Caiying would not act with these people, but at this time she was injured, and it might be difficult to recover in a short time!

Refining elixir on the side of the road is refining, and refining it in a horse-drawn carriage is also refining.

Taking advantage of the Escort's carriage, he should be able to reach the imperial capital today, so it's not like breaking his promise to the prince.

She nodded.

Chen Fan also cupped his fists at the young bodyguard, Excuse me, Your Excellency!

Cheng Caiying was injured, and she was also a female family member, and she was also taken into a carriage of the Escort Bureau!

He got into the carriage and didn't communicate with others, just sat down cross-legged and continued to refine medicine to heal his injuries.

And the bodyguard team also squeezed out a person, gave up a horse to Chen Fan, and followed the bodyguard team.

This team of bodyguards are generally warriors who are above the fourth level of martial arts. The horses are all extraordinary, and they all have the blood of monsters, so they move fast.

The young bodyguard who invited the two to accompany him was called Feng Boshe.

He looks young, but he has already reached the fifth level of martial arts, and he is also a genius disciple of a certain size, and he can be regarded as a relatively powerful character in the Escort Bureau.

Chen Fan rode a horse and walked in front of the convoy with Feng Boshe.

Feng Bo said:

The two of you are too careless. How dare you go to the wild at will. Given the current chaotic situation in Daqian, there are bandits and bandits everywhere. With your senior sister's beautiful face, it will be troublesome if you encounter unruly enemies!

This Feng Boshe hadn't thought about it at all, the two had no taboos because of their strength.

Chen Fan frowned and said in surprise:

We are in the imperial county, close to the imperial capital. Could it be that there are such rampant bandits who dare to block the road at the foot of the emperor to rob?

Feng Boshe shook his head:

It's close to the imperial capital, and it's not that you have already entered the imperial capital. Bandits rob you, that will care so much about you! We are going to the imperial capital from Yuanyang City, the imperial county, but we have encountered four or five waves of bandits blocking the way in three days. Already!

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