My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 324: Urgent Mission

Wen Siyuan put away the communication spirit stone.

Chen Fan and Cheng Caiying looked at each other.

Wen Siyuan also turned his head and said: Chen Fan, you heard it too, I have other urgent matters to deal with, so I can only put you down temporarily...

When Chen Fan heard the words, he nodded solemnly to express his understanding, and at the same time he did not forget to say:

Master Wen has important business, so be careful when you go!

Wen Siyuan nodded, and looked at Cheng Caiying again: Caiying, you will lead Chen Fan into Beijing from now on, be careful...

Wen Siyuan stopped the bronze chariot immediately, Chen Fan and Chen Fan landed on the ground, and Qicai took up the bronze chariot again and flew away.

The speed is a bit faster!

Returning to the imperial capital is naturally a different mood from going to exterminate demons.

Even if you want to activate the potential of the bronze chariot, you have to reach the northern border sooner.

Watching the bronze chariot leave, Chen Fan couldn't help asking Cheng Caiying:

I've heard of Heavenly Demons, but how dare you ask Senior Sister, what is Demon General?

Cheng Caiying said with a delicate expression:

You should know that before the Great Era, it was for Dayong. The Dayong Dynasty taught without discrimination. Apart from normal warriors, it also accommodated many alien races... The Dayong Dynasty has seventy-two demon generals, all of whom are strong alien races. By!

Thousands of years ago, Dagan rose up and Daeong fell. Most of the seventy-two demon generals were killed, but there were few demon generals of special races with extremely strong vitality. Even my Dagan immortal master could not be killed. I could only suppress, Seal it up...

Chen Fan also stared wide-eyed:

A demon general from the Great Eternal Period? If this demon general can live to this day, he is probably at least a great demon of immortality. Can Commander Wen beat him?

Cheng Caiying shook her head:

Being able to live up to the present may not necessarily be the realm of longevity. The lifespan of other races cannot be compared with that of humans. And even some human races, tenth-level warriors, may not be unable to live for a thousand years...

Of course, if the demon general was in its heyday, Commander Wen would not be an opponent at either end, but the demon general has been sealed for thousands of years, and I am afraid that his strength will not survive...

Since the queen mother ordered Commander Wen to suppress it, it is natural to believe in Commander Wen's methods. This should not be our worry.

Chen Fan also nodded when he heard the words.

Cheng Caiying looked solemn, However, it seems that there have been demons in the northwest before. It is not a good sign to encounter the second demon at such a coincidence...

Chen Fan also frowned deeply.

When I lived in a corner of Qinghe County, I thought that the main enemy of Daqian was the monsters of the Western Wilderness, but after the death of the first emperor and the chaos in Dagan, the monsters are the most stable. It is really speechless!

He couldn't help but said:

Such a big event happened in the northern border. Why didn't the Queen Mother send Chen Wudao, the owner of the embroidery building, to take action. He doesn't have special magical powers. He is so far away, so he should be there in one step?

It should be easy to deal with this descended demon with the strength of Lord Chen, right?

Cheng Caiying also couldn't help but look at Chen Fan:

You know a lot, and you know how powerful Mr. Chen is! It's a pity that those people may not be ordered by the queen mother... Do you always have leisure when you are a family? It's not just the chaos in the north, but also the chaos in the south. The war is not over yet...

Chen Fan was also speechless.

Cheng Caiying shook her head again: It's useless to say so much. The matter of the devil general is beyond our level. Let's go to the imperial capital as soon as possible.

Senior Sister is right! Chen Fan nodded.

I can't follow Wen Siyuan to the northern border to slay demons!

Flipping his hands, he took out the map in the Sumeru Ring.

For feudal dynasties like Daqian, maps are an extremely precious resource. When Chen Fan was in Feiling County, he could only get the maps of the surrounding cities and was not allowed to leak them out.

But with his current status, he can easily get the detailed map of Dagan!

At this time, the two of them were not far from Emperor County, only about half a day away.

It's just that without the flying chariot, the two of them will be walking to Emperor County!

The two set off immediately.

The strength of the two is full of endurance. Of course, the two of them can't directly fly in the air, the speed is limited, and the consumption is also high.

Although Dang Rang was acting on the ground, the speed of the two of them was also very fast.

Even when you encounter obstacles, you can use the power of heaven and earth to fly over them.

However, Chen Fan thought of the technique of flying swords. If Le Shaoyuan could walk directly with the sword, the speed would be even faster!

Chen Fan wanted to match Cheng Caiying's speed, but also suppressed his full speed.

Cheng Caiying said helplessly:

If we had known about this kind of thing, we would have come back with a flying spirit beast. I don't have a flying spirit weapon as good as Mr. Wen's. I'm afraid it won't be as fast as us with you...

Chen Fan also smiled when he heard the words.

Flying artifacts are good, but they are really expensive. To ensure speed, you need a high quality!

For Chen Fan, this thing is not really just needed.

He mastered the artistic conception of thunder and lightning and the artistic conception of wind. Although the two can no longer be directly superimposed, his speed is much faster than ordinary ninth-level warriors!


The two moved forward together.

It was getting dark.

While walking quickly, Cheng Caiying froze suddenly, then turned his hand and took out a token.

It was the token of the Xiuyi Building, with a red aura flashing on it.

Chen Fan also frowned, stopped, and also took out his token, which was also shining with aura:

It's an urgent task for Xiuyilou...

The Embroidery Building can confirm the location of the Embroidery Messenger according to the token, and will also issue some urgent tasks according to the region!

The martial arts disciple's token is not as convenient as the communication stone that Wen Siyuan used before.

Generally, the Xiuyi Building unilaterally sends mission information, while the martial arts disciples can only send a signal for help, but cannot pass back other information through tokens!

Cheng Caiying said:

It is for us to rush to help... It should be a child of the big family of Emperor County, who was attacked, not far from us...

Chen Fan frowned: I'm afraid it's not an ordinary martial arts family that can directly mobilize the power of Xiuyilou. What do you think, Senior Sister?

This kind of urgent task does not mean that it must be done, but it still depends on personal strength and situation. After all, your own life is the most important thing.

With the crown prince on their heads, the two may not be punished for not accepting the task.

Cheng Caiying narrowed her eyes: Go and have a look. Since Xiuyilou has passed us a task, it's not something we can't do.

Chen Fan also nodded when he heard the words.

Even in Emperor County, the strength of the two can be called the top, so naturally they still have confidence.

The two moved forward.

Soon Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and looked into the distance with a frown.

There was golden light shining and black smoke rising.

It is also extremely obvious in the night!

The howling wind and the tumbling air waves made people feel extremely terrifying from a distance, and there was a special aura that made people shudder.

Daoyu...and should be a real ten-fold master...

Seeing such a scene, Cheng Caiying shook her head: It's better for us not to get involved in this level of fighting...

Cheng Caiying mastered the sword intent, her strength was unparalleled, and she held the Tianzi sword in her hand. Back then, the dragon master of Wujianmen almost fell into her hands, so her strength is naturally extremely powerful.

Also has the ability to dabble in ten heavy battles.

But being capable doesn't necessarily mean you're willing to provoke Shi Zhong!

Chen Fan also nodded.

But at this time, on one side and in the other direction, there was a sudden loud roar, and then the sky exploded into smoke.

Is this... a distress signal?

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, and that side was out of the range of the top ten masters!

But the distance is so close, it should have something to do with it!

He turned to look at Cheng Caiying.

Cheng Caiying hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, Go and have a look.

Just five minutes ago, my sister just came out of the delivery room and gave birth to a fat son. I was promoted to uncle, so happy! It's a pity that I'm in Wuhan, the epidemic is a bit serious, and I don't want people to accompany me, otherwise I might not be able to write today and go to the hospital...

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