My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 317 Virtual Genius


Chen Fan followed Mao Wangchen into a garden that was firmly guarded by the guards of the martial arts academy.

They came to a magnificent pavilion.

Fluorescence is shining above the gate of the high pavilion, and an enchantment is arranged!

Mao Wangchen turned his hand and took out the token, and then led Chen Fan into it.

In the spacious and huge room, there are complicated formation patterns, and in the middle of the formation is a jade pot.

This is the real body of the Vientiane pot!

Chen Fan's eyes widened, I always thought that the big pot in Vientiane Square was a part of Vientiane Pot...

Mao Wangchen shook his head: If it's really a Taoist weapon, how can I put it outside without worry, it's just a projection that carries the power of the Vientiane Pot.

Chen Fan nodded.

Mao Wangchen said again: If you want to use the power of the Vientiane Pot, stay in this sealed place and use it slowly. This thing must never be taken out!

Chen Fan nodded again to express his understanding.

Then Mao Wangchen flicked his sleeves.

The dazzling light flickered on the jade pot, and after a moment of dizziness, Chen Fan found himself in a place shrouded in a milky white light curtain, but the ground was a large grassland.

Mao Wangchen was standing in front of him with a smile.

And at this moment, Chen Fan also felt the trembling of the Star God Seal in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. If he wanted to, he could leave this environment at any time!

Of course he didn't do that, but looked at Mao Wangchen next to him.

Mao Wangchen waved his hand and pointed to a huge palace in Yuangui.

Chen Fan was stunned: This is... the Hall of Illusions?

Mao Wangchen smiled and said: Yes and no, the Myriad Illusion Array in the Wanxiang Palace does come from the Wanxiang Pot, but the elemental power transformed in the Wanxiang Palace is actually converted from the primordial stone. However, the Wanxiang Pot is completely virtual world, this is a false world!

Chen Fan also nodded when he heard the words.

In this way, this false Myriad Illusion Palace is useless to him.

Then Mao Wangchen paced forward, but brought Chen Fan to a huge arena.

I will give you a certain amount of authority. In the future, you can come here by yourself with your nameplate of the martial arts academy. You can enter the Vientiane Void Realm without limit in the Vientiane Pot... and even challenge everyone who left their names on the Void Realm. phantom!

Chen Fan's eyes lit up when he heard that.

Can I challenge Brother Le?

Mao Wangchen smiled slightly, but shook his head, It's not just Le Shaoyuan...

He waved his hand, but a huge Vientiane Pot appeared in front of Chen Fan, just like the huge Vientiane Pot in the delusional square of the outside world. On the surface of the pot, densely packed names flashed.

It's just that most of these names are unknown to Chen Fan, and Chen Fan soon saw Le Shaoyuan's name in more than 20 places above it!

Chen Fan was startled: Could it be...

Mao Wangchen nodded:

What is recorded on it is the current ranking of all the Wuxiang Xujing disciples in Daqian. Le Shaoyuan is ranked first in our martial arts academy, but he is only 21st in Daqian!

Chen Fan also said in disbelief: Brother Le Shaoyuan's talent and strength are only ranked in the top 20?

You know, Please He Wuyuan is also in the middle and upper reaches of Dagan Wuyuan, and can be ranked in the top ten.

It's not that Le Shaoyuan is not good, but that someone is even better.

Hearing this, Mao Wangchen also had a subtle expression on his face. With another wave of his hand, the suffix of the name of the martial arts academy was added to the end of these names.

Chen Fan widened his eyes, scanned over, and found that nearly half of the top 30 were from the same martial academy——

Imperial Capital Headquarters!

The strength of the General Academy is much stronger than that of the Academy, and there are even many talented disciples who have reached the tenth level and are still in the Haori Building of the Martial Academy...

Even Chen Fan couldn't help but look at the names in the front row.

In the top three, two are members of the Imperial Capital General Court, the first is Shen, and Shen Yuansi.

The second person is called Xu Yongyi, and the third is Wu Guangqi!

He didn't know each other. He kept seeing the tenth name before he finally saw a name with an impression.

Yuan Daokong... I seem to have heard of this person's name somewhere, and he seems to be an embroidered clothes messenger?

Yuan Daokong is indeed the Embroidered Clothes Emissary, and a disciple of Tianzhilou, with a great reputation, but Chen Fan didn't know that Yu Hengcheng had performed missions with Yuan Daokong, and he didn't know that the one who beat the demon girl seriously The original path is empty!

Dean Mao Wangchen narrowed his eyes and said:

Those who can be ranked in the top 20 of the overall list are actually not very different in strength. If the two are really fighting, the 20th may not be able to beat the 10th...

Of course, those who can rank in the top few must have quite powerful means. After all, the Vientiane Void Realm is just a Void Realm, and not everyone is pursuing a higher ranking in the Void Realm...

Of course, although the Vientiane Pot is powerful, the simulation is through the simulation of these people in the Vientiane Void Realm battle, not real people. You have to keep this in mind!

Chen Fan squinted his eyes, but his heart was full of fighting spirit.

Such a character, just anyone, is probably no worse than that Pu Zhongyu!

But now that he has the opportunity to fight against so many geniuses, even though it is only an illusion, Chen Fan is extremely excited!

Mao Wangchen saw Chen Fan's appearance, but he didn't say much, and then explained the precautions to Chen Fan, and then left...

Chen Fan was left alone excitedly mobilizing the power of the Vientiane Pot.

Chen Fan has the authority to slightly mobilize the simulation power of the Vientiane Pot, and even virtual creation.

But after playing a few times, Chen Fan lost interest.

Immediately afterwards, he began to use the power of the Vientiane Pot to simulate a strong enemy.

He was the first to choose Le Shaoyuan for a simulated battle!

And Chen Fan also suppressed himself. He fought against him without using Rage. After using the Transformation technique to shrink his body, he won the victory relatively easily.

The imaginary realm is not reality, and Le Shaoyuan's true strength is not reflected at all. The power of the flying sword technique, the Tiangang Blood Sword, is difficult to reflect on ordinary weapons!

Chen Fan naturally wouldn't be too proud.

Although it is also a simulation, the genius disciples of the Wuyuan Academy simulated by the Vientiane Pot are much more powerful than those monsters in the Vientiane Void Realm assessment.

After all, the simulation of these characters is to eradicate the actual performance of these people!

Afterwards, he continued to challenge Le Shaoyuan and restricted the conditions again, not using the transfiguration to fight with him. Although he only restricted this point, the difficulties Chen Fan encountered increased a lot.

Although I still won in the end, it was more difficult to win...

After defeating Le Shaoyuan, Chen Fan began to challenge one by one according to the rankings, and fought past.

He managed to finish fifth without using Rage.

The fifth-ranked genius disciple is a master who has really advanced to the tenth level. Although Chen Fan can fight against him without using Rage, and persists undefeated with his strong physique, it is extremely difficult to win!

The fifth is already the real tenth, so how terrible is the first three?

Of course, it doesn't mean that the top three must be top ten, and it doesn't necessarily mean that they are powerful if they are in the forefront.

But compared to their performance in the Vientiane Virtual Realm assessment, naturally the higher they are, the more powerful they are!

Chen Fan fought extremely hard, but he didn't use Rage in the end. Although Rage was good, the increase was too terrifying, and it didn't help him to hone himself.

For Chen Fan, it doesn't matter to use Rage in actual combat, but in the illusion, it is unnecessary.

The whole day was soaked in it, Chen Fan had a good fight, but he couldn't help but feel regretful in his heart, if he can fight these people in real life, it will really make people feel happy!

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