My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 314 - On a whim

In the spacious trial room.

The young man stood up in embarrassment, his face full of disbelief:

How is it possible? I almost got under the armor in the first level of the force measurement level, and I couldn't even survive a single move in the second level. How can there be a few people who can pass it?!

The examiner in the corner raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but look at Guan Longping:

Didn't you say that you are not allowed to use martial arts, Guan Longping, you are a disciple of the fifth level of the Martial Academy, so there is no need to do this when dealing with a third level?

I didn't use any martial arts.

Guan Longping shook his head and said:

It's just that this junior brother claims to be an admirer of my junior brother Chen Fan. I pay more attention to him, so naturally I have to be stricter. I didn't expect this junior brother to be obviously not strong enough...

As he spoke, he said seriously: Please ask the instructor to record the results.

As soon as this remark came out, the instructor was also a little speechless.

Then he looked at the boy with regret.

This level challenges the old disciples, which is mixed with the subjective factors of many old disciples. The opponent is more ruthless, and the difficulty of passing the level also increases sharply. There is no way to do it!

And Guan Longping claimed that he didn't use his martial arts, so the instructor didn't know what to do. Could it be that for a disciple who might not be able to get started, he asked for another person to take the test again?

The young man looked bewildered.

He came to Qinghe County from thousands of miles away, and he was very confident in joining the martial arts academy. However, the first level was close to the grade A, and his strength was far beyond that of warriors of the same level, but he just lost in the second level...

Of course he refused to accept it!

Guan Longping stood calmly in the middle of the room, closing his eyes for self-cultivation.

But at this moment, there was a sudden commotion from outside, Guan Longping frowned and opened his eyes: What happened?


The door that was originally closed suddenly opened.

A figure walked in.

The instructor frowned and looked at the person coming, and said, Student, this assessment is not over yet, why did you come in?

The visitor shook his head, I'm not here for the assessment.

He turned his head and focused his eyes on Guan Longping in the middle of the hall.

Obviously, he just cast his gaze over him, he didn't move, and he didn't show the coercion of the power of heaven and earth. Just watching this action made Guan Longping's head drip with cold sweat.

The instructor's expression also changed suddenly: Grandmaster master?!

In just an instant, cold sweat continued to ooze from Guan Longping's head. He changed his cold and arrogant face just now, and forced a smile from the corner of his mouth:

Chen, Junior Brother Chen Fan? Is that you? You're back?!

As soon as this remark came out, the instructor paused, and the young man who was participating in the assessment couldn't help but stared at Chen Fan intently!

Chen Fan shook his head, raised his hand, and threw a head in front of Guan Longping.

You should know this person, right?

It was Peng Wansha's head.

Guan Longping saw his face clearly, his expression froze, and he felt infinite panic welling up in his heart.

Chen Fan came to him with Peng Wansha's head. Naturally, he had already discovered something, and it was impossible for him to quibble!

He fell to his knees directly:

Junior Brother Chen Fan! Please forgive me, I was just deceived by this person...

Seeing this move, the instructor and the boy looked at this scene with strange expressions.

Didn't you say that the two are brothers?

Chen Fan shook his head:

Peng Wansha has provided information for Wujianmen for a long time and committed a capital crime. As his downline, you deserve to die. I will kill you today. What else do you have to say?

Guan Longping trembled when he heard the words, and then said in a panic:

I don't know, he is providing information to Wujianmen, and I haven't revealed any important information to him! I... Junior Brother Chen Fan, I really don't have any!

Chen Fan just looked at him indifferently, without saying a word.

What Guan Longping said should be true. He probably didn't know that Peng Wansha leaked the information to Wujianmen, and Guan Longping didn't have the courage to get involved with Wujianmen.

But no matter who was offline, they used their relationship with Chen Fan to ease the relationship with Chen Fan on the surface, but they were secretly observing Chen Fan's movements and revealing information.

It may cause serious consequences to Chen Fan!

Although Chen Fan and Guan Longping are senior brothers, they are also the most unfamiliar senior brothers. Naturally, it is impossible to really care about the old relationship. He said coldly:

Master never complained about you before he left, and I was too lazy to talk to you. If you really reconcile with me and take your time, I won't care so much. Unfortunately, you are too stupid.

Chen Fan gradually walked forward, Guan Longping trembled all over, but he didn't even have the ability to turn around and run away.

Chen Fan raised his hand and placed it on Guan Longping's head.


The young man and the instructor only felt a flash in front of their eyes, and with a bang, a headless corpse fell to the ground, while Chen Fan was holding Guan Longping's hair and holding the man's head!

Then the lingering flames rippling, his head instantly turned into coke, not even a bit of bone left.

When this scene happens.

The young man who participated in the trial was extremely astonished, and the instructor next to him changed his face and got up, and said sharply:

Chen Fan! What are you doing? No matter what grievances you have, how can you do it on this occasion? You are confused!

Chen Fan waved his hand, and showed Mao Wangchen's badge again: I have obtained the approval of President Mao.

As soon as this remark came out, the instructor was stunned for a moment, and then smiled wryly:

However, our assessment is ongoing, how can we continue? Also, if you killed Guan Longping on the spot, should you also pay attention to the impact? It's not like I'm still here...

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows helplessly when he heard the words, and looked at the young man next to him.

However, to Chen Fan's surprise, instead of feeling any fear or panic, he was extremely excited, which naturally did not have any psychological impact on him.

He smiled slightly at the boy, then turned his head, looked at the instructor and said, In this case, how about I help the instructor in the second half of the assessment?

He is also on a whim.

In fact, even if he killed someone and left directly, the other party would have nothing to say.

It's just that although Chen Fan is strong enough, he doesn't want to embarrass these ordinary instructors.

They killed someone and left directly, but they didn't know what kind of trouble they would encounter later.

Anyway, he has resolved all the threats at this time, and nothing happened.

The instructor was stunned, obviously moved, but still couldn't help saying: This doesn't seem to be in line with the rules of the martial arts academy...

Chen Fan threw the token Mao Wangchen gave him directly, With this, what rules are irregular, is it important?

As soon as this remark came out, the instructor was completely speechless.

Saying that, Chen Fan looked at the young man: Come on, you are the first one!

The young man was overjoyed when he heard the words, he had already been eliminated by Guan Longping, so he was extremely happy to have another chance, not to mention that the other party was still the object of his admiration.

The instructor next to him held the token thrown by Chen Fan, but smiled wryly...

With Chen Fan's current strength, he was really overqualified to be the subject of the second round of individual examinations, but the effect was better than one.

And since no one had ventilated in advance, he wasn't going to cover anything.

This young man is called Tang Wenbin, he is not from Qinghe County, but his strength is extraordinary. Chen Fan roughly estimated the level of martial arts disciples, and he was obviously able to pass, so he gave him a second-class rating.

With Chen Fan's strength, it is extremely easy to evaluate the strength level of third and fourth level disciples.

The speed of the assessment is also very fast...

As for the assessors, they are naturally more excited to see the legend of the past appearing in front of them.

As the half-day assessment passed, the news about Chen Fan returning to the martial arts academy alive also spread throughout the martial arts academy.


One day passed.

Dean chamber.

Mao Wangchen looked at Chen Fan who came to return the token in front of him, feeling proud but also feeling extremely headache.

Of course, he also knew that what Chen Fan did was restrained enough.

If it was changed to Le Shaoyuan's character, telling you after killing someone would only make his dean's position even more embarrassing.

It's normal for a genius to have arrogance!

Mao Wangchen restrained his miscellaneous thoughts, and looked at Chen Fan with a subtle expression: I just received the news from the Fucheng family that Hua Wenbin...has confirmed his death...

The corners of Chen Fan's mouth twitched, his expression unchanged: Then his luck is really bad.

In fact, not only Hua Wenbin, but also his grandson Hua Yunlan is dead, but as a martial artist under the seventh level, not many people pay attention to whether he is dead or not.

As a disciple of the martial arts academy, accidents may happen if you complete the mission yourself!

Mao Wangchen glanced at Chen Fan with a subtle expression:

It's true that they were at fault for the Hua family's matter... But since the person is dead, let's just let this matter go, do you think it's okay?

Chen Fan nodded: Of course.

Chen Fan is not a cruel person, he must let the Hua family be exterminated, he has always been right and wrong!

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