My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 299 Strike with all your strength (, Jiageng)

The moment Chen Fan flew up, he felt the change in his sea of ​​consciousness.

He also realized that at that moment just now, this Pu Zhongyu had already launched a spiritual attack on him, but he had the Star God seal, so the spiritual attack he launched could not cause any harm to him at all!

I have the seal of the Star God. For me, Pu Zhongyu is equivalent to abolishing a key move!

Chen Fan's confidence soared, his body didn't hesitate at all, and he slashed the sword again!


This time it was the eighth level Thunder Saber!

Amidst the roaring sound, thick thunderbolts descended and struck Pu Zhongyu's surrounding area with a loud bang!

The spreading thunder broke through Pu Zhongyu's island in an instant, and blasted towards him.

Pu Zhongyu looked at Chen Fan who was not standing still in front of him with a look of horror!

How can it be?!

However, her complexion changed suddenly, and she raised her hands suddenly, and then the aura around her was fleeting, and the red Dao domain continued to solidify and shrink in an instant.

While constantly shrinking the Dao Domain, his body is also constantly retreating!

It's a pity that she thought her mental attack could be effective, but she was really not prepared for this sword.


Blood gushed out of her mouth again, and in front of her, the countless thunder lights that spread finally broke through the final boundary and came in front of her.

boom! !

Its body flew high uncontrollably, crashing towards the edge of the huge barrier behind it.

Then it rebounded and hit the ground.

A large amount of blood smeared out, and a burning smell rippling around!

Gu Tian was terrified, rushed forward and shouted: Senior Sister, I'll help you!

With a wave of his hands, a huge bell suddenly grew bigger, and then flew towards Pu Zhongyu in an instant!

But at this time, with the blood light spreading again, a bloody ring-shaped weapon slammed into the giant bell!


The loud roar continued to rippling around with the shock wave, and the giant clock was intercepted from the middle.

Do you think I don't exist?

But amidst the demon girl's coquettish laughter, he unfolded his Dao Domain again, this time staggering Chen Fan and the two of them, and heading towards the ancient sky.

Gu Tian's complexion changed slightly: The witch is looking for death!


There was a flash of spiritual light around Gu Tian's body, and he actually opened up a dao domain like a fog!

The realms of the two intertwined and collided constantly. The witch was obviously a little bit lost, her body retreated sharply, and blood spurted out of her mouth.

It's just that she didn't show any fear. Instead, she giggled, and when she joined her hands, a burst of light suddenly rose!

A burst of blue fluorescent light flashed around the earth, but it enveloped the demon girl herself and Gu Tian in a blue fluorescent formation.

Then a blood-colored beam of light pierced through the ancient sky's dao domain and hit him!

Killing array?! Oops!

Gu Tian's expression froze suddenly, but he had no choice but to recall the giant clock to protect his body, but he couldn't break through the demon girl's killing array for a while...

He had guessed a long time ago that these two people must have made arrangements in advance to invite the two of them here, and he also guessed that there might be traps, but based on his recognition of the strength of the two of them, he didn't take the witch girl seriously.

It's just that at this moment, although he is not afraid of the witch, he has to say that with the help of the formation, the witch can't break free even for a while!


On the other side, while watching Pu Zhongyu fly upside down, Chen Fan turned into a streamer and quickly approached Pu Zhongyu again.

And at this moment, Pu Zhongyu raised his head suddenly, the red Dao Domain unfolded again, invisible pressure surged over Chen Fan, and at the same time, Chen Fan had a special feeling of chills.

He suddenly spread out the sword field around him, separating Pu Zhongyu's dao field in an instant.

Then he raised his sword abruptly and showed his side. Where there was nothing, Chen Fan's sword light froze for an instant.


Then the terrifying impact rippled around!

Even Chen Fan couldn't help but fly back!

Pu Zhongyu stood up at this time, but looked at the illusory light around Chen Fan in disbelief.

The Dao Domain?! He actually comprehended the Dao Domain?

At this moment, all she had left in her heart was a loss.

I am amazed by Chen Fan's talent!

It is precisely because she also controls the Dao Domain that she knows how difficult it is to comprehend this thing.

And the other side.

The witch who was always watching the battlefield here also looked at Chen Fan with a look of horror: It turns out that the younger brother has already comprehended the Dao domain...

She finally knew where Chen Fan's confidence came from!

You must know that when she met Chen Fan a few years ago, the other party had just been promoted to the seventh level, and he had comprehended the Dao Domain in just a few years?

Who dares to believe this?

And from the power displayed by its Dao Domain, it can also be seen that the power of this Dao Domain is very powerful!

Chen Fan shook his head.

His own sword domain is naturally powerful, but the coverage is a big problem, it can only cover a few feet around, which is far behind Pu Zhongyu and Yao Nu!

He tilted his head, but rushed forward again, holding the Taihe sword high, turning into a streamer.

Pu Zhongyu bit her tongue, and a bloody arrow spewed out of her mouth, and as she spewed out this bloody arrow, the blood on her body suddenly filled up.

The color of the dao domain surrounding him also became stronger!

Chen Fan rushed to the edge of Pu Zhongyu Daoyu in an instant, and swung his sword coldly.

Chen Fan's murderous intent boiled over, and he swung his sword, and the sword domain turned red, and the sword light swept across the waves, and Pu Zhongyu's Dao domain could not be maintained, and it burst at this moment!

And Chen Fan grinned grimly, and his body turned into a streamer again and rushed out.


At the same time, the sword domain around him was completely turned into fiery red, covering Pu Zhongyu in the sword domain.

go to hell!

The once unrivaled opponent is now not his opponent at all.

Chen Fan swung his sword down again, and the blazing fire swept towards Pu Zhongyu along with the sword field!

But at this moment, Pu Zhongyu didn't have any blood on his face, and when he flipped his hands over, there was an extra purple gourd in his hand!

She opened the gourd, and a vortex emerged from the mouth of the gourd.


The terrifying suction explosion surged instantly, and the space was distorted at this moment.

It doesn't matter whether it is the invisible sword energy or the Sun Yang Lie Huo Jian that Chen Fan cut out, but it is absorbed by the gourd at this moment!

Even Chen Fan's Sword Domain was distorted at this moment!

But in an instant, there was a cracking sound on the gourd. Pu Zhongyu retreated sharply, waved his hand, and threw the gourd high in his hand, but rushed straight towards Chen Fan!


Chen Fan also trembled in his heart, but retreated a few steps quickly, and then shot out a sword energy.

Before the gourd got close to Chen Fan, it was already smashed into pieces!

It's just that as the gourd burst, there was also a large impact force rippling away, causing a terrifying impact indiscriminately, and crazily stirring up Chen Fan's sword field!

Chen Fan's face was terrified, but he had no choice but to keep retreating wildly.

After retreating at least tens of feet, the impact lost its threat.

Chen Fan took a deep breath, and looked at the scene in front of him with awe: What a miraculous thing, this Pu Zhongyu is really not simple, to have such a treasure in his hand... But this should be a one-time item, there will be no next time...

As the impact continued to wear off, Chen Fancai looked at Pu Zhongyu again.

At this time, Pu Zhongyu's face was full of embarrassment, her hair was curly, her cassock was scorched black, and the blood at the corner of her mouth had dried up, but she was not as beautiful as a fairy.

She looked at Che Feinan with a pale face, her expression was extremely complicated, but she said:

Chen Fan, do you remember what you said three years ago, you said that you didn't kill my brother... Now I am willing to believe you, if you are willing to turn around and help me kill the demon girl, I can let the past go, the relationship between us Enmity can be written off!

Chen Fan looked at Pu Zhongyu with some sarcasm, his body moved against the wind, and he traveled countless distances to Pu Zhongyu's side in an instant!

The red Dao Domain around Pu Zhongyu's body was incomparably illusory at this time, colliding with Chen Fan's sword domain in an instant, and the chirping sound continued to resound.

Although Chen Fan's sword domain is strong, it hasn't been completely solidified yet, neither the distance nor the power is particularly great, but at this time Puzhong was forcibly torn apart twice, but it still can't stop Chen Fan's sword domain's overbearing!

And looking at Chen Fan who raised his sword again and came towards him again, Pu Zhongyu also understood that what he said was just false, he turned his head and looked at the witch who was entangled with Gu Tian in the blue formation next to him, and a flash of light flashed across his face. A touch of determination.

But with a flip of his hand, he took out a white jade box that shone with a cold breath!

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan suddenly had an extremely bad intuition in his heart, but his eyes moved forward coldly, and he didn't dare to restrain himself or hide anything, and broke out violently in an instant.


The suffocating tyrannical coercion rippled, and Chen Fan's body turned into blood, like an arrow from the string, and the sword light in his hand suddenly swung towards Pu Zhongyu!

go to hell!

Chen Fan did not hide his killing intent at all, and at this moment, the body of the witch not far away suddenly trembled, and she was even more shocked at Gu Tian who was trapped in the formation inside!

Thank you Zanarkand for the reward of 8500 points, and he is also the first rudder owner of this book. Thank you, and I will add more!

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