My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 292 The Bao Family's Danger

Under the blessing of the Sword Domain, the power of Chen Fan's move has increased by an unknown amount. At the same time, Pu Shaohao has been suppressed by the Sword Domain, and the power of Chen Fan's sword is far beyond Pu Shaohao's imagination. powerful!

The flaming giant sword arrived in an instant.

Almost instantly.

The phantom of the huge shield in front of Pu Shaohao shattered, and at the same time, some cracks appeared on the shield in his hand!

His face changed suddenly, but he had already crushed the talisman in his hand, but what made him desperate was that after his body flickered slightly, there was no transfer!

The next moment.

With a click, the aura of the huge shield in front of him was completely dimmed, and countless cracks appeared on it, breaking apart!

Then the dazzling fire completely engulfed Pu Shaohao's figure.


A moment later, an invisible sword energy swept in, and his screams and wailings came to an end.

Under Chen Fan's sword, his body was completely ashes. Except for a Sumeru ring and a close-fitting inner armor, other protective items and spiritual vestments were all burned to ashes by the flames!

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, stepped forward to pick up Xumijie and the inner armor, thinking in his heart:

Although this guy is powerful, he still has a lot of gaps compared to Le Shaoyuan, Pu Zhongyu and others... If I use 'Rage', I should be able to break through his protection in an instant and kill him instantly!

Shaking his head, Chen Fan didn't regret the time delay, after all, it's safer to be sure of everything!

Afterwards, he also took advantage of the wind, and within a few jumps, he returned to the front of Ye's house.

But at this moment, the members of the Pu family who were still left just now have all turned into corpses!

In addition to the smell of burnt cooked meat, there was blood everywhere.

A woman stood in front of those corpses: Senior Sister, I will help Junior Brother cut the weeds and roots, Junior Brother will not blame me, right?

Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, looked at the strange woman in front of him, and shook his head: Of course not.

The demon girl smiled, and said with a delicate expression: When I was helping my junior to solve the future troubles just now, I also discovered that a space-locking formation has been set up here, and it should be the work of the Pu family...

Actually, Junior Brother, you can do it right here!

Chen Fan was startled when he heard that.

The expression became a little weird.

That's right, if I want to prevent Pu Shaohao from having the opportunity to escape, why doesn't the other party have the same idea!

Afterwards, Chen Fan turned his head to look at the Ye family who had lost the protection of the formation, but he didn't immediately show his face to meet the members of the Ye family, but then turned his head to look at the witch:

The remaining ineffective Pu family disciples in Yandu City will be handed over to Senior Sister. I'm going to Feiling County.

All the grandmasters of the Pu family in Yandu City gathered here, and all of them died. The remaining Pu family in Yandu City are all below the grandmaster level, so naturally they are not worth mentioning!

The follow-up cleaning will be left to Pu Zhongyu.

As the core disciples of the Pu family were all dead, Chen Fan felt relieved to deal with the follow-up issues.


Ye family.

Master, the battle outside seems to be over?

Ye Wushuang nodded, with an extremely complicated expression, and said, I'll go and see the situation, you guys stay here!

After saying that, Ye Wushuang jumped straight down from the pavilion, and arrived in front of the mansion in two or three steps. Through the blue enchantment, he looked at the outside scene with some horror.

There were burning corpses everywhere, no living people were present, only scenes like ruins, and the spreading blood showed that a fierce battle had taken place before.

Ye Wushuang took a deep breath, at a loss:

In the end what happened?


Feiling County.

When the disciples stationed in the Pu family in Yandu City started attacking the Ye family, Feiling County fell into chaos.

The Bao family, which was once prosperous, now looks dilapidated.

Bao Tianyou knelt down on one knee, with blood spurting out of his mouth, and tightly clutching the knife in his hand.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the warriors in his courtyard:

Aren't you really going to give our Bao family a way to survive? The old man is dead, and our Bao family doesn't have a sixth level, so it won't affect the current situation of Feiling County at all!

Not far behind him, a distressed old woman was holding a two or three-year-old boy with a dazed and timid face!

Next to Bao Tianyou, there were also children of the Bao family, all of them were bruised and swollen, and they were in a panic!

But it was the two groups of warriors in front of them that caused the current situation.

One group came from the Yuan family, a martial arts family in Feiling County, but the other group came from Feihumen!

Hmph! A fat middle-aged man shouted coldly with a chill on his face:

Oh, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. When Chen Fan was alive, your Bao family used his name to make a lot of money. Now that Chen Fan is gone! You shouldn't have used some resources and kept shirking, which led to us Come here today?

This person is the head of the Yuan family!

An uncontrollable anger flashed in Bao Tianyou's eyes:

Chen Fan... He was powerful back then, did our Bao family bully the Yuan family in any way? Those gifts and resources were all voluntarily sent by the big families in Feiling County. Is this our fault?

Besides... In the past two years, since Grandmaster Guo arrived in Feiling County, our disciples of the Bao family have been suppressed all the time. How can we have money and resources? Even if we have, you can do it? Is Feiling County Don't you need to talk about king's law?!

At the beginning, the Yuan family was one of the few families in Feiling County. Even if the old man of the Bao family passed away, their family background was not comparable to that of the Yuan family!

After Chen Fan became famous, Bao Tianyou was promoted to the position of head of the Bao family, but he was very low-key. He was originally good at communication and knew the principle of win-win.

So in the past two years, although the Bao family had benefited a lot from Chen Fan's reputation, they never offended or used Chen Fan's power to bully other forces!

This Yuan family is clearly using the help of Grandmaster Guo to deliberately suppress the Bao family!

When the fat man heard this, a look of impatience flashed across his face, and he kicked out suddenly, Bao Tianyou hurriedly blocked it single-handedly.

Wang Fa?! Hmph, the Chen Fan you relied on is dead, and the Bijing Gate in Yandu City can't take care of himself. Now in Feiling County, Master Guo is Wang Fa!

The Xiuyilou knew about Chen Fan's death, but how could these low-level warriors know!

Chen Fan hadn't seen him for three years and couldn't be contacted, but the news of his death spread widely!

VW has pretty much acquiesced to this.

The knife in Bao Tianyou's hand flew out, and he was kicked violently by him and hit the wall behind him!

It collapsed to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from its mouth!

As Bao Tianyou was kicked away, the boy who was being held by the old woman behind him suddenly burst into tears, waved his hands, and kept struggling in the old woman's arms:

Daddy, Daddy... what's wrong with you?!

Bao Tianyou stood up in embarrassment, and another mouthful of blood spewed out!

The disciples of the Bao family next to him were about to burst into tears, but they didn't dare to resist.

Seeing such a scene, an old man behind the fat man couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but stepped forward and said:

Patriarch Yuan, it's better not to go too far. Everyone is from Feiling County, and they don't see each other when they look down... The Bijingmen sect has long since collapsed, and the Bao family can't do anything...

But the person is the master of Feihumen, Teng Bo, who is also the master of Yan Lincu and others!

The head of the Yuan family glanced at Teng Bo and snorted coldly:

Now Feiling County, who is in charge, don't you know? Guo Zongshi supports my Yuan family, and Feiling County is up to my Yuan family to have the final say. Who would dare to stop Bao's family from being slaughtered with one order? ? The He family dares, the Lin family dares? Or the Hanmei Pavilion, the Sixiangmen dare?

You Flying Humen are valued by Mr. Guo. It's your luck to support you. If you don't want to, there will be a lot of martial arts schools lining up behind you!

Teng Bo smiled wryly, but he didn't dare to say anything more!

Seeing that Teng Bo remained silent, the fat man sneered, turned his head to look at the people from the Bao family around him, and finally focused on Bao Tianyou again: said:

Bao Tianyou, I think you are a meritorious person who lost your arm for the county seat. I will not make it difficult for your Bao family... I will give your Bao family a week to prepare a thousand taels of gold and thirty true yuan pills. , if the preparations are not complete, the Bao family will not have to exist in the future!

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